Hi to all,

I am very new to Coolite, and I am trying the Treepanel example which is

: https://examples1.ext.net/Examples/TreePanel/Basic/SiteMap/

when i run this sample in Visual studio 2008, iam getting a error message as :

"The file web.sitemap required by XmlSiteMapProvider does not exist."

This error message is coming in the bolded line of code below:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

Dim siteNode As SiteMapNode = SiteMap.RootNode
Dim root As Coolite.Ext.Web.TreeNode = Me.CreateNode(siteNode)

'dynamic tree root
TreePanel2.Root.Add(Me.CreateNodeWithOutChildren(s iteNode))

End Sub

Please help how can i resolve this issue.
