Load Panel into Tab

  1. #1

    Load Panel into Tab

    I have a series of 6 tabs within a Tabpanel - which will load the same panel upon activate - so what I would like to do - is when the user clicks a tab - the panel is loaded and a store is filtered by a param (each tab would define the param value being passed in)...
  2. #2

    RE: Load Panel into Tab

    Not sure if this is possible?
  3. #3

    RE: Load Panel into Tab

    Can you make a simplified .aspx code sample which mocks-up the structure or the controls and describe exactly what should happen and when? I'm finding it a bit hard to understand what you're envisioning and trying to accomplish.*

    Geoffrey McGill
  4. #4

    RE: Load Panel into Tab

    Well - what I am trying to do - is similar in theory to the example https://examples1.ext.net/Examples/T...c/Grid_As_Tab/

    Except - I do not want to load the control as a new tab - but rather - have a tabpanel - with 5 tabs - each of the tabs will call the same gridpanel as the "content"/body for each of the tabs - so if the user clicks on Tab1 - the gridpanel is "loaded"/displayed into Tab1's body, etc. and a filter param is passed in to filter the gridpanel's store.

    So really, in a nutshell - I grid on a page (hidden) - user clicks an existing tab - grid is loaded "under" the tab and the grids store is filtered by a param passed from Tab - e.g.

    Tabs = Customers With Big Orders, Customers with littl orders

    User clicks on "Customers with big orders" - grid is show under that tab and the grids store is filtered by x value associated with that tab.... Make sense?
  5. #5

    RE: Load Panel into Tab

    Any thoughts if this is possible?
  6. #6

    RE: Load Panel into Tab

    This would be similar to what I am trying to do - except in place of the div - use a panel and a standard coolite tabpanel instead of creating in JS as below:

    var tabs = new Ext.TabPanel({
        renderTo: 'my-tabs',
        activeTab: 0,
            {contentEl:'tab1', title:'Tab 1'},
            {contentEl:'tab2', title:'Tab 2'}
    // Note that the tabs do not have to be nested within the container (although they can be)

    <div id="my-tabs">
    <div id="tab1" class="x-hide-display">A simple tab
    <div id="tab2" class="x-hide-display">Another one

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