[CLOSED] Open External Website in Tab Error in IE with parentAutoLoadControl

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  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Open External Website in Tab Error in IE with parentAutoLoadControl

    I've been having trouble in IE with opening a new tab with the loader, it appears to be working in Chrome. I am hoping you might have solution to this issue. The dynamic code is generating the following error:
    Thanks for your assistance

    Exception was thrown at line 2491, column 13 in http://localhost:53440/extnet/extnet...xt.axd?v=14713
    0x80070005 - JavaScript runtime error: Access is denied.
    If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely continued.
    And stopping on the following code block within the dynamic code:
    beforeIFrameLoad: function () {
            try {
                this.target.iframe.dom.contentWindow.parentAutoLoadControl = this.target;
            } catch (e) { }

    Test routine
    Home Controller
            public StoreResult GetTreeCategories(string node)
                Node child = new Node();
                child.Text = "sites";
                child.Leaf = true;
                child.NodeID = "sitesID";
                NodeCollection nodes = new NodeCollection(false);
                Node root = new Node();
                root.Text = "Organization";
                root.AllowDrag = false;
                root.Expanded = true;
                return this.Store(nodes);
            public ActionResult GetPasswordByOrgTreeKey(string orgTreeKey)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orgTreeKey))
                    pwdInformation info = new pwdInformation();
                    info.methodKey = 1;
                    info.method = "Website";
                    info.logonName = "";
                    info.logonPwd = "";
                    info.url = "http://www.ext.net/";
                    Store storePwd = this.GetCmp<Store>("storePassword");
                return this.Direct();
            .SyncUrl(Url.Action("StorePasswordSync", "Home"))
            .Reader(r => r.Add(X.JsonReader()))
            .Writer(w => w.Add(X.JsonWriter().Encode(true).Root("data")))
            .Listeners(l => { l.Exception.Fn = "onStoreException"; })
                        new ModelField("passwordKey", ModelFieldType.Int) { Mapping = "passwordKey" },
                        new ModelField("orgTreeKey", ModelFieldType.Int) { Mapping = "orgTreeKey" },
                        new ModelField("userKey", ModelFieldType.Int) { Mapping = "userKey" },
                        new ModelField("categoryKey", ModelFieldType.Int) { Mapping = "categoryKey" },
                        new ModelField("logonName", ModelFieldType.String) { Mapping = "logonName" },
                        new ModelField("logonPwd", ModelFieldType.String) { Mapping = "logonPwd" },
                        new ModelField("url", ModelFieldType.String) { Mapping = "url" },
                        new ModelField("comments", ModelFieldType.String) { Mapping = "comments" },
                        new ModelField("methodKey", ModelFieldType.String) { Mapping = "methodKey" },
                        new ModelField("memberNo", ModelFieldType.String) { Mapping = "memberNo" },
                        new ModelField("emailUsed", ModelFieldType.String) { Mapping = "emailUsed" },
                        new ModelField("techsupport", ModelFieldType.String) { Mapping = "techsupport" },
                        new ModelField("productNo", ModelFieldType.String) { Mapping = "productNo" },
                        new ModelField("licenseNo", ModelFieldType.String) { Mapping = "licenseNo" },
                        new ModelField("user", ModelFieldType.String) { Mapping = "user" },
                        new ModelField("method", ModelFieldType.String) { Mapping = "method" },
                        new ModelField("category", ModelFieldType.String) { Mapping = "category" },
                        new ModelField("parentKey", ModelFieldType.String) { Mapping = "parentKey" },
                        new ModelField("passwordparent", ModelFieldType.String) { Mapping = "passwordParent" },
                        new ModelField("vpnname", ModelFieldType.String) { Mapping = "vpnName" }
                        X.Tool().Type(ToolType.Expand).ToolTip("Expand all").Handler("this.up('treepanel').expandAll();"),
                        X.Tool().Type(ToolType.Collapse).TooltipConfig(tt => { tt.Width = 70; tt.Text = "Collapse All"; }).Handler("this.up('treepanel').collapseAll();"),
                                    .Listeners(l => { l.KeyUp.Fn = "filterTree"; l.KeyUp.Buffer = 250; l.TriggerClick.Fn = "clearFilter"; })
                    .DirectEvents(de =>
                        de.ItemClick.Url = Url.Action("GetPasswordByOrgTreeKey", "Home");
                        de.ItemClick.ExtraParams.Add(new Parameter("orgTreeKey", "record.data.id", ParameterMode.Raw));
                    .Listeners(l =>
                        l.ItemContextMenu.Fn = "showMenu";
                        l.ItemContextMenu.StopEvent = true;
                        l.RemoteActionRefusal.Handler = "Ext.Msg.alert('Action refusal', e.message);";
                        l.ItemClick.Handler = "Ext.getCmp('formPassword').getForm().reset();";
                            .Title("Defined Passwords")
                                                                            X.GridCommand().CommandName("Launch").Icon(Icon.ComputerGo).StandOut(true).ToolTip(tt => tt.Text = "Launch")
                                    .Listeners(l => l.Command.Handler = "handleLaunch(command, record)")
        var handleLaunch = function (command, record) {
            if (command === 'Launch' && record.data.methodKey === '1') {
                addTab(App.mainTabPanel, 'tab' + record.data.passwordKey, record.data.url);
            } else {
                App.direct.LaunchFromURL(command, record.data.methodKey, record.data.url, record.data.passwordKey, record.data.parentKey);
        var addTab = function (tabPanel, id, url) {
            Ext.Msg.notify('Launch', id + '|' + url);
            var tab = tabPanel.getComponent(id);
            if (!tab) {
                tab = tabPanel.add({
                    id: id,
                    title: url,
                    closable: true,
                    loader: {
                        url: url,
                        renderer: "frame",
                        loadMask: {
                            showMask: true,
                            msg: "Loading " + url + "..."
    Last edited by Daniil; Mar 11, 2014 at 6:41 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @rsnead,

    Hard to say why Chrome gives access, but IE doesn't. I am not sure we can somehow affect on that.

    Does it happen in any IE version?

    What is the URL you load? This one?
    info.url = "http://www.ext.net/";
    Does it happen with other URLs?
  3. #3
    thanks Daniil

    I have only tried ie version 11.
    Chrome Version 33.0.1750.146

    I have tried with multiple sites and have gotten the exact same response. For the most part I am verifying that have am calling this correctly to add a new tab in the tabPanel. And if you have seen this issue before with a possible resolution.

  4. #4
    iframe content is inaccessable for parent page if url belongs another domain. It is due same origin policy
    If you say that Chrome allows it then it means your Chrome works in non statndard mode with low level security settings

    How do you determine that Chrome allows it and IE doesn't allows it? Calling is wrapped by try/catch block therefore you will not see the exception without debugger

    Did you try to debug under Chrome? I guess that IE11 is run from VS in debug mode therefore you see the exception inside VS debugger
  5. #5
    Thank Vladimir

    You are correct in your assumption with regards to the debugging. I have not tried debugging with Chrome.

    What i am trying to accomplish is what is setup in the TabPanel example. How are you able to launch the various site? (in particular: http://www.sencha.com/) I am assuming it is not in the same domain as Ext.Net?

  6. #6
    Launch is possible, just it is not possible to get iframe content if src url is another domain
    Can you explain what exactly problem do you have and what do you need to implement?
  7. #7
    I have created an app that allows users to enter their websites. When a user 'launches' a web page, I would like to add to a tabPanel, just like what is in the example. I am not trying to do anything complex. I have not seen any example or posting anywhere on the web that points me in a different direction. Any assistance would be much appreciated.

  8. #8
    So, what exactly problems do you have? The online sample shows how to add tab and load external page
  9. #9
    Thanks for you help, Vladimir

    From my example above, you can see that I have replicated the example from the website. I am wondering why I am receiving the errors while debugging, as I mentioned.

    If the example works, does that mean that you have to attach to a menu item? When I publish the site, it appears to be working correctly.

  10. #10
    Just ignore the exception, VS intercept exceptions inside try/catch blocks, it doesn't affect on functionality and you will not see the exception if run without VS debugging
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