Tutorial Requested

  1. #1

    Tutorial Requested

    I am requesting a Tutorial for Remote Paging of GridPanel.

    The examples explorer has one such tutorial. But that can be used if your are using a DataSource Control.

    Because I am NOT using DataSource controls, <Ext:DataSourceProxy /> is not an option. And I have been toiling hard to get it to work with <ext:HttpProxy />.

    MemeoryProxy &amp; ScriptTagProxy are not applicable here. Can you please provide an example for how to perform Remote Paging in such a scenario? The Remote Url preferable should be the same as that of the Page.

    I would be greatly thankful, if I can get my hands on such a tutorial quickly.
  2. #2

    RE: Tutorial Requested


    DataSourceProxy can be used without any DataSource control. Set DataSourceProxy and rebind data in OnRefreshData handler
  3. #3

    RE: Tutorial Requested

    Thanx Vladimir. DatasourceProxy worked.

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