Show Mask when Filtering or Sorting

  1. #1

    Show Mask when Filtering or Sorting

    Is there any way to show a mask while the filter is being applied to the grid? I have the same question regarding sorting. My dataset is quite large ~8000 records and even with paging turned on (20 records per page) the sorting and filtering can take along time to be applied. I imagine if there is a way it will have to be applied via javascript but I'm not sure where to start. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. #2

    RE: Show Mask when Filtering or Sorting

    With 8,000 records, you should be using remote paging and sorting. That way, only 1 page of data is loaded and sent to client.
  3. #3

    RE: Show Mask when Filtering or Sorting

    That's a good suggestion and I'll be looking into it in the near future. I was hoping this could be a patch for the near future until I redesign later on. I usually use chrome and firefox and the speed is great. IE 7 on the other hand tends to hang in between sorts and filters for a few seconds. I'm hoping the loading mask could be a quick fix for ie until I start using remote paging and sorting.
  4. #4

    RE: Show Mask when Filtering or Sorting

    If you insist, you just have to add a loadmask to your gridpanel

    <ext:GridPanel runat="server" ID="grid">
    <LoadMask ShowMask="true" />
    Make sure to implement remote paging/sorting later! It's probably fast for you but transfer time will be slow for real users.

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