The Coolite examples page has an example on how to create linked combo boxes. (In the example, selecting a given country in one combo box drives the values in the store for the cities combo box. So, you are only shown valid cities for the selected country.)

Has anyone done something similar to this *within* a GridPanel?

The situation I have is a GridPanel where the first column's editor is a combo box where you can select the record type being edited. In the second column, the values allowed are based on which type of record has been selected.

Here's a simplified example. What if you could edit the row and select if it was an Email or a Phone call as the message type. Then, the second column would let you choose either a phone number from one store, or an email address from another store as the source. Hopefully the skeleton code below will illustrate what I mean:



            <ext:Column ColumnID="Type" DataIndex="MessageType">
                <Renderer Fn="function(v, p, record, rowIndex){return TranslateMessageType(#{CommodityTypeStore},v);}" />
                 <ext:ComboBox runat="server" DataIndex="MessageType" StoreID="MessageTypeStore" DisplayField="Name" ValueField="TypeId" />

            <ext:Column ColumnID="Source" DataIndex="MessageSource">
                 <ext:ComboBox runat="server"DataIndex="MessageSource" DisplayField="Name"ValueField="SourceId" />

So, the two problems I'm facing are:
(1) In the linked combo box example, the combos are not within the grid view. Once in the grid view, how can we find them properly to cause the value of one combo to affect the other's store?

(2) In my example, I don't just trigger the subordinate combo's store to be updated based on the first combo. I also need to load appropriate store values for each row based on the record's initial values.

Any suggestions or pointers from people who have done similar would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.