[CLOSED] Change Badge on Tabpanel in code behind

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Change Badge on Tabpanel in code behind

    Hello again ;-)

    I want to show a badge with the number of records on my tab of the tabpanel.
    I had the badge implemented in the Plugins collection of the TabConfig of the panel (a grid panel in this case).
    I have given the badge an ID.
    Now I would like to change the Badges Text in the Refresh function of my store (server side), by using:
    badgeCompanies.Text = totalNumberOfRows.ToString();

    This gives me an error that I need to set the widgets ID before calling its functions. But it is set...

    I tried via X.Msg.Badge("mygridpanel", totalNumberOfRows.ToString()).Show(), but that shows the badge at the full right of the panel and not on the tab on top.

    I tried also via X.GetCmp<Ext.Net.Badge>("badgeCompanies").Text... , but that gave the same error in regards to the widget ID issue.

    How can that text of that badge be changed server side?

    Kind regards,

    Last edited by Daniil; Nov 17, 2014 at 2:34 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hello @reno,

    It appears a BadgeID.Text works for me during a DirectEvent.

    Please provide a test case.
  3. #3
    Hello Daniil,

    The BadgeID.Text works also for me, except when it is in TabConfig plugins section, then it is not.

    Kind regards,

  4. #4
    Please set IDMode="Explicit".
    <TabConfig runat="server">
            <ext:Badge ID="TabBadge" Text="Tab Badge" IDMode="Explicit" />
    Internally, a TabConfig has IDMode="Ignore" and everything inside inherits it. IDMode="Ignore" causes an id to be not rendered to client. It all leads to the Exception that you have faced.
  5. #5
    many thanks!

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