[CLOSED] msg.Alert() not working

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] msg.Alert() not working

    I have controller code:

    public ActionResult SaveGridDataChanges(StoreDataHandler handler, int gridID)
                ChangeRecords<Object> rows = handler.BatchObjectData<Object>();
    catch (Exception e)
       X.Msg.Alert("Error:", e.Message).Show();
    // X.Msg.Notify("Error:", e.Message).Show();
    return this.Direct()
    not sure why is Notify() works but Alert() display no message ?
    Last edited by Daniil; Sep 05, 2014 at 4:43 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    The code you have posted appears to be correct.

    Please ensure you wrap all code samples in [CODE] tags.

    The Forum Guidelines provide tips on posting in the forums:

    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3
    [Code] tag added to prev request. still not working. I switched to use global error handling as below. the onAjaxException() never been called. Could you help spot any API error? what is good way to debug this ?
        //.ShowWarningOnAjaxFailure (false)
        .Listeners(l =>
                  l.AjaxRequestException.Handler = "onAjaxException";
     var onAjaxException = function (response, result, el, eventType, action, extraParams, o) {
                alert("Ajex exception called=" + eventType)
                if (eventType === 'event') {
                    //ajax event already has its own error handler
                Ext.Msg.alert('Error', result.errorMessage);
                // return false will stop event from bubbling
                return false;
      //direct event
            public ActionResult SaveGridDataChanges(StoreDataHandler handler, int gridID)
                ChangeRecords<Object> rows = handler.BatchObjectData<Object>();
                 throw new Exception(" test error"); 
                catch (Exception e)
                    //CPMAppUtil.LogError ("Error SaveCubeDataBulk gridid= " + gridID, e);
                    ResourceManager.AjaxSuccess = false;
                    ResourceManager.AjaxErrorMessage = "Data has no change";// not show
                    throw e;
                return this.Direct();
  4. #4
    As for the original post.

    Both, X.Msg.Alert and X.Msg.Notify don't appear for me. It happens because a sync request doesn't executed a response JavaScript code automatically.

    As for global handling. Yes, it is possible, but it might be a bit problematic to extract an error message.

    I would recommend this approach.

        var X = Html.X(); 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Ext.Net.MVC v2 Example</title>
            var onStoreException = function (propxy, response, operation) {
                var message = operation.getError();
                    iconCls: 'icon-exclamation',
                    html: message,
                    title: 'EXCEPTION',
                    hideDelay: 5000,
                .API(action =>
                    action.Read = "GetData";
                    action.Sync = "Sync";
            .Listeners(events =>
                events.Exception.Fn = "onStoreException";
        @X.Button().Text("Sync").Handler("App.Store1.getAt(0).set('test','new value'); App.Store1.sync({});")
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();
    public ActionResult GetData()
        return this.Store(new object[] 
                test = "Hello" 
    public ActionResult Sync(StoreDataHandler handler)
            throw new Exception("Some Error");
        catch(Exception e)
            return this.Store(e.Message);
        return this.Store(new object[] {});
  5. #5
    Great! That works.

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