[CLOSED] Pass value of gridrow to page in iframe

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Pass value of gridrow to page in iframe

    Sorry for asking you this question again, but I can't manage to pull it off. I have a gridpanel with rows and when I select row and push a button, the window with the iframe opens. This page contains an activex control that needs to be set with some params through JScript. Ext is NOT available on this page, so DOM is the only way :-(.
  2. #2

    RE: [CLOSED] Pass value of gridrow to page in iframe

    Hi CSG,

    I think you're going to have to post some kind of code sample demonstrating what needs to be done.

    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3

    RE: [CLOSED] Pass value of gridrow to page in iframe

    In found a way to do it, but my IFrame won't load the page. The frame doesn't even load www.ext.net at first. Here's the code:

    <ext:ToolbarButton IconCls="icon-picture16" ID="oToolbarButtonTakePictureCard" runat="server" Text="Foto nemen">
            <Click OnEvent="TakePictureCardClick">
                    <ext:Parameter Name="SchoolYear" Value="#{oGridPanelCards}.getSelectionModel().getSelected().data.SchoolYear" Mode="Raw" />
                    <ext:Parameter Name="StudentNumber" Value="#{oGridPanelCards}.getSelectionModel().getSelected().data.StudentNumber" Mode="Raw" />
            <Click Handler="showWindow(#{oDesktopWindowTakePicture});" />
            <ext:ToolTip Html="Neem een foto voor deze kaart" ID="oToolTipTakePictureCard" runat="server" Title="Foto nemen" />
    <ext:DesktopWindow Collapsible="false" Draggable="false" Height="600" IconCls="icon-picture16" ID="oDesktopWindowTakePicture" Maximizable="false" Modal="true" Resizable="false" runat="server" Title="Kaarten - Foto nemen" Width="855">
        <AutoLoad MaskMsg"Bezig met laden van fotostudio" Mode="IFrame" ShowMask="true" Url="http://www.ext.net" />
    'Set url (string)
    sUrl = "../Control.aspx?random=" &amp; sRandomNumber &amp; "&amp;schoolyear=" &amp; sSchoolYear &amp; "&amp;studentnumber=" &amp; sStudentNumber
    'Set control (panel) 
    Me.oDesktopWindowTakePicture.AutoLoad.Url = sUrl
    'Load content
  4. #4

    RE: [CLOSED] Pass value of gridrow to page in iframe

    Hi CSG,

    Is this still giving you problems? I ran a couple tests and everything appears to work correctly when I try to run any external url.
    Last edited by geoffrey.mcgill; Feb 22, 2011 at 4:28 AM.
    Geoffrey McGill
  5. #5

    RE: [CLOSED] Pass value of gridrow to page in iframe


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