Hi all,
I have a MVC Ext.NET web project.
I do a base controller with the following code :

 public class BaseController : Controller
        protected override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)

            if (filterContext.Exception.GetType().Equals(typeof(ModPastiUserNotExistException)))
                ViewBag.CurrentErrorMessage = filterContext.Exception.Message;
                filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
                ErrorModel errorInfo = new ErrorModel(filterContext.Exception, "ErrorController", "Index");
                errorInfo.Titolo = "Autenticazione";
                errorInfo.Messaggio = filterContext.Exception.Message ;

                filterContext.Result = View("error", errorInfo);
                ViewBag.CurrentErrorMessage = filterContext.Exception.Message;
                filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
                ErrorModel errorInfo = new ErrorModel(filterContext.Exception, "ErrorController", "Index");
                errorInfo.Titolo = "Errore";
                errorInfo.Messaggio = filterContext.Exception.Message;

                filterContext.Result = View("error", errorInfo);
All the controllers of the app derive from base controller.
The Home Page has the following method :

  public ActionResult Index()

            if (UserPermission.Instance.UserExist(HttpContext))
                return View();
                throw new ModPastiUserNotExistException();
I implemented both the error/index.cshtml and the ErrorController.cs and also the specialized exception.
Why the exception is not raised when in instanciate it?
Thanks in advance,