Problem with AjaxMethod and prototype

  1. #1

    Problem with AjaxMethod and prototype


    Just wanted to know if there was a workaround for the following problem. I have created a javascript class using prototype. This class handles the clicking of a treepanel to create new tabs into a tab panel. The reason for the prototype class is just to tidy everything up as my tabpanel and treeview are in different usercontrols.

    Anyhow the problem I have is that the prototype class is calling ajaxmethods from within it and I am using the { success : callback } feature. This does work but I think it is losing the scope as it makes the ajax call and returns. The callback fires but the prototype class has lots its settings eg. local values etc.

    I can see what the problem is here. The ajax method is fired and on return it has lost a reference to the TreePanelManager class. Just wondering if someone could figure out how I could regain the scope back. I have figured out a workaround of doing away with all local references using (this.tree) but rather use the instance (tpm._tree) but this kind of breaks OO.

    Below is some sample code of what I am doing .....

    vart tpm = new TreePanelManager('tree', 'tabPanel');
    TreePanelManager = function(tree, tabPanel){
        this._tree = tree;
        this._tabPanel = tabPanel;
        this._cbEditWindow = null;
        this._cbEditWindowOwner = null;
        this._tempAsyncNode = null;
    TreePanelManager.prototype = {
        doSometing : function (owner){
                this._cbEditWindowOwner = owner;
                this._cbEditWindow = new Ext.Window({
                    title: 'Edit content',
                    layout: 'fit',
                    modal: 'true',
                    width: 800,
                    height: 600,
                    autoLoad: { showMask: true, mode: 'iframe', url: url }
               Coolite.AjaxMethods.CreateNode({success: this.doResult});
        doResult : function (result) {
               // do something with result
               // this._cbEditWindow always is null at this point
  2. #2

    RE: Problem with AjaxMethod and prototype

    You can pass the scope to the success function. I dont think this is in the Coolite example page of documentation but it is in the ExtJS API doc for Ajax.Request

         success: this.doResult,
         scope: this
  3. #3

    RE: Problem with AjaxMethod and prototype


    Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately it didnt work, it seems like it should so Im not sure if my implementation is wrong I will keep investigating....
  4. #4

    RE: Problem with AjaxMethod and prototype


    Try the following
    Coolite.AjaxMethods.CreateNode({success: this.doResult.createDelegate(this)});
  5. #5

    RE: Problem with AjaxMethod and prototype

    Again thank you....

    please mark as solved

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