[CLOSED] GridFilters - ListFilter - LabelField does not generate in labelField in JSON config

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] GridFilters - ListFilter - LabelField does not generate in labelField in JSON config

    Using Ext.Net 2.4 on MVC 5 using Razor

    following Code for ListFilter

                                .SorterFor(Model, m => m.Id, Ext.Net.SortDirection.ASC)
                            Html.X().ColumnFor(m => m.Id),
                            Html.X().ColumnFor(m => m.DisplayName),
                            Html.X().ColumnFor(m => m.Description),
                            Html.X().ColumnFor(m => m.PropertyValueType),
                            Html.X().ColumnFor(m => m.PropertyType),
                            Html.X().ColumnFor(m => m.CreatedBy),
                            Html.X().ColumnFor(m => m.ModifiedBy),
                            Html.X().ColumnFor(m => m.CreatedOn),
                            Html.X().ColumnFor(m => m.ModifiedOn)
                                        .DataIndex(Model, m => m.PropertyType)
                                        .CustomConfig(a => a.AddRange(new List<ConfigItem>()
                                            new ConfigItem("store", "Ext.StoreMgr.get('PropertyTypeStore')", ParameterMode.Raw) //StoreId generates Exception bug subbimission in other thread

    generates folowing javascript (missing labelField in ListFilter config):
                url : "/ux/grid/gridfilters/gridfilters-js/ext.axd?v=28616"
            }, {
                mode : "css",
                url : "/ux/resources/gridfilters-embedded-css/ext.axd?v=28616"
        ], function () {
        Ext.create("Ext.grid.Panel", {
            store : {
                model : Ext.define(Ext.id(), {
                    extend : "Ext.data.Model",
                    fields : [{
                            name : "Id",
                            type : "int"
                        }, {
                            name : "DisplayName",
                            type : "string"
                        }, {
                            name : "Description",
                            type : "string"
                        }, {
                            name : "PropertyValueType",
                            type : "string"
                        }, {
                            name : "PropertyType",
                            type : "string"
                        }, {
                            name : "CreatedBy",
                            type : "string"
                        }, {
                            name : "ModifiedBy",
                            type : "string"
                        }, {
                            name : "CreatedOn",
                            type : "date",
                            dateFormat : "c"
                        }, {
                            name : "ModifiedOn",
                            type : "date",
                            dateFormat : "c"
                        }, {
                            name : "TimeStamp"
                    validations : [{
                            type : "presence",
                            field : "Id",
                            message : "Pole Id jest wymagane."
                        }, {
                            type : "presence",
                            field : "CreatedOn",
                            message : "Pole Data utworzenia jest wymagane."
                        }, {
                            type : "presence",
                            field : "ModifiedOn",
                            message : "Pole Data modyfikacji jest wymagane."
                autoLoad : true,
                proxy : {
                    type : "ajax",
                    reader : {
                        type : "json",
                        root : "data"
                    url : "/Property/GetProperties"
                sorters : [{
                        direction : "ASC",
                        property : "Id"
                pageSize : 20,
                remoteSort : true
            id : "PropertyGridPanel",
            renderTo : Ext.net.ResourceMgr.getRenderTarget(),
            columns : {
                items : [{
                        width : 35,
                        xtype : "rownumberer",
                        text : "Lp."
                    }, {
                        hidden : true,
                        width : 30,
                        dataIndex : "Id",
                        text : "Id"
                    }, {
                        flex : 2,
                        dataIndex : "DisplayName",
                        text : "Nazwa"
                    }, {
                        flex : 4,
                        dataIndex : "Description",
                        text : "Opis"
                    }, {
                        flex : 2,
                        dataIndex : "PropertyValueType",
                        text : "Typ wartości"
                    }, {
                        flex : 2,
                        dataIndex : "PropertyType",
                        text : "Typ właściwości"
                    }, {
                        hidden : true,
                        width : 80,
                        dataIndex : "CreatedBy",
                        text : "Utworzony przez"
                    }, {
                        hidden : true,
                        width : 80,
                        dataIndex : "ModifiedBy",
                        text : "Zmodyfikowany przez"
                    }, {
                        hidden : true,
                        width : 80,
                        dataIndex : "CreatedOn",
                        text : "Data utworzenia"
                    }, {
                        hidden : true,
                        width : 80,
                        dataIndex : "ModifiedOn",
                        text : "Data modyfikacji"
            features : [Ext.create("Ext.ux.grid.FiltersFeature", {
                    ftype : "feature",
                    filters : [{
                            store : Ext.StoreMgr.get('PropertyTypeStore'),
                            dataIndex : "PropertyType",
                            type : "list",
                            idField : "Id"

    Workaround by adding CustomConfig:
    .CustomConfig(a => a.AddRange(new List<ConfigItem>()
                                            new ConfigItem("labelField", "Display")
    Last edited by Daniil; Feb 10, 2014 at 12:33 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @Redgood,

    Welcome to the Ext.NET forums and thank you for the report!

    Fixed in the SVN trunk, revision #5660. It will go to the v2.5 release.
  3. #3
    I hurried a bit. The LabelField should be rendered only if a ListFilter's StoreID is used. Now I am working on this one:
  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post
    I hurried a bit. The LabelField should be rendered only if a ListFilter's StoreID is used. Now I am working on this one:
    So if LabelField should be rendered only if StoreId is used, then this rule should be also applied to IDField (rendered only when StoreId is used).

    Am i right ?
  5. #5
    You are right, there should be the same policy for both the properties. Maybe, it is better to remove that StoreID check for the LabelField... I will think about it tomorrow morning with a clear head:) Thank you for pointing it out.
  6. #6
    Now a ListFilter's LabelField is rendered regardless the StoreID property. Now it is under developer's responsibility. It is done in the revision #5663 and will go to the v2.5 release.

    Thank you for pointing it out.

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