JSON encode records of a store

  1. #1

    JSON encode records of a store

    I maintain a store without any relevant grid (it is used behind a form) and I wish to encode all of its records in order to submit them as an AJAX event parameter. In the case of a grid I would have used:

    <ext:Parameter Name="Parameter1" Value="Ext.encode(#{GridPanel1}.getRowsValues(false))" Mode="Raw" />
    How could I accomplish that?



  2. #2

    RE: JSON encode records of a store

    Sorry I forgot to mention that if I attempt to encode the store itself or even a specific record of it, I get an error on Firebug: "too many recursions".

    Moreover, I tried to encode getForm().getValues() both as an object or as a string, but then when I deserialize the parameter on server I get an exception: "Could not cast or convert from System.String to System.Nullable`1 [System.Int32]".

    The values are all validated so I believe that possibly the form does not maintain field type information as a store does, and this is why I am trying to do that through a store. Of course I have tried to deserialize store values out of grid for the same record and it works perfect.

  3. #3

    RE: JSON encode records of a store


    The Store has the same function - 'getRecordsValues'
  4. #4

    RE: JSON encode records of a store

    Brilliant. Many thanks!

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