I have the next property grid:


<ext:PropertyGrid ID="PropertyGridReservation" Width="500" Height="300" Title="contexto" runat="server" >


    <ext:PropertyGridParameter Name="<%$ Resources: Reservation_DepartAgenceCode %>" >


        <ext:ComboBox ID="cmbReservationDepartAgenceCode" Width="150" HideLabel="true" 

        runat="server" StoreID="storeReservationDepartAgenceCode" DisplayField="Name" SelectOnFocus="true"

        ValueField="Id" TypeAhead="false" ForceSelection="false" MinChars="1" HideTrigger="true"

        EmptyText="<%$ Resources: cbEmptyText %>" Resizable="false" ValueNotFoundText="<%$ Resources: cbEmptyText %>" />



    <ext:PropertyGridParameter Name="<%$ Resources: Reservation_DepartHeure %>" Value="" >


        <ext:TextField ID="TextFieldReservationDepartHeure" runat="server" Regex="<%$ Resources:RegularExpressions, RegExTime %>" />




</PRE>I have found two errors:

1-. If I define in the editor a combobox when it runs my application I select a value from the combo, the value is set correctly but if I click again in the field the value is lost.

2-. If I use regular expression in a textfield, it never show the value I introduced, always shows "" (if I remove the property Regex works fine)

Can you help me please?

Thanks a lot!