[CLOSED] Multifield bug?

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Multifield bug?

    Having issues with the Multifield when using a DateField and a TimeField. The seem to be overlapping one another.


    <ext:FormPanel runat="server">
            <ext:FormLayout runat="server">
                <ext:Anchor runat="server">
                    <ext:MultiField runat="server" FieldLabel="Start Date/Time">
                            <ext:DateField ID="dfStartDate" runat="server" Width="200" />
                            <ext:TimeField ID="tfStartTime" runat="server" Width="200" Increment="15" />
                    <ext:MultiField runat="server" FieldLabel="End Date/Time">
                            <ext:DateField ID="dfEndDate" runat="server" Width="200" />
                            <ext:TimeField ID="tfEndDate" runat="server" Width="200" Increment="15" />
  2. #2

    RE: [CLOSED] Multifield bug?


    Please provide full sample because that FormPanel with multifields works fine if paste to the new page
  3. #3

    RE: [CLOSED] Multifield bug?

    Here is the code:

    <ext:panel ID="pSpecs" runat="server" Border="false">
            <ext:FitLayout runat="server">
                <ext:TabPanel runat="server" Plain="true" BodyStyle="padding:10px">
                        <ext:Tab runat="server" Icon="Group" Title="Pre-Setup Specifictions">
                                <ext:RowLayout runat="server">
                                        <ext:Panel runat="server" Border="false">
                                                <ext:Checkbox ID="chkPreSetup" runat="server" BoxLabel="Allow pre-setup" />
                                        <ext:FormPanel runat="server" StyleSpec="padding-left:20px;padding-top:5px" Border="false">
                                                <ext:FormLayout runat="server">
                                                    <ext:Anchor runat="server">
                                                        <ext:MultiField runat="server" FieldLabel="Start Date/Time">
                                                                <ext:DateField runat="server" Width="120" />
                                                                <ext:TimeField runat="server" Width="120" Increment="15" />
                                        <ext:Panel runat="server" Border="false" StyleSpec="padding-left:20px">
                                                <ext:Checkbox ID="chkTimed" runat="server" BoxLabel="Timed Setup" />
                        <ext:Tab runat="server" Icon="Group" Title="Live Setup">
                                More here...
  4. #4

    RE: [CLOSED] Multifield bug?


    Still all fine for me. Please post full page markup
  5. #5

    RE: [CLOSED] Multifield bug?

    Alright, take the above code and place it in the following:

    <ext:ViewPort runat="server">
      <ext:FitLayout runat="server">
       <ext:Panel runat="server" Title="Project Wizard" Icon="BrickAdd" StyleSpec="padding:10px;" Border="true">
         <ext:ColumnLayout runat="server" FitHeight="true">
           <ext:Panel runat="server" Width="200" Border="false" BodyStyle="" StyleSpec="border-right:solid 1px #99bbe8;" >
             <ext:RowLayout runat="server">
              <ext:LayoutRow RowHeight="1">
               <ext:Panel runat="server" Border="false" BodyStyle="background-color:#d2e0f1;padding:5px;padding-top:10px;">
                 <ext:Label ID="lStep_ProjectName" runat="server" Icon="ControlBlankBlue" Text="Project Name" Cls="step-current" /><br/>
               <ext:Panel runat="server" Border="false" BodyStyle="background-color:#d2e0f1;padding:5px;">
                 <ext:ProgressBar ID="pbSteps" runat="server" Width="185" Text="" />
          <ext:LayoutColumn ColumnWidth=".75">
           <ext:Panel runat="server" Border="false" StyleSpec="padding:15px;padding-bottom:0px;" IDMode="Static">
             <ext:RowLayout runat="server">
               <ext:Panel runat="server" Border="false" BodyStyle="background-color:#d2e0f1;padding:5px;padding-left:8px;margin-bottom:15px;border:solid 1px #99bbe8">
                 <ext:Label ID="lStepHeader" runat="server" Text="" Cls="step-header" />
               <ext:Panel runat="server" Border="false" BodyStyle="font-family:Arial;font-size:14px;color:blue;padding:10px 50px 35px 50px;">
                 This is some text.
              <ext:LayoutRow RowHeight="1">
               <ext:Panel ID="pSteps" runat="server" Border="false">
                 <ext:CardLayout runat="server" ActiveItem="0">
                   <ext:Panel ID="pProjectName" runat="server" Border="false">
      <ext:FormPanel ID="fpProjectName" runat="server" Border="false" MonitorPoll="1000" MonitorValid="true">
        <ext:FormLayout runat="server">
         <ext:Anchor Horizontal="100%">
          <ext:TextField ID="tProjectName" runat="server" FieldLabel="Project Name" AllowBlank="false" MsgTarget="Side" IDMode="Static" />
             <ext:Button ID="tbbCancel" runat="server" Text="Cancel" Icon="Decline" />
             <ext:Button ID="tbbPrevious" runat="server" Text="Previous" Icon="ResultsetPrevious" />
  6. #6

    RE: [CLOSED] Multifield bug?

    Whenever the multifield is on the first tab, it overlaps the Datefield and the Timefield.

    All other tabs after that that have a multifield with a Datefield and Timefield, seem to render correctly.
  7. #7

    RE: [CLOSED] Multifield bug?


    Set HideMode="Offsets" for 'pSpecs' panel
  8. #8

    RE: [CLOSED] Multifield bug?

    That worked.

    Can you explain what this setting does exactly?
  9. #9

    RE: [CLOSED] Multifield bug?


    By default all controls (like inactive tabs, cards) using 'display:none' for hidding. If apply 'display:none' for control then impossible to detect its size (it always null). Therefore controls which render to the hidden area can't detect parent size and own required size.

    HideMode="Offsets" using another approach for hidding, just big negative offsets, control places outisde visible part of page therefore its size is not changing

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