[CLOSED] Local Filtering on ComboBox

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Local Filtering on ComboBox

    Is there a sample showing a way to apply a local filter on a ComboBox, similar to the
    <ext:GridFilters Local="true" />
    feature on GridPanels? I ask because I have a store which is modified and filtered locally in a grid panel and, if possible, I would like to display filtered data from that store in a combobox without using the code behind and without modifying the store.

    I have a data model in which there are Items, Varieties, and Types.
    * Each Item belongs to one Variety, each Variety has one or more Items.
    * Each Variety belongs to one Type, and each Type has one or more Varieties.
    * Items can be moved from Variety to another, as long as the two Varieties belong to the same Type.

    So I am working on a form for shifting items from one Variety to another.

    I have a Store for the Varieties I am working with, called the "SelectedVarietiesStore." It is populated in JavaScript using an Add function that works well. The store is defined like this:

    <ext:Store ID="SelectedVarietiesStore" runat="server" AutoDestroy="false" runat="server" AutoLoad="false" AutoDataBind="false" ClientIDMode="Static"> 
        <ext:PageProxy NoCache="true" />
        <ext:Model ID="SelectedVarietiesModel" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static"> 
            <ext:ModelField Name="VarietyName" Type="String" />
            <ext:ModelField Name="VarietyID" Type="Int" />
            <ext:ModelField Name="TypeID" Type="Int" />

    There is a grid that shows the values from this store, and a context menu item that allows me to selected a Variety and move items from that Variety to a related one of the same Type. If I select this menu item, it opens a form with two ComboBoxes, the FromVariety and ToVariety, passing the VarietyID and the TypeID of the selected Variety to the form:

    <ext:ComboBox ID="FromVarietyBox" runat="server" QueryMode="Local" Editable="false" StoreID="SelectedVarietiesStore" DisplayField="VarietyName" ValueField="VarietyID" FieldLabel="From Variety"></ext:ComboBox>
    <ext:ComboBox ID="ToVarietyBox" runat="server" QueryMode="Local" Editable="false" StoreID="SelectedVarietiesStore" DisplayField="VarietyName" ValueField="VarietyID" FieldLabel="To Variety"></ext:ComboBox>
    Now, the second ComboBox should be filtered to show only values which DO have the TypeID passed to the form, but do NOT have the VarietyID passed to the form (because I am constraining the target Variety to only those Varieties of the same Type which are not of the same Variety).

    Because the SelectedVarietiesStore is populated locally, and not from a database, I do not want to do an Ajax or Postback to bind this ComboBox, I want to filter the values already in the store.

    I believe that I am supposed to use the Query functionality to do this, but I can't find an example that matches what I'm trying to do. I looked at http://forums.ext.net/showthread.php...-in-local-mode, but I can't figure out who what is going on there would apply to my situation.

    Any suggestions or examples would be appreciated. Thanks!
    Last edited by Daniil; Jun 06, 2014 at 6:29 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @ptrourke,

    You cannot have the same Store for two ComboBoxes if you need to show different data in those ComboBoxes. For example, if you filter a Store's data it affects all the components which the Store is associated with. Such a limitation of StoreID. (Btw, it should be OK in Ext.NET v3 / ExtJS 5).

    So, you are going to use different Stores for both the ComboBoxes.

    To load data I would suggest to use a Store's loadData JavaScript method.
  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post
    Hi @ptrourke,

    You cannot have the same Store for two ComboBoxes if you need to show different data in those ComboBoxes. For example, if you filter a Store's data it affects all the components which the Store is associated with. Such a limitation of StoreID. (Btw, it should be OK in Ext.NET v3 / ExtJS 5).
    Thanks for this, Daniil. I hadn't noticed that a filter on one component affects any other components using the same store.

    Does this also affect reading the store in JavaScript? For instance, I am saving the contents of the modified store to a database using the Store.each structure (this is example code, more is going on in the mapping of the store to the DirectMethod input):

    var resultsToSend = [];
    App.VarietiesStore.each(record, function (item) { 
        VarietyID: +item.VarietyID, 
        TypeID: +item.TypeID,  
        RightType: Boolean(+item.TypeID == RightTypeID),
        VarietyName: item.VarietyName
    If there's a filter on the store, will filtered records be skipped by the *Store.each* loop?
  4. #4
    Yes, it will be skipped.

    But you can operate with a Store's snapshot. It is a MixedCollection of all the records.
  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post
    Yes, it will be skipped.

    But you can operate with a Store's snapshot. It is a MixedCollection of all the records.

    Thanks a lot for this! Ok, my code now looks something like this:

    var resultsToSend = [],
         resultsRecords = App.VarietiesStore.snapshot || App.VarietiesStore.data;
    resultsRecords.each(record, function (item) {
        VarietyID: +item.VarietyID,
        TypeID: +item.TypeID, 
        RightType: Boolean(+item.TypeID == RightTypeID),
        VarietyName: item.VarietyName
    This works as I wanted it to work. I assume that the reason for the OR in the assignment is because .snapshot is void unless a filter has been applied, in which case it simply passes "data"? If that's correct, please feel free to closed.

  6. #6
    You are right. In some cases there might be used a PagingStore. So, I would recommend the following. It will work for regular Stores (non-PagingStore) as well.

    var store = App.VarietiesStore,
        resultsRecords = store.snapshot || store.allData || store.data;

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