Hi guys,

I have a question regarding editors in the gridview.

I have a combobox in ColA of my grid. This combobox have hardcoded values and the user can only choose one of them.

In ColB, i have a textbox on the editor, but i only want to allow the user to write something on it, if the value on the combo meet some criteria.

For instance:
Collumn A
 <ext:ComboBox ID="cmbInvoiceType" runat="server" Editable="false" ForceSelection="true">
   <ext:ListItem Text="Allow User to Write" Value="1" />
   <ext:ListItem Text="Don't Allow User to Write" Value="2" />
Collumn B
 <ext:TextField ID="UserInput" runat="server" AllowBlank="false" />
Another problem i have is regarding events of the controls when tehy are inside an editor. I can't seem to fire AjaxEvents. Is it possible and if yes, how? The way we do it in the "normal" way don't work.

Can anyone help me? Is this only possible in v0.8, when dynamically manage Editor controls?

Thanks and best regardings,

Nuno Santos