[CLOSED] Combobox value in PropertyGrid

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Combobox value in PropertyGrid


    When I use a ComboBox as editor in a PropertyGrid, the selected Text is not displayed correctly. I found a post which explained to use a render function for displaying the correct text.


    This however only works when the value field has a integer value, not when it is a string. Somehow the selected value will be surrounded with quotes when it has a non integer value. "A" becomes "\"A\"".
    When saving the PropertyGrid values, the selected value will have surrounding quotes.

    Why is it working this way?

    I use Ext.NET version:

    An other question: how do I change the width of the first column in the property grid? (I found some old samples on the forum, they don't work with the current version).


    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <script runat="server">
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!X.IsAjaxRequest)
                var stringKeyGridParameter = new PropertyGridParameter
                    Name = "StringKeyProp",
                    DisplayName = "String Key Property - long label name",
                    Value = "A"
                var editor = new ComboBox
                    ForceSelection = true,
                    ID = stringKeyGridParameter.Name + "_Editor",
                    Items = 
                        new Ext.Net.ListItem("Value A", "A")
                stringKeyGridParameter.Renderer.Handler = string.Format("return renderPropGridCombo({0},value);", editor.ClientID);
                var intKeyGridParameter = new PropertyGridParameter
                    Name = "IntKeyProp",
                    DisplayName = "Int Key Property - long label name",
                    Value = "1"
                editor = new ComboBox
                    ForceSelection = true,
                    ID = intKeyGridParameter.Name + "_Editor",
                    Items = 
                        new Ext.Net.ListItem("Value 1", "1")
                intKeyGridParameter .Renderer.Handler = string.Format("return renderPropGridCombo({0},value);", editor.ClientID);
        public void OnSaveButtonClick(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
            var intKeyProp = PropGrid.Source.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "IntKeyProp");
            var isTrue = intKeyProp.Value == "1";
            var stringKeyProp = PropGrid.Source.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "StringKeyProp");
            var isTrue2 = stringKeyProp.Value == "\"A\"";
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head id="Head1" runat="server">
        <ext:XScript ID="XScript2" runat="server">
            <script type="text/javascript">
                function renderPropGridCombo(combo, value) {
                    if (value == '' || value === undefined) return '';
                    var r = '';
                    var store = combo.getStore();
                    for (var i = 0; i < store.data.items.length; i++) {
                        var item = store.data.items[i];
                        var v = item.data[combo.valueField];
                        if (v == value) {
                            return item.data[combo.displayField];
                    return '';
        <form id="Form1" runat="server">
            <ext:ResourceManager ID="ResourceManager1" runat="server" />
            <ext:PropertyGrid ID="PropGrid" runat="server"
                    <ext:Button ID="SaveButton" runat="server" Text="Save">
                            <Click OnEvent="OnSaveButtonClick" />
    Last edited by Daniil; Jun 02, 2014 at 12:40 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi Sander,

    A PropertyGrid's AddProperty method must be used during DirectEvents/DirectMethods only.

    Please replace
    The same is for the intKeyGridParameter.

    Though, it leads to another issue. You'll get a NullException, because the PropertyGrid's will be empty. You should remove
    if (!X.IsAjaxRequest)
    to let the Source to be recreated on each request. I'd say it is required if you want to work with a PropertyGrid's Source during a DirectEvent.

    Going further, to have an int value on client, you should use ParameterMode.Raw here:
    var intKeyGridParameter = new PropertyGridParameter
        Name = "IntKeyProp",
        DisplayName = "Int Key Property - long label name",
        Value = "1",
        Mode = ParameterMode.Raw
    Now, this line
    var isTrue = intKeyProp.Value == "1";
    A PropertyGridParameter's Value property is a type of string. So, it cannot be an int value here. You should cast it by your own.

    An other question: how do I change the width of the first column in the property grid? (I found some old samples on the forum, they don't work with the current version).
    Please start a new forum thread. Posting a link to the thread with the old sample that you found is also appreciated.
  3. #3
    Following worked for me:
    Mode = ParameterMode.Raw


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