Forum Guidelines For Posting New Topics

  1. #1

    Forum Guidelines For Posting New Topics

    1. Add a descriptive subject to your thread.
    2. Please only post one topic or question per thread. Posting multiple unrelated questions in a single thread creates unnecessary confusion and makes tracking the [CLOSED] status of a thread difficult. If you feel two threads are related, please feel free to cross link between the two threads.
    3. Please wrap all code samples in [CODE] tags.
      In the forum WYSIWYG editor, use the "#" button to auto insert or wrap code with [CODE]or [HTML] tags.
    4. Provide the version of Ext.NET you are using, and the version of .NET/ASP.NET Framework, browser, operating system and/or Visual Studio version if relevant to the problem.
    5. Do not add "Please reply ASAP" to your post, see Tip #4 for more information.
    6. Please provide the description(s) from any server-side Exceptions or client-side JavaScript errors.
    7. Provide at least one of the following two options:

      A) A screen capture.

      B) A simplified .aspx code sample demonstrating how to reproduce the problem. The code sample should be reduced to the minimum required to reproduce the issue.

      A single .aspx without a separate code-behind file is preferred.

      Tips for creating simplified code samples

      The goal is to be able to copy-and-paste the code sample from your forum post into a single .aspx file running within a Visual Studio project. The helper can then run the file, see the result and start debugging immediately.

      If you provide a single complete page of code which can be copied into a local Project without modification, it makes it much easier for someone to help you and will result in your questions being answered quickly.

      Example (Not Helpful)

      My Button does not run DirectMethod code on server.
      Example (Helpful)

      protected void Submit()
          // do something  
      <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Submit" Handler=";" />
      Example (Very Helpful)

      <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
      <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
      <script runat="server">
          protected void Submit()
              // do something  
      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <head runat="server">
          <title>Ext.NET Example</title>
          <ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />
          <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Submit" Handler=";" />
      // Our response and answer to solve this question...
      "you should make the DirectMethod handler public instead of protected."

    The forums do not accept uploaded .zip files. Any .zip files (or renamed extensions) uploaded to the forums will be removed. Code samples should be simplified as much as possible and posted inline using [CODE] or [HTML] tags to format your sample.

    We do not accept sample projects sent by email.
    NOTE: Any unsolicited code sent by email will not be viewed and will be deleted immediately.

    More information that may be required (good idea to provide on initial post if relevant to the problem)

    1. Is the problem specific to a browser(s), and version number?
    2. Is the issue specific to an operating system or version of IIS?
    3. What .NET Framework version are using? Mono?
    4. What version of Visual Studio (or Visual Web Developer Express) are you using?

    Other Tips

    1. Please wrap forum code samples in [CODE] or [HTML] tags.
    2. Version Release Notes and Breaking Changes are listed in the following forum, see
    3. If you are a Premium Support Subscription holder with access to the Svn repository, please try updating to the latest version. The problem may have already been fixed.
    4. Please do a quick keyword search on the forums (or Google) to find any related posts.
    5. If you find two separate forum threads that might be related or otherwise relevant to each other, please feel free to post a cross link between the two. Once the two threads are cross referenced it will make it easier for others to find in the future.
    6. If you find the solution to your question, please post a response for others to reference in the future.
    7. If your sample requires a Database, coding your sample against the Northwind database from the Examples Explorer might be helpful, or using inline data as demonstrated in the following example, see

    The Ext.NET development team monitors the Community Help forums, although their priority is to answer questions in the Premium Help forums first. Permissions to start a new thread in the Premium Help forums are granted to Premium Support Subscription members.

    See also

    1. Ext.NET Examples Explorer for v7 or for v5
    2. Ext.NET (server-side) API Documentation
    3. Ext JS (client-side) API Documentation
    Last edited by geoffrey.mcgill; May 19, 2023 at 4:43 AM.

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