we are using coolite version 0.0.8.

i have select checkbox in gridpanel , i want select only one row in grid. This is i can, but on button click event i have change selectedindex , but previous selectedindex only selected in gridview.how can i slove this.In version 0.7 it's working perfectly.

sample code is following

in checkbox selection i have write following code

string LStr_json = e.ExtraParams["Values"];

string[] Lses = new string[100];

string[] Lcno = new string[3];

string[] Lano = new string[3];

string[] Lsys = new string[3];

Lses = LStr_json.Split(',');

if (Lses.GetLength(0) >= 2)


Lsys = Lses[1].Split(':');

Lcno = Lses[2].Split(':');

Lano = Lses[0].Split(':');

Lcno = Lcno[1].Split('"');

Lano = Lano[1].Split('"');


if (Lcno[1] != "" && Lcno[1]!=null)


Session["A_collection_no"] = Lcno[1];

Session["A_article_no"] = Lano[1];

Session["G_sys_id"] = Lsys[1];


CheckboxSelectionModel sm = this.GrdPnl1.SelectionModel.Primary as CheckboxSelectionModel; 

sm.SingleSelect = true;

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

foreach (SelectedRow row in sm.SelectedRows)


string aaa = row.RowIndex.ToString();

Session["index"] = row.RowIndex.ToString();

i have change selectedindex value on button click event like this,

Session["index"] = Convert.ToInt32(Session["index"].ToString()) + 1;
then i have click another button to select current selectedvalue in the grid,the code is

RowSelectionModel sm = this.GrdPnl1.SelectionModel.Primary as RowSelectionModel; 

if (Session["A_article_no"] != null)


int number_of_record = 20;
int number = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Session["index"].ToString()) / number_of_record) + 1;

int number1 = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Session["index"].ToString()) % number_of_record);

PagingToolBar1.PageIndex = number;

Sto1.On("load", new JFunction("this.getSelectionModel().selectRow(" + number1 + ");"), "GrdPnl1", new HandlerConfig { Single = true }); 

sm.SelectedIndex = number1;}

i get previous selectedindex row only .Give me a solution.

Thank you.
