[CLOSED] Load combobox dynamically inside gridpanel editorfield

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  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Load combobox dynamically inside gridpanel editorfield

    I write code as bellow


    @model System.Collections.IEnumerable[]
    @using Ext.Net 
    @using Ext.Net.MVC
        ViewBag.Title = "ComboBox with Template - Ext.NET MVC Examples";
        var X = Html.X();
            var addPlant = function () {
                var r = Ext.create('pr', {
                    //common: 'New Plant 1',
                    //light: 'Mostly Shady',
                    //price: 0,
                    //availability: Ext.Date.clearTime(new Date()),
                    //indoor: false
                     grid = App.GridPanel1;
                grid.store.insert(0, r);
                grid.editingPlugin.startEditByPosition({ row: 0, column: 0 });
            var beforeEdit = function (ed, e) {
                var field = this.getEditor(e.record, e.column).field;
                switch (e.field) {
                    case "stateid":
                        field.allQuery = e.record.get('countryid');
                    case "cityid":
                        field.allQuery = e.record.get('stateid');
            var countryRenderer = function (value) {
               // alert(value)
                var r = App.CountryStore.getById(value);
                if (Ext.isEmpty(r)) {
                    return "";
              //  alert(r.data.Text)
                return r.data.Text;
            var stateRenderer = function (value) {
                var r = App.StateStore.getById(value);
                if (Ext.isEmpty(r)) {
                    return "";
                //  alert(r.data.Text)
                return r.data.state;
            var cityRenderer = function (value) {
                var r = App.CityStore.getById(value);
                if (Ext.isEmpty(r)) {
                    return "";
                //  alert(r.data.Text)
               // console.log(r.data.city)
                return r.data.city;
                    .TopBarItem(X.Button().Text("Add").Listeners(le => { le.Click.Fn = "addPlant"; }).Icon(Icon.Add)
            .Listeners(l =>
                                l.ViewReady.Fn = "addPlant";
                                l.ViewReady.Delay = 1;
                        .CustomConfig(cc => cc.Add(new ConfigItem { Name = "initQuery", Value = "Ext.emptyFn", Mode = ParameterMode.Raw }))
                        .CustomConfig(cc => cc.Add(new ConfigItem { Name = "initQuery", Value = "Ext.emptyFn", Mode = ParameterMode.Raw }))
                        .Renderer("return value ;")
                        .SummaryRenderer("return value ;")
                        .CustomConfig(cc => cc.Add(new ConfigItem { Name = "initQuery", Value = "Ext.emptyFn", Mode = ParameterMode.Raw }))
                        .CustomConfig(cc => cc.Add(new ConfigItem { Name = "initQuery", Value = "Ext.emptyFn", Mode = ParameterMode.Raw }))
                                .ToolTip(t =>
                                    t.Text = "Delete plant";
                        .Listeners(l =>
                            l.Command.Handler = "this.up('gridpanel').store.removeAt(recordIndex);";
                .Listeners(events => {
                    events.BeforeEdit.Fn = "beforeEdit";
                .DirectEvents(events => 
                    events.Edit.Action = "Edit";
                    events.Edit.EventMask.ShowMask = true;
                    events.Edit.EventMask.CustomTarget = "App.GridPanel1";
                    events.Edit.ExtraParams.Add(new Parameter { Name = "field", Value = "e.field", Mode = ParameterMode.Raw });
                    events.Edit.ExtraParams.Add(new Parameter { Name = "index", Value = "e.rowIdx", Mode = ParameterMode.Raw });
                    events.Edit.ExtraParams.Add(new Parameter { Name = "recordData", Value = "e.record.data", Mode = ParameterMode.Raw });
    @(X.Button().Text("Save").Icon(Icon.DatabaseSave).DirectEvents(d =>
                     d.Click.Action = "save";
                     d.Click.ExtraParams.Add(new Parameter
                         Name = "values",
                         Value = "Ext.encode(#{GridPanel1}.getRowsValues())",
                         Mode = ParameterMode.Raw


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Mvc;
    using Ext.Net;
    using Ext.Net.MVC;
    using System.Text;
    namespace ERP_test.Controllers
        public class masterdetailsController : Controller
            // GET: /masterdetails/
            public ActionResult Index(string id)
                List<object> countries = new List<object>(10);
                List<object> states = new List<object>(10);
                for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                    countries.Add(new { Text = "C" + i,countryid=i });
                if (id == "edit")
                    return View(new IEnumerable<object>[]
                                 new List<object>
                                    new {countryid = "1", stateid = "1",state="C1_S1", cityid = "1", population = "25",men="58",women="25"},
                                    new {countryid = "1", stateid = "1",state="C1_S1", cityid = "1", population = "65",men="45",women="65"},
                                    new {countryid = "1", stateid = "1",state="C1_S1", cityid = "2", population = "56",men="67",women="89"},
                    return View(new IEnumerable<object>[]
                                 new List<object>
                                    new {country = "", state = "", city = "", population = "0",men="0",women="0"},
            public ActionResult GetStates(string query)
                List<object> states = new List<object>(10);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query) == false)
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                        states.Add(new { stateid=i,state = query + "_S" + i });
                return this.Store(states);
            public ActionResult GetCities(string query)
                List<object> cities = new List<object>(10);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query) == false)
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                        cities.Add(new { cityid=i,city= query + "_C" + i });
                return this.Store(cities);
            public ActionResult Edit(string field, string recordData, int index)
                List<string> fields = new List<string> { "country", "state", "city", "population", "men", "women" };
                int startIndex = fields.IndexOf(field);
                JsonObject data = JSON.Deserialize<JsonObject>(recordData);
                ModelProxy record = X.GetCmp<Store>("Store1").GetAt(index);
                Random r = new Random();
                switch (field)
                    case "cityid":
                        record.Set(fields[3], r.Next(10, 200).ToString());
                        record.Set(fields[4], r.Next(10, 200).ToString());
                        record.Set(fields[5], r.Next(10, 200).ToString());
                return this.Direct();
            public ActionResult save(string values)
                string json = values;
                Dictionary<string, string>[] companies = JSON.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, string>[]>(json);
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (Dictionary<string, string> row in companies)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> keyValuePair in row)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> keyValuePair in row)
                return this.Direct();
    run this and go to edit mode [http://localhost:####/masterdetails/index/edit]

    I am trying to load this grid if the page open as edit mode,for that I write bellow code

    if (id == "edit")
                    return View(new IEnumerable<object>[]
                                 new List<object>
                                    new {countryid = "1", stateid = "1",state="C1_S1", cityid = "1", population = "25",men="58",women="25"},
                                    new {countryid = "1", stateid = "1",state="C1_S1", cityid = "1", population = "65",men="45",women="65"},
                                    new {countryid = "1", stateid = "1",state="C1_S1", cityid = "2", population = "56",men="67",women="89"},
    but state and city combo not fill with these value.
    I click on save button , and debug
    public ActionResult save(string values)
    values parameter and found stateid and cityid present ,that means the value I send to view on edit time is bind with combo but not displaying.
    please let me know what is the best ay to do this.
    Last edited by Daniil; Jul 11, 2014 at 3:15 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @matrixwebtech,

    but state and city combo not fill with these value.
    I don't see where you populate the ComboBoxes' Stores? As far as I can understand you don't. So, the Stores are empty and this code of stateRenderer and cityRenderer is being executed:
    if (Ext.isEmpty(r)) {
        return "";
    I would say you should populate the ComboBoxes' Stores.
  3. #3
    Hi daniil
    thanks for reply

    If you run this code as edit mode ,I try to populate grid view
    combobox(state and city combo) with that list data,which I pass into view on edit mode.

    As per you Store not populate for state and city combobox.

    so my question is how I populate store for that situation?

    now I populate store with bellow code.and i think this is need for the lienked field functionality.

    so can you please tell how do i populate stores on edit mode situation of my sample.
    Last edited by Daniil; Jul 10, 2014 at 10:24 AM. Reason: Please use [CODE] tags
  4. #4
    I would try with a Store's .DataSource(data) as you do with other Stores.
  5. #5
    can you please provide me some sample code for this situation
  6. #6
    Well, you already have it in your code for other Stores.
  7. #7
    If i use this code then its work fine and edit mode and data load in combos,but other functionality like populate sate according country not done.

                        .Listeners(l => { l.AfterRender.Handler = "stateRenderer"; })
                        .CustomConfig(cc => cc.Add(new ConfigItem { Name = "initQuery", Value = "Ext.emptyFn", Mode = ParameterMode.Raw }))
    and if i use bellow code

                        .Listeners(l => { l.AfterRender.Handler = "stateRenderer"; })
                        .CustomConfig(cc => cc.Add(new ConfigItem { Name = "initQuery", Value = "Ext.emptyFn", Mode = ParameterMode.Raw }))
    state load according to country but edit mode state combo not populate.can you please give me a solution for that.
  8. #8
    Please demonstrate how you have changed the Index controller action.
  9. #9
    Hi daniil

    For better understanding this situation please run my code(which i provide at no #1) at your end once,
    If you follow my code at Index action you can see I use an edit parameter .you please run this code with and without edit

    run this without edit mode http://localhost:####/masterdetails/index (From here user will entry data.)

    run this and go to edit mode http://localhost:####/masterdetails/index/edit (From here user can edit previous data and can insert new data also.for that i need to display data entered previously.)

    I think you will understand what I actually want to do.
  10. #10
    Well, I think I more or less understand what you need. Could you, please, do that?
    Please demonstrate how you have changed the Index controller action.
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