
I have a grid panel with numeric field (amount, price, totalprice), after changing the value of the price-field I want to set the value of the totalprice numeric field.

The Stores datasource contains a list of business objects ...*

I implemented an AjaxEvent like follows

<ext:Column DataIndex="Amount" ColumnID="Amount" Header="Amount" Width="75" Align="Right">
*																<ext:NumberField ID="nfAmount" runat="server" FieldLabel="Menge" DecimalPrecision="2"

<ext:Column DataIndex="UnitPrice" ColumnID="UnitPriceNETBase" Header="Unit Price"
																Width="75" Align="Right">

																		*<ext:NumberField ID="nfUnitPrice" runat="server" FieldLabel="UnitPrice" DecimalPrecision="2" DecimalSeparator=",">
*																		<Change OnEvent="SetTotalPrice" />

*														<ext:Column DataIndex="TotalPrice" ColumnID="DiscountRate" Header="Total" Width="75"
*																<ext:NumberField ID="nfTotalPrice" runat="server" readonly="True" FieldLabel="TotalPrice" DecimalPrecision="2"
																		DecimalSeparator="," />
*														</ext:Column>

The Event is fired but the Column "TotalPrice" as well as the Numberfield "nfTotalPrice" does not show any value

		protected void SetTotalPrice(object sender, AjaxEventArgs e) {
			double amount = Double.Parse(this.nfAmount.Value.ToString());
double price = Double.Parse(this.nfUnitPrice.Value.ToString());
			nfTotalPrice.SetValue = amount * price
What's wrong?