Hi, everybody!

I have an grid with row expander, and i'd like to format an date/time field from database.
My date/time field {hora_inicio} and {hora_fim} its rendered like this (in bold):

Das Sat Dec 30 10:10:00 UTC-0300 1899 às Sat Dec 30 12:00:00 UTC-0300 1899

And i want it like this (in bold):
Das 10:10 às 12:00

Any ideas?

<ext:GridPanel ID="GridPanel1" runat="server" StoreID="Store1" Title="Semana Acadêmica" Frame="true" Height="600" TrackMouseOver="true" StripeRows="true">


<Template ID="Template1" runat="server">

<div style="padding-left:45px">
<p>Ementa: {ementa}</p>
<p>Local: {local}</p>
<p>Das{hora_inicio} às {hora_fim}</p>
