First off Coolites been a god send. I am happy that i am now onto tougher problems.

So here is a curve ball. Page A launches other pages within Tabs (see Add Tabs example). Now all the pages it invokes are Coolite pages and have their own ScriptManager. At some point, the actions on page B which lives in a Tab wants to tell Page A which launched page B to add another Tabbed page C with some parameters.

I've tried using Statics. Making the TabPanel in A a static I have tried calling it directly from page B but i believe that each tab is like a Iframe. Therefore no dice.

So i thought maybe I could use some events? The event runs and works internal to C#. I can get all the C# runtime information from Page A but when i try and do something that uses PageA.scriptManager.addScript("alert('boo');") it works if invoked from Page A but not if invoked from Page B.

So i am interested in creating a proxy between two or more pages. More likely, a proxy between a top page A and all the tabs it spawns off.

Any ideas?