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  1. #21

    RE: [CLOSED] [MVC] ASP.net MVC

    Hi Juan,

    Are you loading the Tab with server-side or client-side code?

    On the server-side I think you should be able to call the .Load method on the Tab and pass in a LoadConfig object with Scripts = true set.


    LoadConfig config = new LoadConfig("/controller/action/55");
    config.Scripts = true;
    Hope this helps.
    Geoffrey McGill
  2. #22

    RE: [CLOSED] [MVC] ASP.net MVC

    Hi Geoffrey,

    I'm loading the tabs on the client side using pure ExtJs. The reason I'm not using the Coolite TabPanel is that I needed to use the additional plugins on the tab and I could not figure out how to do it in coolite.

    Is there a way I can resolve this?

    Thanks for your help.

    - Juan
  3. #23

    RE: [CLOSED] [MVC] ASP.net MVC

    What do you mean by "additional plugins on the tab"? Can provide a link if this is a UX extension?
    Geoffrey McGill
  4. #24

    RE: [CLOSED] [MVC] ASP.net MVC


    This is what I mean by additional plugins on the tabs:

    var tabs = new Ext.TabPanel({
                      border: true,                
                      plugins: new Ext.ux.TabCloseMenu(),
    Is there a way to do this within Coolite?


    - Juan
  5. #25

    RE: [CLOSED] [MVC] ASP.net MVC

    Hi Juan,

    Support for Plugins has been added. See Release Notes Revision #96 (line item #11).


    The Plugins property and UX sample Plugin is available via SVN and will be publicly available with the release of v0.6.0.

    Hope this helps.
    Geoffrey McGill
  6. #26

    RE: [CLOSED] [MVC] ASP.net MVC

    I uploaded a Plugin sample to the Sandbox, see http://sandbox.ext.net/Plugins/TabCloseMenu.aspx

    Just right-click on any Tab to trigger the TabCloseMenu plugin which displays a Context Menu with options to close "this" tab or "other" tabs.

    In the "Source" Window, the UX Plugin code is available which demonstrates how to create a custom user Plugin control ( <ux:TabCloseMenu> ).

    Notice how only Tabs marked as "Closeable" can be closed by the TabCloseMenu Context Menu.

    The .aspx source demonstrates three options for setting the same Plugin, although only one is required.

    Hope this helps.
    Geoffrey McGill
  7. #27

    RE: [CLOSED] [MVC] ASP.net MVC


    Thanks for your quick response. This is exactly what I need. I guess I'll have to wait until release 0.6.0 comes out...

    - Juan
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