Uploading file using MVC

  1. #1

    Uploading file using MVC

    I am trying to upload a file. The form which I am using is a partial view. Here is the code:
    <form id="uploadForm" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        .Title("Upload an image")
                    Html.X().FileUploadField().ID("FileUploadField1").EmptyText("Select a file").FieldLabel("File:").ButtonText("Browse").Icon(Icon.PageWhitePut).LabelWidth(30).InputWidth(520).AllowBlank(false)
                .Listeners(l => l.ValidityChange.Handler = "#{okButton}.setDisabled(!valid);")
            .DirectEvents(de =>
                de.Click.Url = Url.Action("UploadClick");
                de.Click.IsUpload = true;
                de.Click.FormID = "uploadForm";
                de.Click.Before = @"
                    if (!#{uploadFormPanel}.getForm().isValid()) {
                        return false;
                    Ext.Msg.wait('Uploading your photo...', 'Uploading');";
                de.Click.Failure = @"
                    title   : 'Error',
                    msg     : 'Error during uploading',
                    minWidth: 200,
                    modal   : true,
                    icon    : Ext.Msg.ERROR,
                    buttons : Ext.Msg.OK
    Code is actually taken from sample application, I have just added a window (I need to have a modal form for uploading a file). The problem is that HasFile property of FileUploadField is allways returning false. What should I do?
  2. #2
    Hmm I discovered one interesting fact. If I use plain FormPanel (without a window), everything works, but as soon as I put a FormPanel in a Window file upload does not work. Please try it yourself. This is the code (from samples) which works:
        ViewBag.Title = "Index";
        Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_BaseLayout.cshtml";
        var X = Html.X();
    @section example
    <form id="fileUpload" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                //.Title("File Upload Form")
                .PaddingSpec("10px 10px 0 10px")
                .FieldDefaults(fd => fd.LabelWidth = 50)
                .Defaults(d =>
                    d.Add(new Parameter("anchor", "95%", ParameterMode.Value));
                    d.Add(new Parameter("allowBlank", "false", ParameterMode.Raw));
                    d.Add(new Parameter("msgTarget", "side", ParameterMode.Value));
                        .EmptyText("Select an image")
                .Listeners(l => l.ValidityChange.Handler = "#{SaveButton}.setDisabled(!valid);")
                        .DirectEvents(de =>
                            de.Click.Url = Url.Action("UploadClick");
                            de.Click.FormID = "fileUpload";
                            de.Click.Before = @"if (!#{BasicForm}.getForm().isValid()) { return false; }
                                Ext.Msg.wait('Uploading your photo...', 'Uploading');";
                            de.Click.Failure = @"Ext.Msg.show({
                                    title   : 'Error',
                                    msg     : 'Error during uploading',
                                    minWidth: 200,
                                    modal   : true,
                                    icon    : Ext.Msg.ERROR,
                                    buttons : Ext.Msg.OK
    But if you just surround a FormPanel in a Window like this:
        ViewBag.Title = "Index";
        Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_BaseLayout.cshtml";
        var X = Html.X();
    @section example
    <form id="fileUpload" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        .Title("Upload an image")
                //.Title("File Upload Form")
                .PaddingSpec("10px 10px 0 10px")
                .FieldDefaults(fd => fd.LabelWidth = 50)
                .Defaults(d =>
                    d.Add(new Parameter("anchor", "95%", ParameterMode.Value));
                    d.Add(new Parameter("allowBlank", "false", ParameterMode.Raw));
                    d.Add(new Parameter("msgTarget", "side", ParameterMode.Value));
                        .EmptyText("Select an image")
                .Listeners(l => l.ValidityChange.Handler = "#{SaveButton}.setDisabled(!valid);")
                        .DirectEvents(de =>
                            de.Click.Url = Url.Action("UploadClick");
                            de.Click.FormID = "fileUpload";
                            de.Click.Before = @"if (!#{BasicForm}.getForm().isValid()) { return false; }
                                Ext.Msg.wait('Uploading your photo...', 'Uploading');";
                            de.Click.Failure = @"Ext.Msg.show({
                                    title   : 'Error',
                                    msg     : 'Error during uploading',
                                    minWidth: 200,
                                    modal   : true,
                                    icon    : Ext.Msg.ERROR,
                                    buttons : Ext.Msg.OK
    then whole sample does not work. I need this to be in a window (due to my apps design). What should I do?

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