Update Panel from Tree Panel selection

  1. #1

    Update Panel from Tree Panel selection


    I browsed this forum and I could not quite find what I'm
    looking for (maybe I missed some posts). So, what I want to achieve is
    (I'm pretty sure it is possible, but can't figure it out now):

    In an .aspx page I have one TreePanel control and one regular Panel
    control. By selecting an item from the TreePanel I would like to have
    the regular Panel refreshed and retrieving the relevant information (it
    does not matter how the information is retrieved) for the item selected
    in the TreePanel (see the mockup attached).
    Also, if it not too
    much, if some changes are performed in the values contained in the
    regular Panel the TreePanel should be updated as well (basically update
    the node text value or delete/add nodes).
    Would it be possible to provide some advice on how to achieve this?

    Note: I reviewed the SiteMap under the TreePanel example and the Center
    Panel is refreshed by loading an .aspx page. Another .aspx page within
    an iframe is not my intent in what I want to achieve.

    Thank you for your support!

  2. #2

    RE: Update Panel from Tree Panel selection


    Handle TreePanel Click event which gives clicked node and refresh Panel depends your logic.*

    <Click Handler="refreshPanel(node);"/>

    To update node text use

    To delete node

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