[CLOSED] Load grid with another grid data

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  1. #11
    Thanks for your reply,
    Now both code is working.
  2. #12
    Previous example is working fine but I want to do same functionality with grid inside RowExpander plugin.

    In my example ,there are 3 gridpanels.
    1 . targetgrid
    2. sourcegrid
    3. regrid
    regrid placed inside sourcegrid RowExpander plugin.
    I want to copy data from regrid to targetgrid on click on btnAdd.I am unable to write appropriate java script,so I keep btnAdd's .Handler(""),can you please help?

    may be the window is not required ,but I am try to prepare the test case as per original.

    Example View

                    Html.X().Column().DataIndex("reqid").Text("Common Name 1").Flex(1)
        .Listeners(l => { l.Show.Handler = "App.sourcegrid.getStore().reload();"; })
                  Html.X().Column().DataIndex("reqid").Text("Common Name 1").Flex(1)
                         .Listeners(l =>
                            l.Expand.Handler = @"var rowExpander = this;
                                        params: {
                                            reqid: record.data.reqid
                                        callback: function() {
                                            Ext.defer(rowExpander.cmp.doLayout, 1, rowExpander.cmp);
                                    // Start of Item 3
    										.Text("Add record")
            @(X.Button().Text("Click to open source grid window")
            .Listeners(l =>
                    l.Click.Handler = "App.Window1.show()";
    Example Controller

    public class Copy_Grid_to_gridController : Controller
            // GET: /Copy_Grid_to_grid/
            public ActionResult Index()
                var l = new List<testGrid>();
                for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
                    var o = new testGrid()
                        reqid = "GridPanel1-REQID-" + i.ToString(),
                ViewBag.loadgrid = l;
                return View();
            public ActionResult grid2data()
                var l2 = new List<testGrid>();
                for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
                    var o2 = new testGrid()
                        reqid = "GridPanel2-REQID-" + i.ToString(),
                return this.Store(l2);
            public ActionResult rowExpander(string reqid)
                var l2 = new List<rowexpander>();
                for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
                    var o2 = new rowexpander()
                        rowexpandertext = "Rowexpander-"+reqid+"-" + i.ToString()
                return this.Store(l2);
        public class testGrid
            public string reqid { get; set; }
        public class rowexpander
            public string rowexpandertext { get; set; }
  3. #13
    I want to copy data from regrid to targetgrid on click on btnAdd.I am unable to write appropriate java script,so I keep btnAdd's .Handler(""),can you please help?
    We would be happy to help, but, please, ask a more specific question. I mean breaking the "copy data" task into smaller pieces.
  4. #14
    Hi daniil,goodmorning,
    I think the scenario is clear to you.
    as per previous solution,I try

                                            .Text("Add record")
                                           .Handler("App.targetgrid.getStore().add(record); this.up('gridpanel').store.removeAt(recordIndex);")
    but this not working .how I get regrid for remove record?
  5. #15
    I think the scenario is clear to you.
    No, it is not. I don't quite understand what exactly you need to copy on the Add click.

    What is the "record" here?
    A Button's Handler doesn't have such the parameter. It is just a shorthand of a Button's Click listener.

    So, what do you mean under "record"?
    Last edited by Daniil; Sep 16, 2014 at 6:18 AM.
  6. #16
    No, it is not. I don't quite understand what exactly you need to copy on the Add click.
    I want to copy selected rows/data from regrid to targetgrid on btnAdd's click.

    how do I get regrid's store on btnAdd's click.
    Last edited by matrixwebtech; Sep 16, 2014 at 7:47 AM.
  7. #17
    Ok, selected rows.

    from regrid
    There might a few of regrid if a few rows are expanded. So, do you need to deal with all or it is supposed to be SingleExpand="true" there?
  8. #18
    In my case

    I read http://forums.ext.net/showthread.php...bject-quot,and try to set
    which may helpfull
    but I need the same for
    because my users expand each section,select some rows/record from grid inside Rowexpander (here regrid) and finally click on "Add record" .
    I request please run my example test case from http://forums.ext.net/showthread.php...ost196641,then I think you will understand the situation.
    Last edited by matrixwebtech; Sep 16, 2014 at 7:52 AM.
  9. #19
    Ok, then you need to iterate all the expanded rows of RowExpander. As far as I can remember, in some thread (started by you) I posted a piece of code how to do that.
  10. #20
    are you talking about http://forums.ext.net/showthread.php?42151 ?
    If yes,I think this is not same.can you please provide me the correct one?
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