[Ext.NET.MVC5 2.4] ComboBox Manually Loading Store in BeforeQuery event doesn't expand combo list automatically.

  1. #1

    [CLOSED][FIXED][Ext.NET.MVC5 2.4] ComboBox Manually Loading Store in BeforeQuery event doesn't expand combo list automatically.

    After upgrading from Ext.NET 2.2 to Ext.NET.MVC5 2.4, I encountered some issue when the store of combobox is loaded in the BeforeQuery listener. You need to click the combobox twice before the options or combo items will expand/display. See code snippet below:

    In View,
    .Listeners(l => l.BeforeQuery.Fn = "BeforeQuery")
    In JS:
    var BeforeQuery = function() {
       this.getStore().load({ params: { id: this.record.data.ID }});
    Note: This was working fine in 2.2.

    Please help and advise.
    Last edited by recharge; Mar 08, 2014 at 4:19 AM.
  2. #2
    Hello @recharge,

    Welcome to the Ext.NET forums!

    What is the "this.record" inside the BeforeQuery listener? I don't think a ComboBox has the "record" propertyl. So, you probably define it somewhere.

    Please provide a full runnable test case to reproduce the problem.

    Also I would not consider it a bug. Calling a Store's load inside the BeforeQuery listener is not a standard option. Please clarify why you do that.
  3. #3
    Hi Daniil,

    Thanks for your utmost reply.

    "this.record" is coming from the current GridPanel row record/data.

    See below test case:

                                    new ModelField("value", ModelFieldType.String),
                                    new ModelField("code", ModelFieldType.String)
                        .Listeners(listen =>
                            listen.BeforeQuery.Fn = "BeforeQuery";
                             new ModelField("ID", ModelFieldType.String)
                            , new ModelField("Name", ModelFieldType.String)
                            , new ModelField("Unit", ModelFieldType.String)
    I called the Store's load inside the BeforeQuery listener because I want to pass the parameter the gridStore's record [ID] to the Combobox component column Store. Please advise how to pass that though directly without using BeforeQuery listener.
  4. #4
    Could you, please, provide a full, but simplified and runnable test case to reproduce the initial problem with BeforeQuery?

    Then I could investigate this problem and try to find a solution better if any.
  5. #5
    Hi Daniil,

    As requested, see below full test case to reproduce.

    Model (TestCaseModel.cs):
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    namespace TestCase
        public class TestDataModel
            public int IntField2 {get; set;}
            public int ComboField2 {get; set;}
            public string TextField2  {get; set;}
            public DateTime DateField2 { get; set; }
        public class TestData
            public static IEnumerable GetData()
                DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                return new object[]
                        new object[] { 1, 1, "Text 1", DateTime.Now.Date },
                        new object[] { 2, 2, "Text 2", DateTime.Now.Date },
                        new object[] { 3, 3, "Text 3", DateTime.Now.Date },
                        new object[] { 4, 4, "Text 4", DateTime.Now.Date },
                        new object[] { 5, 5, "Text 5", DateTime.Now.Date },
                        new object[] { 6, 6, "Text 6", DateTime.Now.Date },
                        new object[] { 7, 7, "Text 7", DateTime.Now.Date },
                        new object[] { 8, 8, "Text 8", DateTime.Now.Date },
                        new object[] { 9, 9, "Text 9", DateTime.Now.Date }
    View (Index.cshtml):
    @model System.Collections.IEnumerable
    @using Ext.Net
    @using Ext.Net.MVC
        ViewBag.Title = "Test Case";
        var X = @Html.X();
    @section scripts{
            var BeforeQuery = function () {
                this.getStore().load({ params: { id: this.record.data.IntField } });
    @section main
        <h1>Test Case ComponentColumn using Ext.Net.MVC5 2.4</h1>
        <p>Steps to reproduce:</p>
            <li>Refresh the page.</li>
            <li>Click the arrow down in the first combobox. Notice that the dropdown list will not appear yet.</li>
            <li>Click the first combo again. It will now display the dropdown list.</li>
            <li>Same with the remaining combo boxes.</li>
            .Title("Test Case ComponentColumn Editor - 28113")
                        new ModelField("IntField", ModelFieldType.Int),
                        new ModelField("ComboField", ModelFieldType.Int),
                        new ModelField("TextField", ModelFieldType.String),
                        new ModelField("DateField", ModelFieldType.Date)
                    .Text("Test Case Problem Field")
                                    new ModelField("IntField2", ModelFieldType.Int),
                                    new ModelField("ComboField2", ModelFieldType.Int),
                                    new ModelField("TextField2", ModelFieldType.String),
                                    new ModelField("DateField2", ModelFieldType.Date)
                        .Listeners(l => l.BeforeQuery.Fn = "BeforeQuery")
    Controller (TestCaseController.cs):
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Mvc;
    using Ext.Net;
    using Ext.Net.MVC;
    namespace TestCase
        public class TestCaseController : Controller
            public ActionResult Index()
                return View(TestData.GetData());
            public StoreResult GetTestData(string id)
                StoreResult storeResult = new StoreResult();
                    var list = new List<TestDataModel>();
                    foreach (object[] obj in TestData.GetData())
                        TestDataModel t = new TestDataModel();
                        t.IntField2 = Convert.ToInt32(obj[0]);
                        t.ComboField2 = Convert.ToInt32(obj[1]);
                        t.TextField2= obj[2].ToString();
                        t.DateField2= Convert.ToDateTime(obj[3]);
                    storeResult = new StoreResult(list);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
                return storeResult;
    - .NET Framework 4.5
    - MVC 5.1
    - Ext.Net MVC5

    Purpose / Objective:
    - To pass the IntField value into the ComboBox Store as StoreParameter/Parameter in order to get rid of BeforeQuery listener.
    { params: { id: this.record.data.IntField } }
    How To?
          .Parameters(ps =>
                    ps.Add(new StoreParameter("id", "???"))
    Looking forward for your utmost response.

    Last edited by recharge; Feb 20, 2014 at 1:05 PM.
  6. #6
    Thank you.

    Please change
    and use this BeforeQuery handler:
    var BeforeQuery = function (query) {
        this.getStore().on("beforeload", function(store, operation) {
            operation.params.id = this.record.data.IntField;
        }, this, { single: true });
  7. #7
    Hi Daniil,

    That change works!!!

    More power to Ext.NET team.

    Thanks much.

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