[FIXED] [V1.0.0] Bug with ViewPort control and multi-form pages

  1. #1

    [FIXED] [V1.0.0] Bug with ViewPort control and multi-form pages

    It seems that when you have a page with more than 1 [form] tag the <ext:Viewport> control will attempt to render in the first form and not its actual parent.

    Before anyone jumps on me, I know ASP.net only allows 1 form per page but this only applies to form marked as runat="server".

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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                                        <option value="/Placeb">Place B</option>
                                        <option value="/Placec">Place C</option>
                                        <option value="/Placed">Place D</option>
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                    <td class="BorderColor" style="color: #024BA0; background-color: #F0F9E8;" align="right">
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                    <td colspan="5" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" class="BorderColor" style="color: #024BA0;
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                        <div class="HeaderNav">
                            Menus Removed
                        <div class="HeaderNav" id="LoggedInInfo">
        <form id="frmMain" runat="server">
        <ext:ScriptManager ID="extScriptManager" runat="server" AjaxViewStateMode="Exclude" />
        <ext:ViewPort ID="ViewPort1" runat="server">
                <ext:BorderLayout ID="BorderLayout1" runat="server">
                    <North Split="true" Collapsible="true">
                        <ext:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Title="North" Height="150" BodyStyle="padding:6px;"
                            Html="North" />
                    <West MinWidth="225" MaxWidth="400" Split="true" Collapsible="true">
                        <ext:Panel ID="WestPanel" runat="server" Title="West" Width="225">
                                <ext:Accordion ID="Accordion1" runat="server" Animate="true">
                                    <ext:Panel ID="Navigation" runat="server" Title="Navigation" Border="false" BodyStyle="padding:6px;"
                                        Icon="FolderGo" Html="West" />
                                    <ext:Panel ID="Settings" runat="server" Title="Settings" Border="false" BodyStyle="padding:6px;"
                                        Icon="FolderWrench" Html="Some settings in here" />
                        <ext:TabPanel ID="CenterPanel" runat="server">
                                    Html="<h1>ViewPort with BorderLayout</h1>"
                                    Title="Close Me" 
                                    Html="Closeable Tab"
                    <East Collapsible="true" Split="true" MinWidth="225">
                        <ext:Panel ID="EastPanel" runat="server" Width="225" Title="East">
                                <ext:FitLayout ID="FitLayout1" runat="server">
                                    <ext:TabPanel ID="TabPanel1" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="1" TabPosition="Bottom"
                                                Title="Tab 1" 
                                                Html="East Tab 1"
                                                Title="Tab 2" 
                                                Html="East Tab 2"
                    <South Split="true" Collapsible="true">
                        <ext:Panel ID="SouthPanel" runat="server" Title="South" Height="150" BodyStyle="padding:6px;"
                            Html="South" />
    The first image is what the pages renders as, the second is what I expected (and what i got when i removed the "extra" forms).

    The basis for my example was https://examples1.ext.net/#/ViewPort...in_CodeBehind/.

    Hope this gives you enough to start tracing the problem.


  2. #2

    RE: [FIXED] [V1.0.0] Bug with ViewPort control and multi-form pages

    Hi tnwheeler,

    I think this was fixed with the v0.8.1 release. I will test to confirm.

    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3

    RE: [FIXED] [V1.0.0] Bug with ViewPort control and multi-form pages

    Apparently I was thinking of something else. I ran your sample and fixed another issue.

    The fix has been commited to SVN, although might not be publicly available until the v1.0 release.

    Geoffrey McGill

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