[CLOSED] CheckboxSelectionModel + conditional select

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] CheckboxSelectionModel + conditional select


    I have a gridpanel with a checkboxselectionmodel. The row may only be selected if i click on the first column (checkbox column) of the row. That all works fine.
    Than, when i click on my button (btnSendPreManifest), i want to send the values of the selected rows to an ajaxmethod, so I pass the variable 'Ext.encode(#{GridPanelPreManifest}.getRowsValues( ))'

    Now the problem is the length of the getRowsValues() doesn't equal the checkbox's selected in my gridpanel. It equals the times i clicked on a row, so for example, if a checked one Checkbox and i clicked several times in another column of another row, then the items length of the getRowsValues() is for example 10 instead of 1.

    This is the code of my gridpanel:

    <ext:GridPanel runat="server" ID="GridPanelPreManifest" StoreID="StorePreManifest" AutoExpandColumn="VesselName" Border="false">
    <ColumnModel ID="ColumnModelForwarder" runat="server">
    <ext:Column DataIndex="VesselName" ColumnID="VesselName" Sortable="true" Header="Vessel" /> 
    <ext:Column DataIndex="VesselDepartureDate" Sortable="true" Header="Departure Date" Width="120">
    <Renderer Fn="Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('d/m/Y h:i:s')" />
    <ext:Column DataIndex="Forwarder" Sortable="false" Header="Forwarder" /> 
    <ext:Column DataIndex="PortOfDischarge" Sortable="false" Header="Port Of Discharge" /> 
    <ext:Column DataIndex="TotalUnits" Sortable="false" Header="# Units" Width="50" />
    <ext:Column DataIndex="Format" Header="Format"> 
    <Renderer Fn="formatRenderer" /> 
    <ext:ComboBox ID="cboFormat" runat="server" TriggerAction="All" Mode="Local" 
    StoreID="StoreFormat" DisplayField="Name" ValueField="ID"> 
    <ext:ImageCommandColumn Width="30">
    <ext:ImageCommand Icon="NoteGo" CommandName="ShowUnits">
    <ToolTip Text="Show Units" />
    <LoadMask ShowMask="true" />
    <SaveMask ShowMask="true" />
    <Command Handler="Coolite.AjaxMethods.ShowUnits(record.data.VesselScheduleID, record.data.ForwarderID, record.data.PortOfDischargeID);" />
    <CellClick Fn="conditionalSelect" />
    <ext:CheckboxSelectionModel ID="CheckboxSelectionModelPreManifest" runat="server" SingleSelect="false" >
    <ext:PagingToolBar ID="PagingToolBarPreManifest" 
    DisplayMsg="Displaying pre-manifests {0} - {1} of {2}" 
    EmptyMsg="No pre-manifests to display" >
    <ext:ToolbarSpacer ID="ToolbarSpacer2" runat="server" />
    <ext:ToolbarSeparator ID="ToolbarSeparator2" runat="server" />
    <ext:ComboBox ID="cboPreManifestRecordsPerPage" runat="server" 
    Title="Records per page" 
    <ext:ListItem Text="15" Value="15" />
    <ext:ListItem Text="20" Value="20" />
    <ext:ListItem Text="50" Value="50" />
    <ext:ListItem Text="100" Value="100" />
    <SelectedItem Text="20" Value="20" />
    <Select Handler="Coolite.AjaxMethods.ChangePreManifestRecordsPerPage();" />
    <ext:Key Code="LEFT" />
    <Event Handler="if (#{hiddenPreManifestStoreIsLoading}.value=='NO' &amp;&amp; #{PagingToolbarPreManifest}.activePageField.value-1 > 0) {#{PagingToolbarPreManifest}.changePage(#{PagingToolbarPreManifest}.activePageField.value-1);};" />
    <ext:Key Code="RIGHT" />
    <Event Handler="if (#{hiddenPreManifestStoreIsLoading}.value=='NO' &amp;&amp; #{PagingToolbarPreManifest}.activePageField.value+1 < #{PagingToolbarPreManifest}.getPageData().pages+1 ) {#{PagingToolbarPreManifest}.changePage(#{PagingToolbarPreManifest}.activePageField.value+1);};" />
    <ext:Button ID="btnSendPreManifest" runat="server" 
    Text="Send Pre-Manifest"
    <Click Handler="if(#{GridPanelPreManifest}.getSelectionModel().hasSelection()) {
    Ext.Msg.confirm('Send Pre-Manifest', 'Are you sure u want to send this pre-manifests?', function(btn) {
    if (btn == 'yes') {
    Ext.Msg.alert('Pre-Manifest', 'U first have to select one or more pre-manifests.');
    };" />
    This is the script i call when i select/deselect a row:

    conditionalSelect = function(a, b, c) { // a, row, column
    if (c == 0) {
    if (CheckboxSelectionModelPreManifest.isSelected(b)) {
    } else {
    CheckboxSelectionModelPreManifest.selectRow(b, true)
    And the code behind when i click on the button 'btnSendPremanifest'

    <AjaxMethod()> _
    Public Sub SendPreManifest(ByVal json As System.String)
    Dim Model As CheckboxSelectionModel
    Dim XML As XmlNode
    Dim PreManifestID As Integer
    Dim SendFormat As System.String
    Dim VesselID As System.Int32
    Dim VesselDepartureDate As System.DateTime
    Dim ForwarderID As System.Int32
    Dim PortOfDischargeID As System.Int32
    Model = Me.GridPanelPreManifest.SelectionModel.Primary
    XML = Coolite.Ext.Web.JSON.DeserializeXmlNode("{records:{record:" + json + "}}")
    For Each Row As XmlNode In XML.SelectNodes("records/record")
    ' get row values
    VesselID = Convert.ToInt32(Row.SelectSingleNode("VesselID").InnerXml)
    VesselDepartureDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Row.SelectSingleNode("VesselDepartureDate").InnerXml)
    ForwarderID = Convert.ToInt32(Row.SelectSingleNode("ForwarderID").InnerXml)
    PortOfDischargeID = Convert.ToInt32(Row.SelectSingleNode("PortOfDischargeID").InnerXml)
    SendFormat = Convert.ToString(Row.SelectSingleNode("Format").InnerXml)
    Select Case SendFormat
    Case "1"
    SendFormat = FORMAT_EXCEL
    Case "2"
    SendFormat = FORMAL_PDF
    Case Else
    SendFormat = FORMAT_EXCEL
    End Select
    ' create a new pre-manifest
    PreManifestID = PreManifestBusiness.InsertPreManifest(VesselID, VesselDepartureDate, PortOfDischargeID, ForwarderID, True, SendFormat)
    ' Clear selection
    Catch ex As Exception
    CooliteHelper.DisplayProcessResultToClient(New ProcessResult(New ProcessMessage("Failed to send parking list.", False)), Me.Page, Me.ScriptManager1)
    End Try
    End Sub

    So generally, the problem is that the lenght of #{GridPanelPreManifest}.getRowsValues()

    doesn't equal the lenght of the rows selected in my gridpanel.

  2. #2

    RE: [CLOSED] CheckboxSelectionModel + conditional select


    Please create simple example which we can test without any changes from our side.
    I played with getRowValues function and it works correctly.

    Can you change the following example for reproducing your problem?


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