[CLOSED] Gridpanel set to readonly

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  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Gridpanel set to readonly

    Hi Team

    I need to set an entire Gridpanel to readonly...
    Any hint or examples on how to do this ?

    Last edited by Daniil; Feb 21, 2014 at 9:16 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi Peter,

    You can return false from an editing plugin's BeforeEdit listener. It should prevent editing.

    Though, you might need to demonstrate how your GridPanel is configured.
  3. #3
    Hi Daniil

    We, I use a special approach :-)

    My grid has no edit funtion in the mark up :

            <ext:GridPanel runat="server" ID="gridPackaging" AutoScroll="true">
                    <ext:Store ID="storePackaging" runat="server">
                        <ext:Model ID="modelPackaging" runat="server">
                            <ext:ModelField Name="Id" />
                            <ext:ModelField Name="PackagingType" />
                            <ext:ModelField Name="Quantity" />
                            <ext:ModelField Name="PackagingReferenceNumber" />
                      <ext:Column ID="colIdPack" runat="server" DataIndex="Id" Text="Id" Width="100" Hidden="True" Groupable="False" Sortable="False" MenuDisabled="True" />
                      <ext:ComponentColumn ID="colPackagingType" runat="server" Editor="true" DataIndex="PackagingType" Text="PackagingType" Sortable="False" Width="150" Flex="1">
                          <ajaxBox:AjaxCodeComboBox runat="server" ID="cboPackagingType" DataType="PackagingType" DisplayType="DescriptionAndValue" />
                      <ext:ComponentColumn ID="colQuantity" runat="server" DataIndex="Quantity" Text="Quantity" Width="125" Hidden="False" Groupable="true" Sortable="False" MenuDisabled="False">
                          <ext:NumberField ID="fldPackageQuantity" runat="server" DecimalPrecision="0" MaxLength="5" HideTrigger="True" />
                      <ext:ComponentColumn ID="colPackagingReferenceNumber" runat="server" DataIndex="PackagingReferenceNumber" Text="PackagingReferenceNumber" Width="125" Hidden="False" Groupable="true" Sortable="False" MenuDisabled  ="False">
                          <ext:TextField ID="fldPackagingReferenceNumber" runat="server" MaxLength="42" EnforceMaxLength="True" MaxLengthText="PackRefNo42CharsLenghtWarnin">" />
                    <ext:RowSelectionModel ID="RowSelectionModelPackaging" runat="server" Mode="Single" />
    The Edit Function is set by Code Behind functions

        Public Shared Sub AddNewToolbar(grid As AbstractPanel)
          Dim tBar As ToolbarBase
          If grid.TopBar.Count > 0 Then
            'Grid has already a Toolbar - take this one.
            If Not IsNothing(grid.TopBar) Then
              tBar = grid.TopBar.Toolbar()
            End If
            Dim toolBarId = grid.ID & "AddToolBar"
            tBar = New Toolbar
            tBar.ID = toolBarId
          End If
        End Sub

        Private Shared Function GetAddButton(grid As AbstractPanel) As Button
          Dim addButton As New Button
          addButton.ID = grid.ID & "AddButton"
          addButton.Icon = Icon.Add
          addButton.ToolTip = custrocheimport.TooltipAdd
          addButton.CommandName = "cmdAdd"
          addButton.Listeners.Click.Handler = "handleAddGridRow(item, e);"
          Return addButton
        End Function
    The JS Script Handler 'handleAddGridRow' just add's a new Item with a new Id

    grid.getStore().add({ Id: getGUID() });
    The new Requirement is now a ready only view of the Page - it is a quite comple on with about 8 grid's working like this.

    I had a functio to set the whole page to read-only

      Public Shared Sub SetReadOnlyMode(cont As ControlCollection)
          For Each control As Object In cont
            Select Case control.GetType().ToString().ToUpper()
              Case "EXT.NET.TEXTFIELD"
                DirectCast(control, TextField).ReadOnly = True
              Case "EXT.NET.NUMBERFIELD"
                DirectCast(control, NumberField).ReadOnly = True
              Case "EXT.NET.TEXTAREA"
                DirectCast(control, TextArea).ReadOnly = True
              Case "EXT.NET.GRIDPANEL"
                Dim grid As GridPanel = DirectCast(control, GridPanel)
                For Each col As ColumnBase In grid.ColumnModel.Columns
                  col.Enabled = False
                  If TypeOf col Is Ext.Net.ComponentColumn Then
                    For Each innerControl As Control In col.Controls
                      Select Case innerControl.GetType().ToString().ToUpper()
                          DirectCast(innerControl, Ext.Net.ComboBox).ReadOnly = True
                        Case "EXT.NET.TEXTFIELD"
                          DirectCast(innerControl, TextField).ReadOnly = True
                        Case "EXT.NET.NUMBERFIELD"
                          DirectCast(innerControl, NumberField).ReadOnly = True
                      End Select
                  End If
              Case "EXT.NET.COMBOBOX"
                DirectCast(control, ComboBox).ReadOnly = True
              Case "EXT.NET.CHECKBOX"
                DirectCast(control, Checkbox).Enabled = False
              Case "EXT.NET.RADIOBUTTON"
                DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.Radio).Enabled = False
              Case "EXT.NET.BUTTON"
                DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.Button).Disabled = True
                DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.ComboBox).ReadOnly = True
              Case Else
                If _log.IsDebugEnabled Then
                  _log.DebugFormat("Component {0} is not set to ReadOnly !", control.GetType().ToString())
                End If
            End Select
            If TypeOf control Is Container Then
              SetReadOnlyMode(DirectCast(control, Container).Controls)
            End If
            If TypeOf control Is FormPanel Then
              SetReadOnlyMode(DirectCast(control, FormPanel).Controls)
            End If
            If TypeOf control Is Panel Then
              SetReadOnlyMode(DirectCast(control, Panel).Controls)
            End If
            If TypeOf control Is FieldSet Then
              SetReadOnlyMode(DirectCast(control, FieldSet).Controls)
            End If
            If TypeOf control Is WebControls.Panel Then
              SetReadOnlyMode(DirectCast(control, WebControls.Panel).Controls)
            End If
            If TypeOf control Is Toolbar Then
              SetReadOnlyMode(DirectCast(control, Toolbar).Controls)
            End If
            If TypeOf control Is FieldContainer Then
              SetReadOnlyMode(DirectCast(control, FieldContainer).Controls)
            End If
            If TypeOf control Is RadioButtonList Then
              SetReadOnlyMode(DirectCast(control, RadioButtonList).Controls)
            End If
            If TypeOf control Is Ext.Net.ContentContainer Then
              SetReadOnlyMode(DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.ContentContainer).Controls)
            End If
            If TypeOf control Is Ext.Net.CheckboxGroup Then
              SetReadOnlyMode(DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.CheckboxGroup).Controls)
            End If
        End Sub
    That workd fine, just call this method in page load and all controls are readonly. But I found a problem with the Grid above...
    When I bind the Data to the Grid, the Fields of Type Textfield and Numberfield remain empty !?

    I bind the Data with a function created long time ago

    Here's a Data Example

                "PackagingList": [
                        "Id": "f72eecae-8017-4366-bb0e-6d7d20468589",
                        "PackagingReferenceNumber": null,
                        "PackagingType": "CT",
                        "Quantity": "1.00",
                        "_Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                        "_SysPersisted": false
    And the two Methods look like this

    function loadDataToGrid(data, gridId) {
        var gp = Ext.getCmp(gridId);
        var ret = false;
        if (gp != null) {
            ret = loadDataToGridObject(data, gp);
            ret = true;
        return ret;
    function loadDataToGridObject(data, gridObject) {
        var ret = false;
        if (gridObject != null) {
            gridObject.getStore().loadData(data, false);
            ret = true;
        return ret;
    That works very smooth as long as the grid isn't set to read only with the method above :-/

    I know, that's a lot to read, but It would be great to get this stuff running with this approach...

  4. #4
    Ok, thanks. Could you, please, provide a full, simplified as much as possible and runnable sample to reproduce the problem?
  5. #5
    Well, here is an example - I think the problem isn't the read only stuff. If you look at the Store's Data after they are loaded with 'loadDataToGridObject' all object from the JSON Object are present ?!

    The SetReadOnly Button causes an error - have no Idea why :-(

    <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="WebForm2.aspx.vb" Inherits="WebApplication1.WebForm2" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Grid Read Only</title>
        <script runat="server" type="text/VB">
            Public Sub SetReadOnlyMode(Optional cont As ControlCollection = Nothing)
                If IsNothing(cont) Then
                    cont = Controls
                End If
                For Each control As Object In cont
                    Select Case control.GetType().ToString().ToUpper()
                        Case "EXT.NET.TEXTFIELD"
                            DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.TextField).ReadOnly = True
                        Case "EXT.NET.NUMBERFIELD"
                            DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.NumberField).ReadOnly = True
                        Case "EXT.NET.TEXTAREA"
                            DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.TextArea).ReadOnly = True
                        Case "EXT.NET.GRIDPANEL"
                            Dim grid As GridPanel = DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.GridPanel)
                            For Each col As ColumnBase In grid.ColumnModel.Columns
                                col.Enabled = False
                                If TypeOf col Is Ext.Net.ComponentColumn Then
                                    For Each innerControl As Control In col.Controls
                                        Select Case innerControl.GetType().ToString().ToUpper()
                                            Case "EXT.NET.TEXTFIELD"
                                                DirectCast(innerControl, Ext.Net.TextField).ReadOnly = True
                                            Case "EXT.NET.NUMBERFIELD"
                                                DirectCast(innerControl, Ext.Net.NumberField).ReadOnly = True
                                        End Select
                                End If
                        Case "EXT.NET.COMBOBOX"
                            DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.ComboBox).ReadOnly = True
                        Case "EXT.NET.CHECKBOX"
                            DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.Checkbox).Enabled = False
                        Case "EXT.NET.RADIOBUTTON"
                            DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.Radio).Enabled = False
                        Case Else
                    End Select
                    If TypeOf control Is Ext.Net.FormPanel Then
                        SetReadOnlyMode(DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.FormPanel).Controls)
                    End If
                    If TypeOf control Is Ext.Net.Panel Then
                        SetReadOnlyMode(DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.Panel).Controls)
                    End If
                    If TypeOf control Is Ext.Net.FieldSet Then
                        SetReadOnlyMode(DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.FieldSet).Controls)
                    End If
                    If TypeOf control Is Toolbar Then
                        SetReadOnlyMode(DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.Toolbar).Controls)
                    End If
                    If TypeOf control Is FieldContainer Then
                        SetReadOnlyMode(DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.FieldContainer).Controls)
                    End If
                    If TypeOf control Is Ext.Net.CheckboxGroup Then
                        SetReadOnlyMode(DirectCast(control, Ext.Net.CheckboxGroup).Controls)
                    End If
            End Sub
        <script type="text/javascript">
        var _data = '[ { "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "PackagingType": "PX", "Quantity": "1", "PackagingReferenceNumber": "Ref. 123" }, { "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "PackagingType": "PY", "Quantity": "2", "PackagingReferenceNumber": "Ref. 456" },  { "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", "PackagingType": "PZ", "Quantity": "3", "PackagingReferenceNumber": "Ref. 789" }]';
        function loadGrid() {
            var packData;
            packData = JSON.parse(_data);
            loadDataToGrid(packData, 'gridPackaging');
        function PackagingDTO() {
            this.Id = "";
            this.PackagingType = "";
            this.Quantity = "";
            this.PackagingReferenceNumber = "";
        function loadDataToGrid(data, gridId) {
            var gp = Ext.getCmp(gridId);
            var ret = false;
            if (gp != null) {
                ret = loadDataToGridObject(data, gp);
            return ret;
        function loadDataToGridObject(data, gridObject) {
            var ret = false;
            if (gridObject != null) {
                gridObject.getStore().loadData(data, false);
                ret = true;
            return ret;
        function clearStoreOfGrid(gridId) {
            var gp = Ext.getCmp(gridId);
            var ret = false;
            if (gp != null) {
                ret = true;
            return ret;
            <ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />
            <ext:Panel runat="server" Height="250" ID="pnlOuter">
                    <ext:Container runat="server" ID="contOuter">
                            <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Set ReadOnly" ID="cmdReadOnly">
                                    <Click Handler="App.direct.SetReadOnlyMode(null);" />
                            <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Load Data" OnClientClick="loadGrid();" ID="cmdLoad" />
                            <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Clear Data" OnClientClick="clearStoreOfGrid('gridPackaging');" ID="cmdClear" />
                    <ext:GridPanel runat="server" ID="gridPackaging" AutoScroll="true">
                            <ext:Store ID="storePackaging" runat="server">
                                    <ext:Model ID="modelPackaging" runat="server">
                                            <ext:ModelField Name="Id" />
                                            <ext:ModelField Name="PackagingType" />
                                            <ext:ModelField Name="Quantity" />
                                            <ext:ModelField Name="PackagingReferenceNumber" />
                                <ext:Column ID="colIdPack" runat="server" DataIndex="Id" Text="Id" Width="220" Hidden="false" Groupable="False" Sortable="False" MenuDisabled="True" />
                                <ext:ComponentColumn ID="colPackagingType" runat="server" Editor="true" DataIndex="PackagingType" Text="PackagingType" Sortable="False" Width="150" Flex="1">
                                        <ext:TextField runat="server" ID="fldPackagingType" />
                                <ext:ComponentColumn ID="colQuantity" runat="server" DataIndex="Quantity" Text="Quantity" Width="125" Hidden="False" Groupable="true" Sortable="False" MenuDisabled="False">
                                        <ext:NumberField ID="fldPackageQuantity" runat="server" DecimalPrecision="0" MaxLength="5" HideTrigger="True" />
                                <ext:ComponentColumn ID="colPackagingReferenceNumber" runat="server" DataIndex="PackagingReferenceNumber" Text="PackagingReferenceNumber" Width="125" Hidden="False" Groupable="true" Sortable="False" MenuDisabled="False">
                                        <ext:TextField ID="fldPackagingReferenceNumber" runat="server" MaxLength="42" EnforceMaxLength="True" MaxLengthText="PackRefNo42CharsLenghtWarning" />
                            <ext:RowSelectionModel ID="RowSelectionModelPackaging" runat="server" Mode="Single" />
  6. #6
    Yes, you cannot operate with a ComponentColumn's Component in that way. It doesn't support an ID, it just ignores it, because a new Component is rendered for each row, but its ids must be unique.

    To configure a ComponentColumn's Component you should use the BeforeBind event. Please look at the example.

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <script runat="server">
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!X.IsAjaxRequest)
                Store store = this.GridPanel1.GetStore();
                store.DataSource = new object[] 
                    new object[] { "test", "test" },
                    new object[] { "test", "test" },
                    new object[] { "test", "test" }
        protected void Set(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
            this.GridPanel1.Set("readOnly", true);
            this.GridPanel1.Refresh(); // to re-render the GridPanel and, respectively, call the BeforeBind listeners
        protected void Reset(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
            this.GridPanel1.Set("readOnly", false);
            this.GridPanel1.Refresh(); // to re-render the GridPanel and, respectively, call the BeforeBind listeners
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Ext.NET v2 Example</title>
        <form runat="server">
            <ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />
            <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Set read only" OnDirectClick="Set" />
            <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Reset read only" OnDirectClick="Reset" />
            <ext:GridPanel ID="GridPanel1" runat="server">
                    <ext:Store runat="server">
                            <ext:Model runat="server">
                                    <ext:ModelField Name="test1" />
                                    <ext:ModelField Name="test2" />
                <ColumnModel runat="server">
                        <ext:ComponentColumn runat="server" Text="Test 1" DataIndex="test1" Editor="true">
                                <ext:TextField runat="server" />
                                <BeforeBind Handler="e.config[0].readOnly = !!this.grid.readOnly;" />
                        <ext:ComponentColumn runat="server" Text="Test 2" DataIndex="test2" Editor="true">
                                <ext:TextField runat="server" />
                                <BeforeBind Handler="e.config[0].readOnly = !!this.grid.readOnly;" />
  7. #7
    Ahh, Ok...

    But, how do you call the Set Method in Javascript ? I got an Error ...
  8. #8
    In JavaScript you should do:
    grid.readOnly = true;
  9. #9
    Perfect - works fine :-)

    The other one I have in my example is the problem that the Columns 'Quantity' and 'PackagingReferenceNumber' not show any Data ?
    I can see the Data are present in the Store, but invisible in the Grid ?!

    Any Idea about that ?

  10. #10
    I guess you should set up Editor="true" for the CompnentColumns.
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