
I am trying to understand how to use LoadMask. If I have a Center region which is being loaded from links in a West Region. When a link is clicked, I create a new tab in Client Mode i.e javascript and load my iframe into the html tag. I have seen examples where if the AutoLoad was used, then i would see the Please wait, loading message. Is that the purpose of the LoadMask. If I am using the html tag instead of Autoload, how would i get the Please wait message. if you can direct me to a sample, it would be greatly appreciated.
thank you - idriss

<P align=left><Center> 
<P align=left><ext:Panel ID="pnlContent" runat="server" Title="" AnimCollapse="false"> 
<P align=left><Content> 
<P align=left>
<P align=left><div id="divError" style="padding-top:10px;"> 
<P align=left>

<P align=left><asp:SiteMapPath ID="SiteMapPath1" runat="server" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="0.8em"
<P align=left>PathSeparator=" &amp;gt; ">
<P align=left><PathSeparatorStyle Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#5D7B9D" />
<P align=left><CurrentNodeStyle ForeColor="#333333" />
<P align=left><NodeStyle Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#7C6F57" />
<P align=left><RootNodeStyle Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#5D7B9D" />
<P align=left></asp:SiteMapPath>
<P align=left><ext:FitLayout ID="FitLayout2" runat="server"> 
<P align=left><ext:TabPanel ID="CenterPanel" runat="server" ActiveTab="0" ActiveTabIndex="0" EnableTabScroll="true">
<P align=left><Tabs>
<P align=left><ext:Tab ID="tbHome" runat="server" Title=" Home " Visible="true">
<P align=left><Content>
<P align=left><ext:Panel ID="pnlHome" runat="server" Title="" Height="600">
<P align=left><Content>
<P align=left><div id="d1" class="ctHome">
<P align=left><uc5:paragraph id="Paragraph1" runat="server" contentid="welcome1" />
<P align=left>

<P align=left><div id="d3" class="innertube">
<P align=left>

<P align=left><div id="d2" class="ctHome">
<P align=left><uc5:paragraph id="Paragraph2" runat="server" contentid="welcome2" />
<P align=left>

<P align=left><asp:UpdatePanel ID="upHome" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" ChildrenAsTriggers="false">
<P align=left><ContentTemplate>
<P align=left></ContentTemplate>
<P align=left></asp:UpdatePanel>
<P align=left></Content> 
<P align=left></ext:Panel>
<P align=left></Content>
<P align=left></ext:Tab> 
<P align=left>
<P align=left></Tabs>
<P align=left><LoadMask Msg="Loading, please wait..." ShowMask="true" />
<P align=left><Listeners>
<P align=left><BeforeRemove fn="removeTab" /> 
<P align=left></Listeners>
<P align=left></ext:TabPanel>
<P align=left>
<P align=left></ext:FitLayout>
<P align=left>
<P align=left></Content> 
<P align=left><LoadMask Msg="Loading, please wait..." ShowMask="true" /> 
<P align=left></ext:Panel>
<P align=left></Center>