Resize column-chart with no fixed count columns

  1. #1

    Resize column-chart with no fixed count columns


    I work with mvc

    I want to create a column chart. My X-axis chart may have one or two columns, as many columns. I want that the columns have a fixed width, and if their number is greater than the screen size, the Chart shall have a horizontal scrolling.

    How it is implemented? Thank you.

    P.S. EXAMPLE on a fixed number of columns.
  2. #2


    I'm sorry, but I understood how solved this problem.
    We set for Panel which contains Chart LayoutType.HBox and AutoScroll(true). For chart we don't set width and for store set Listeners: .Listeners(le => le.Load.Handler = "App.chrtSellCommodity.setWidth(170 * records.length)")

    where 170 - const width one column chart.

                                                    .Url(Url.Action("GetData", "Bar", new { area = "Report" }))
                                              .Listeners(le => le.Load.Handler = "App.chrtSellCommodity.setWidth(170 * records.length)")
                                            .Renderer(r => r.Handler = "return Ext.util.Format.number(value, '0,0');")
                                        .Renderer(r => r.Handler = "this.setTitle(storeItem.get('Name') + ': ' + storeItem.get('Count') + ' views');")
    I hope that my solving helps others developers.
  3. #3
    Thank you for sharing the solution! Appreciated.

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