[CLOSED] Error in rendering component columns in gridpanel.

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Error in rendering component columns in gridpanel.


    Mine is an ASP.NET MVC razor view application.
    Following is my controller ActionMethod

       public ActionResult TestMethod()
                DataTable modelAllValues = new DataTable();
                modelAllValues.Columns.Add("Currency_Cd", typeof(int));
                modelAllValues.Columns.Add("EffectiveDate1", typeof(double));
                modelAllValues.Columns.Add("EffectiveDate1Name", typeof(DateTime));
                modelAllValues.Columns.Add("EffectiveDate2", typeof(double));
                modelAllValues.Columns.Add("EffectiveDate2Name", typeof(DateTime));
                modelAllValues.Columns.Add("EffectiveDate3", typeof(double));
                modelAllValues.Columns.Add("EffectiveDate3Name", typeof(DateTime));
                modelAllValues.Columns.Add("NewSelectedDate", typeof(DateTime));
                modelAllValues.Columns.Add("Pack_CD", typeof(int));
                modelAllValues.Columns.Add("PRICE_TYPE", typeof(string));
                modelAllValues.Columns.Add("PRICE_TYPE_CD", typeof(int));
                modelAllValues.Columns.Add("UpdatedNotes", typeof(string));
                DataRow _modelAllValues = modelAllValues.NewRow();
                _modelAllValues["Currency_Cd"] = 12;
                _modelAllValues["EffectiveDate1"] = 2.42;
                _modelAllValues["EffectiveDate1Name"] = "2013/01/01";
                _modelAllValues["EffectiveDate2"] = 0.0;
                _modelAllValues["EffectiveDate2Name"] = "2013/04/01";
                _modelAllValues["EffectiveDate3"] = 0.0;
                _modelAllValues["EffectiveDate3Name"] = "2014/04/26";
                _modelAllValues["NewSelectedDate"] = "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM";
                _modelAllValues["Pack_CD"] = 824;
                _modelAllValues["PRICE_TYPE"] = "Wholesale Purchase Price";
                _modelAllValues["PRICE_TYPE_CD"] = 1;
                _modelAllValues["UpdatedNotes"] = null;     
               //2nd row
                DataRow _modelAllValues2 = modelAllValues.NewRow();
                _modelAllValues2["Currency_Cd"] = 12;
                _modelAllValues2["EffectiveDate1"] = 2.60;
                _modelAllValues2["EffectiveDate1Name"] = System.DateTime.Now ;
                _modelAllValues2["EffectiveDate2"] = 0;
                _modelAllValues2["EffectiveDate2Name"] = System.DateTime.Now; ;
                _modelAllValues2["EffectiveDate3"] = 323.00;
                _modelAllValues2["EffectiveDate3Name"] = System.DateTime.Now; ;
                _modelAllValues2["NewSelectedDate"] = "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM";
                _modelAllValues2["Pack_CD"] = 824;
                _modelAllValues2["PRICE_TYPE"] = "Pharmacy Purchasing Price";
                _modelAllValues2["PRICE_TYPE_CD"] = 2;
                _modelAllValues2["UpdatedNotes"] = null;
                //2nd table 
                DataTable CurrencyDTO = new DataTable();
                CurrencyDTO.Columns.Add("Active_IND", typeof(bool));
                CurrencyDTO.Columns.Add("ConfiguredCurrencies", typeof(int));
                CurrencyDTO.Columns.Add("Currency_CD", typeof(int));
                CurrencyDTO.Columns.Add("Currency_CD_STR", typeof(string));
                CurrencyDTO.Columns.Add("Currency_DISC", typeof(string));
                CurrencyDTO.Columns.Add("Currency_Symbol", typeof(string));
                CurrencyDTO.Columns.Add("Notes", typeof(string));
                DataRow _CurrencyDTO = CurrencyDTO.NewRow();
                _CurrencyDTO["Active_IND"] = false;
                _CurrencyDTO["ConfiguredCurrencies"] = 0;
                _CurrencyDTO["Currency_CD"] = 12;
                _CurrencyDTO["Currency_CD_STR"] = null;
                _CurrencyDTO["Currency_DISC"] = "AUD";
                _CurrencyDTO["Currency_Symbol"] = null;
                _CurrencyDTO["Notes"] = null;
                //3rd table
                DataTable CommonPackValues = new DataTable();
                CommonPackValues.Columns.Add("Country", typeof(string));
                CommonPackValues.Columns.Add("Discontinued", typeof(string));
                CommonPackValues.Columns.Add("LastUpdated", typeof(string));
                CommonPackValues.Columns.Add("LocalName", typeof(string));
                CommonPackValues.Columns.Add("MarketingAuthority", typeof(string));
                CommonPackValues.Columns.Add("MarketingStatus", typeof(string));
                CommonPackValues.Columns.Add("NewDate", typeof(DateTime));
                CommonPackValues.Columns.Add("ParentCompany", typeof(string));
                CommonPackValues.Columns.Add("PriceDescription", typeof(string));
                CommonPackValues.Columns.Add("Region", typeof(string));
                CommonPackValues.Columns.Add("TheraputicCategory", typeof(string));
                CommonPackValues.Columns.Add("UnitOfMeasureBasis", typeof(string));
                DataRow _CommonPackValues = CommonPackValues.NewRow();
                _CommonPackValues["Country"] = "AUSTRALIA";
                _CommonPackValues["Discontinued"] = "";
                _CommonPackValues["LastUpdated"] = "";
                _CommonPackValues["LocalName"] = "MOVOX";
                _CommonPackValues["MarketingAuthority"] = "GLOBAL";
                _CommonPackValues["MarketingStatus"] = "YES";
                _CommonPackValues["NewDate"] = "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM";
                _CommonPackValues["ParentCompany"] = "XYZ";
                _CommonPackValues["PriceDescription"] = "1 PACK 30 TABLETS ";
                _CommonPackValues["Region"] = "ALL";
                _CommonPackValues["TheraputicCategory"] = "PRIMARY CARE";
                _CommonPackValues["UnitOfMeasureBasis"] = "GLOBAL";
                List<EditPack> editpackList = new List<EditPack>();
                EditPack editpack = new EditPack{
                            CURRENCY_CD = 12,
                            EFFECTIVEDATE1 = "2.42",
                            EFFECTIVEDATE1Name = "2013/01/01",
                            EFFECTIVEDATE2 ="",
                            EFFECTIVEDATE2Name = "2013/04/01",
                            EFFECTIVEDATE3 = "",
                            NewSelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime( "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM"),
                            Pack_CD =824,
                            PRICE_TYPE="Pharmacy Purchasing Price",
                            PRICE_TYPE_CD =2 ,
                            UpdatedNotes= null
                PackPriceViewModelDTO listCombinePack = new PackPriceViewModelDTO();
                listCombinePack.CommonPackValues = new EditablePackDTO
                    Country = "AUSTRALIA",
                    CURRENCY_CD = 2,
                    Discontinued = "",
                    LastUpdated = "",
                    LocalName = "MOVOX",
                    MarketingAuthority = "GLOBAL",
                    MarketingStatus = "YES",
                    NewDate = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM"),
                    ParentCompany = "XYZ",
                    PriceDescription = "1 PACK 30 TABLETS ",
                    Region = "ALL",
                    TheraputicCategory = "PRIMARY CARE",
                    UnitOfMeasureBasis = "GLOBAL"
                //CurrencyDTO curr = new DTO.CurrencyDTO { 
                //        ACTIVE_IND = false,
                //        ConfiguredCurrencies = null,
                //        CURRENCY_CD = 12,
                //        CURRENCY_CD_STR = null,
                //        CURRENCY_DESC = "AUD",
                //        CURRENCY_SYMBOL = null,
                //        NOTES = null
                PackPriceViewModelDTO ListCombinePack = new PackPriceViewModelDTO();
                //List<EditPack> modelAllValues = _EditPackPriceReadService.GetEditSelectedPackPrices(Convert.ToInt32(824)).TheEntity;
                List<object> obj = new List<object>();
                foreach (DataRow dr in modelAllValues.Rows)
                //List<CurrencyDTO> PackCurrency = _EditPackPriceReadService.GetCurrencyByPackId(Convert.ToInt32(824)).TheEntity;
                //DataTable dtCurrency = PackCurrency.ConvertToDataTable();
                if (obj.Count > 0)
                    ListCombinePack.EditableValues = editpackList;
                    //ListCombinePack.CommonPackValues = _EditPackPriceReadService.GetEditablePackDetails(5285, 4, 33, 161).TheEntity;
                    #region GenerateColumns
                    List<ColumnName> columnNames = new List<ColumnName>();
                    List<object> Columns = new List<object>();
                    ColumnName clnm = null;
                    DataTable dt = modelAllValues;
                    dt.Columns.Add("NewPrices", typeof(double)); //new column added
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                        //need to set value to NewPrices column
                        dr["NewPrices"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(dr["EffectiveDate3"])) == false ? Convert.ToDouble(dr["EffectiveDate3"]) : 0.0;
                        // or set it to some other value
                    dt.Columns.Add("ViewButtons", typeof(string));
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                        //need to set value to NewPrices column
                        dr["ViewButtons"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(dr["Pack_CD"])) == false ? dr["Pack_CD"] : "";   // or set it to some other value
                    #region HiddenDateField
                    Column clD = new Column();
                    ColumnName clnmD = new ColumnName();
                    clD.Hidden = true;
                    clnmD.Text = clD.Text = "New Date";
                    clD.DataIndex = clnmD.DataIndex = "NewSelectedDate";
                    #endregion HiddenDateField
                    #region HiddenPackCD_Field
                    Column clPckCD = new Column();
                    ColumnName clnmPckCD = new ColumnName();
                    clPckCD.Hidden = true;
                    clnmPckCD.Text = clPckCD.Text = "Pack CD";
                    clPckCD.DataIndex = clnmPckCD.DataIndex = "Pack_CD";
                    #endregion HiddenPackCD_Field
                    #region HiddenPriceTypeField
                    Column clPriceType = new Column();
                    ColumnName clnmPriceType = new ColumnName();
                    clPriceType.Hidden = true;
                    clnmPriceType.Text = clPriceType.Text = "PRICE TYPE";
                    clPriceType.DataIndex = clnmPriceType.DataIndex = "PRICE_TYPE_CD";
                    #endregion HiddenPriceTypeField
                    #region ReadOnlyColumns
                    foreach (DataColumn c in dt.Columns)
                        if (c.Caption.EndsWith("Name") || c.Caption == "Pack_CD" || c.Caption == "CURRENCY_CD" || c.Caption == "UpdatedNotes" || c.Caption == "NewSelectedDate" || c.Caption == "PRICE_TYPE_CD" || c.Caption == "NewPrices" || c.Caption == "ViewButtons")
                        //Column cl = new Column();
                        clnm = new ColumnName();
                        Column numcol = new Column();
                        switch (c.Caption)
                            case "EFFECTIVEDATE1":
                                clnm.Text = numcol.Text = "Effective " + editpack.EFFECTIVEDATE1Name;
                            case "EFFECTIVEDATE2":
                                clnm.Text = numcol.Text = "Effective " + editpack.EFFECTIVEDATE2Name;
                            case "EFFECTIVEDATE3":
                                clnm.Text = numcol.Text = "Effective " + editpack.EFFECTIVEDATE3Name;
                        if (c.Caption == "PRICE_TYPE")
                            clnm.Text = numcol.Text = "Price Type";
                            numcol.Flex = 2;
                        //if (c.Caption == "NewPrices")
                        //    clnm.Text = numcol.Text = "NewPrices";
                        //    numcol.Flex = 2;
                        clnm.DataIndex = numcol.DataIndex = c.ColumnName;
                    #endregion ReadOnlyColumns
                    #region Component Column
                    #region GridHeaderDate_NewPrice
                    ComponentColumn cmpClnm = new ComponentColumn();
                    DateField dfld = new DateField();
                    dfld.Listeners.Change.Fn = "NewDateChange";
                    dfld.MinDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
                    cmpClnm.Editor = true;
                    cmpClnm.Flex = 1;
                    ColumnName clnmNewDate = new ColumnName();
                    clnmNewDate.Text = cmpClnm.Text = "New Price";
                    // clnmNewDate.DataIndex = cmpClnm.DataIndex = dt.Columns[dt.Columns.Count - 7].ColumnName; // old code
                    clnmNewDate.DataIndex = cmpClnm.DataIndex = dt.Columns[dt.Columns.Count - 2].ColumnName; //new code       
                    List<AbstractComponent> cmps = new List<AbstractComponent>();
                    cmps.Add(new TextField());
                    #endregion GridHeaderDate_NewPrice
                    #region dynamiccomboCurrency
                    ComponentColumn cmpClnmCurrency = new ComponentColumn();
                    cmpClnmCurrency.Editor = true;
                    ColumnName clnmCurr = new ColumnName();
                    clnmCurr.Text = "";
                    clnmCurr.DataIndex = cmpClnmCurrency.DataIndex = dt.Columns[1].ColumnName;
                    List<AbstractComponent> cmpsCombo = new List<AbstractComponent>();
                    cmpsCombo.Add(new ComboBox()
                        EmptyText = "Select Currency",
                        Editable = false,
                        Store = { this.CreateTabularStore(CurrencyDTO, CurrencyDTO.Columns[0].ColumnName) },
                        ValueField = CurrencyDTO.Columns[0].ColumnName,
                        DisplayField = CurrencyDTO.Columns[2].ColumnName
                    cmpClnmCurrency.AddListener("Change", "SetDirty");
                    #endregion dynamiccomboCurrency
                    #region notestextbox
                    ComponentColumn cmpClnmNotes = new ComponentColumn();
                    cmpClnmNotes.Editor = true;
                    cmpClnmNotes.Flex = 3;
                    ColumnName clnmNote = new ColumnName();
                    clnmNote.Text = "";
                    clnmNote.DataIndex = cmpClnmNotes.DataIndex = dt.Columns[dt.Columns.Count - 5].ColumnName;
                    cmpClnmNotes.Text = "Notes";
                    List<AbstractComponent> cmpsText = new List<AbstractComponent>();
                    cmpsText.Add(new TextField()
                    #endregion notestextbox
                    #region Viewnotesbutton
                    ComponentColumn cmpClnmBtn = new ComponentColumn();
                    cmpClnmBtn.Editor = false;
                    cmpClnmBtn.Flex = 1;
                    ColumnName clnmBtnView = new ColumnName();
                    clnmBtnView.Text = "";
                    clnmBtnView.DataIndex = cmpClnmBtn.DataIndex = dt.Columns["ViewButtons"].ColumnName;
                    List<AbstractComponent> cmpsBtn = new List<AbstractComponent>();
                    Button cmpsButtn = new Button();
                    cmpsButtn.Listeners.Click.Fn = "onGroupCommand";
                    cmpsButtn.Text = "View Notes";
                    cmpsButtn.Scale = ButtonScale.Medium;
                    cmpsButtn.CommandName = "viewNotes";
                    cmpsButtn.Icon = Icon.ApplicationViewDetail;
                    #endregion Viewnotesbutton
                    #endregion ComponentColumn
                    ListCombinePack.Columns = Columns;
                    #endregion GenerateColumns
                    #region Generate ModelFields
                    List<string> Mfields = (from fld in columnNames
                                            select fld.DataIndex).ToList();
                    ListCombinePack.MFields = Mfields;
                    #endregion Generate ModelFields
                ListCombinePack.CommonPackValues = new EditablePackDTO();
                ListCombinePack.CommonPackValues.Pack_CD = 5285;
                return new Ext.Net.MVC.PartialViewResult
                    ContainerId = "ChildContentContainer",
                    ViewName = "_TestMethod",
                    WrapByScriptTag = false,
                    RenderMode = RenderMode.AddTo,
                    ClearContainer = true,
                    //Model = model.FirstOrDefault(),
                    //ViewData = this.ViewData
                    Model = ListCombinePack
    Following is my View

    @model PR.DTO.PackPriceViewModelDTO 
        ViewBag.Title = "TestMethod";
        var X = Html.X();
        var chkDirty = false;
        var NewDateChange = function (field, nv, ov) {
            var storeSt = Ext.getStore('Store1');
            @*Ext.net.Mask.show({ el: App.PackDatesGridView.panel });    *@
            for (var i = 0; i < App.PackDatesGridView.store.getCount() ; i++) {
                App.PackDatesGridView.store.getAt(i).set('NewSelectedDate', nv);
        var SetDirty = function () {
            chkDirty = true;
        var PackDetailsCancel = function () {
                url: '@Url.Action("Index", "EditPackPrice")',
                extraParams: { containerId: "ChildContentContainer" },
                ShowMask: true
        var onGroupCommand = function (column, command, group) {
        .labelWith {
            width: 200px !important;
        a.x-tab {
            display: none;
            text-decoration: none;
        .x-tab-bar-strip {
            display: none !important;
               .Items(                ********************************************************
                      .CustomConfig(x =>
                                            x.Add(new ConfigItem() { Name = "waitComboBoxStore", Value = "0", Mode = ParameterMode.Raw });
                                    .Url(Url.Action("EditSelectedPackPrices", "EditPackPrice"))
                                    .ExtraParams(x => x.Add(new Parameter() { Name = "selectedPackId", Value = Model.CommonPackValues.Pack_CD.ToString(), Mode = ParameterMode.Raw }))
                            ) //End of store
                                            .DirectEvents(de =>
                                                de.Click.Url = (Url.Action("HandleChanges", "EditPackPrice"));
                                                de.Click.EventMask.ShowMask = true;
                                                de.Click.Timeout = 50000;                                      
                                                de.Click.FormID = "cntPackDetails";
                                                de.Click.ExtraParams.Add(new Parameter
                                                    Name = "data",
                                                    Value = "#{Store1}.getChangedData({skipIdForPhantomRecords: false})",
                                                    Mode = ParameterMode.Raw,
                                                    Encode = true
    And following are the viewModel involved -

     public class PackPriceViewModelDTO
            public PackPriceViewModelDTO();
            public List<object> Columns { get; set; }
            public EditablePackDTO CommonPackValues { get; set; }
            public List<EditPack> EditableValues { get; set; }
            public List<string> MFields { get; set; }
    public class EditPack
            public EditPack();
            public int CURRENCY_CD { get; set; }
            public string EFFECTIVEDATE1 { get; set; }
            public string EFFECTIVEDATE1Name { get; set; }
            public string EFFECTIVEDATE2 { get; set; }
            public string EFFECTIVEDATE2Name { get; set; }
            public string EFFECTIVEDATE3 { get; set; }
            public string EFFECTIVEDATE3Name { get; set; }
            public DateTime NewSelectedDate { get; set; }
            public int Pack_CD { get; set; }
            public string PRICE_TYPE { get; set; }
            public int PRICE_TYPE_CD { get; set; }
            public string UpdatedNotes { get; set; }
    public class EditablePackDTO : EditPack
            public EditablePackDTO();
            public string Country { get; set; }
            public string Discontinued { get; set; }
            public string LastUpdated { get; set; }
            public string LocalName { get; set; }
            public string MarketingAuthority { get; set; }
            public string MarketingStatus { get; set; }
            public DateTime NewDate { get; set; }
            public string ParentCompany { get; set; }
            public string PriceDescription { get; set; }
            public string Region { get; set; }
            public string TheraputicCategory { get; set; }
            public string UnitOfMeasureBasis { get; set; }
    I am getting following error - 
    Token is not unique
    ID = ext.net.global.script.before
    TagName = anchor
    Match = <#:anchor id='ext.net.global.script.before' />
    Kindly provide your inputs.
    Last edited by Daniil; May 06, 2014 at 6:55 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @PriceRightHTML5team,

    Please demonstrate how you render the partial view, i.e. how you use the TestMethod action.
    Last edited by Daniil; Apr 19, 2014 at 6:01 PM.
  3. #3
    Hi Daniil,

    I have provided TestMethod() in previous post.
    I am calling this method on Menu click as follows -

      .Menu(menu =>
  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by PriceRightHTML5team View Post
    I have provided TestMethod() in previous post.
    Please provide links to any related posts.
    Geoffrey McGill
  5. #5

    TestMethod() I had provided is in the first comment of this thread.
    Please refer the same.
  6. #6

    Your code from first post is not compilable on our side (compilation errors). So, we cannot use it to reproduce the issue
    Is that code with big model really required to reproduce the issue?

    Your Handler for MenuItem is invalid also because we don't know what is Navigation

    Please create simple test case which is not required any changes on our side. Please reduce code as much as possible (for example, if the issue is reproducable with one column then it is not required to post test sample with 10 columns)

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