Serious Performance issues - ViewPort - Urgent

  1. #1

    Serious Performance issues - ViewPort - Urgent

    We have an ASP.NET web application under development which uses coolite (0.8) controls extensively. We have serious performance issue with ?Viewport? control especially when the numbers of records rendered are more. The page with viewport for larger result set is at least times slower and not acceptable.

    Here are the details:

    Browser: IE (6, 7 & 7)
    Coolite Control in Question: Viewport
    Problem: Severe performance drop when the amount of data rendered is more
    Response time: Page with viewport: 45 Seconds; Page with out viewport: 7 Seconds

    We invested lot of time in coolite and really need an answer quickly. Is this expected behaviour?

    Please help.

  2. #2

    RE: Serious Performance issues - ViewPort - Urgent

    Hi Abdul,

    No, that is not the expected behaviour.

    That said, I'm not sure I can recommend any solutions without seeing some code. See
    Last edited by geoffrey.mcgill; Jan 11, 2011 at 10:26 PM.
    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3

    RE: Serious Performance issues - ViewPort - Urgent

    Hi Geoffrey,

    Thank you very much. Attached zip contains the sample to demonstrate the issue.

    Please follow the steps below to run the sample:

    Requirement: VS 2008 (This sample does not require IIS.)
    Browser: IE 6, 7 or 8

    1. Extract the to your local drive
    2. Open the solution "CooliteSample.sln" and run
    3. The default.aspx page will open in browser. This will have links to pages with and without ViewPort Control. Access the above links and let us know your feedback

    Appreciate your help


  4. #4

    RE: Serious Performance issues - ViewPort - Urgent


    Your aspx pages have 3.5 Mb size (each page). It is crazy size for page. My VS is very slow opens your pages and eats 1,5 Gb of the RAM

    1. FF and Chrome handle both version (with and without ViewPort) with same time because they have fast javascript engine and html parser

    2. IE has very slow javascript engine (especially IE6/7). You use BorderLayout which move dom nodes (it is your regions body contents). Move such big information (3.5 MB) is very hard task for IE javascript engine

    I recomend to revise your pages and use pages with much less size
  5. #5

    RE: Serious Performance issues - ViewPort - Urgent

    Thank you very much for the timely feedback. As per our business requirements only 5% of requests would return such a larger content. We tried our best to reduce the DOM elements but the size is still close to 3 MB. Coolite viewport is slow in IE when the size of the file is huge. We understand this is due to IE's slow javascript engine. Once again - appreciate your help.

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