I have a ViewPort object, which has a child Panel on its body. In my Panel's body I have a fitlayout element and also it has a tabpanel child control. These controls are placed in my masterpage. I add new tabs with a client-side javascript. But I have a problem with my tabs. I add a new tab to my tabpanel and new page has a link which referred to open a modal page with window.showModalDialog javascript. When I click to my link new modaldialog opens and after I returned from the modaldialog my tabs are sliding up thus I can only see the half of them. Am I missing some property?

Thanks for your support.

<ext:ViewPort ID="ViewPort1" runat="server">
<ext:BorderLayout ID="viewPortLayout" runat="server">
   <ext:Panel runat="server" Header="False">
     <ext:FitLayout runat="server">
      <ext:TabPanel ID="btaMainTab" runat="server">
        <BeforeRemove Handler="tabBeforeRemove();" />