[CLOSED] store.LoadData not working when data source is List<Object>

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] store.LoadData not working when data source is List<Object>

    I am trying to load store data with LoadData () function of Store.I try to explain what steps I follow

    Sample Controller

    public class ListOfObjectController : Controller
            // GET: /ListOfObject/
            public ActionResult Index()
                return View();
            public DirectResult LoadStore()
                List<object> o = new List<object>();
                o = Function(1, 2);
                var store = X.GetCmp<Store>("Store1");
                return this.Direct();
            public List<object> Function(Int64 p1, Int64 p2)
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                dt.Columns.Add("DBFIELD2", typeof(System.Int32));
                dt.Columns.Add("DBFIELD3", typeof(System.Int64));
                for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
                    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["DBFIELD1"] = i.ToString();
                    dr["DBFIELD2"] = i;
                    dr["DBFIELD3"] = Convert.ToInt64(i);
                    dt.Rows.InsertAt(dr, dt.Rows.Count);
                execute database query and populate datatable
                var list_of_Object = new List<Object>(dt.Rows.Count);
                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    var values = row;
                    var _temp = new[]
                        DBFIELD1 = values[0].ToString(),
                        DBFIELD2= Convert.ToInt32(values[1]),
                        DBFIELD3= Convert.ToInt64(values[2]),
                return list_of_Object.ToList();
    Sample View
             .IDProperty("DBFIELD1 ")
    Store not load with above process,but if i create a class and then prepare a list of this class follow above process then its works fine.then problem is if I start creating individual class for different data representation its going to unmanageable and also time consuming.

    Working Code With List of Class

    public class ListOfObjectController : Controller
            // GET: /ListOfObject/
            public ActionResult Index()
                return View();
            public DirectResult LoadStore()
                List<testobjectlist> o = new List<testobjectlist>();
                o = Function(1, 2);
                var store = X.GetCmp<Store>("Store1");
                return this.Direct();
            public List<testobjectlist> Function(Int64 p1, Int64 p2)
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                dt.Columns.Add("DBFIELD1", typeof(System.String));
                dt.Columns.Add("DBFIELD2", typeof(System.Int32));
                dt.Columns.Add("DBFIELD3", typeof(System.Int64));
                for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
                    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["DBFIELD1"] = i.ToString();
                    dr["DBFIELD2"] = i;
                    dr["DBFIELD3"] = Convert.ToInt64(i);
                    dt.Rows.InsertAt(dr, dt.Rows.Count);
                execute database query and populate datatable
                var list_of_Object = new List<testobjectlist>(dt.Rows.Count);
                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    var values = row;
                    var _temp = new testobjectlist
                        DBFIELD1 = values[0].ToString(),
                        DBFIELD2 = Convert.ToInt32(values[1]),
                        DBFIELD3 = Convert.ToInt64(values[2]),
                return list_of_Object.ToList();
        public class testobjectlist
            public string DBFIELD1 { get; set; }
            public Int32 DBFIELD2 { get; set; }
            public Int64 DBFIELD3 { get; set; }
    is there any way to do this with List<Object>?
    Last edited by Daniil; Dec 04, 2014 at 6:35 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @matrixwebtech,

    There is an essential difference between
    var _temp = new[]
            DBFIELD1 = values[0].ToString(),
            DBFIELD2= Convert.ToInt32(values[1]),
            DBFIELD3= Convert.ToInt64(values[2])
    var _temp = new testobjectlist
        DBFIELD1 = values[0].ToString(),
        DBFIELD2 = Convert.ToInt32(values[1]),
        DBFIELD3 = Convert.ToInt64(values[2])
    The first code snippet creates an array of object, the second one creates just an object.

    You should not create an array of objects here.
  3. #3
    Hi daniil ,thanks for reply and also pointing me what I was doing wrong.please close this thread.

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