[CLOSED] Problem with Inherited Combo Box

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  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Problem with Inherited Combo Box

    Good afternoon
    We are evaluating the migration issues for our Application (Build on Ext.Net 2.2, should be migrated to 2.4).
    One of the issues we found belongs to a Combobox Control we created based on the Ext.Net Combo...

    The Created JS shows an empty Store :

    {id:"ContentPlaceHolder2_ucDeclarationGrid_colDecl arationStatus",width:75,headerItems:[{id:"ContentPlaceHolder2_ucDeclarationGrid_cboStat us",xtype:"combobox",matchFieldWidth:false,listCon fig:{height:300,width:320,itemSelector:".x-boundlist-item"},queryMode:"local",valueField:"CodeValue",store:,listeners:{blur:{fn:function(item){if (this.store.find(this.valueField, this.getValue()) < 0) {this.setValue(null, true);}}}}}],align:"right",dataIndex:"DeclarationStatus",sorta ble:true,text:"Status",listeners:{afterrender:{fn: function(item){this.keyNav.disable();}}}}

    Here's a bit of our Code - This Class Inherits from ComboBox

        Private Sub CodeComboBoxBeforeClientInit(sender As Observable) Handles Me.BeforeClientInit
            If Not Page.IsPostBack And Not ExtNet.IsAjaxRequest Then
              Dim tempData As List(Of CodeAndDescriptionDTO)
              ValueField = "CodeValue"
              tempData = GetData(DateTime.Now, SortOrder.Ascending, _sortType.ToString())
              _store = New Store()
              _store.ID = "store_" + ID
              _store.DataSource = tempData
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Function GetModel() As Model
          Dim modl As New Model
          modl.Fields.Add(New ModelField("CodeId"))
          modl.Fields.Add(New ModelField("Value"))
          modl.Fields.Add(New ModelField("Description"))
          modl.Fields.Add(New ModelField("CodeValue"))
          modl.Fields.Add(New ModelField("text"))
          modl.IDProperty = "CodeId"
          Return modl
        End Function
    This Code worked with Ext.Net 2.2...

    Any Idea about that problem ?

    Last edited by Daniil; Jan 31, 2014 at 5:50 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi Peter,

    I cannot reproduce with the example below. Please provide your full test case.

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <script runat="server">
        public class MyComboBox : ComboBox
            protected override void OnBeforeClientInit(Observable sender)
                Store store = new Store()
                    Model =
                        new Model() 
                            Fields = 
                                new ModelField("value"),
                                new ModelField("text"),
                    Reader = 
                        new ArrayReader() 
                    DataSource = new object[] 
                        new object[] { "1", "Item 1" },
                        new object[] { "2", "Item 2" },
                        new object[] { "3", "Item 3" }
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!X.IsAjaxRequest)
                this.Form.Controls.Add(new MyComboBox());
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Ext.NET v2 Example</title>
        <form runat="server">
            <ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />
  3. #3
    I made a demo solution which shows the error !

    How can I send you the Solution (Zip-File, 31kB) ?

  4. #4
    Unlike, a whole project is required.

    Please provide a sample like I provided. It should be possible.
  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post
    It should be possible.
    I try to merge it into one page ...

    Last edited by Peter.Treier; Jan 23, 2014 at 1:11 PM.
  6. #6
    Here we go :-)

    Daniil, I have no Idea how to access the ComboBox, defined in the Script Block, in MarkUp !? So I let it open in the Example...

    <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="WebForm1.aspx.vb" Inherits="CodeComboBox.WebForm1" %>
    <%@ Import Namespace="Ext.Net" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <script runat="server" type="text/VB">
      Public Class CodeComboBox
        Inherits ComboBoxBase
        Public Enum CodeDomain
        End Enum
        Public Enum SortTypes
        End Enum
        Friend _sortType As SortTypes
        Public WriteOnly Property SortType As SortTypes
          Set(value As SortTypes)
            _sortType = value
          End Set
        End Property
        Private _domainName As CodeDomain
        Public WriteOnly Property DomainName As CodeDomain
          Set(value As CodeDomain)
            _domainName = value
          End Set
        End Property
        Private _store As Store
        Private _model As Model
        Public Sub New()
          QueryMode = DataLoadMode.Local
          Listeners.Blur.Handler = "if (this.store.find(this.valueField, this.getValue()) < 0) {this.setValue(null, true);}"
          'Prevent the user from writing non codes into the ComboBox
          ForceSelection = True
          QueryMode = QueryMode
        End Sub
        Private Sub CodeComboBoxAfterClientInit(sender As Observable) Handles Me.AfterClientInit
        End Sub
        Private Sub CodeComboBoxBeforeClientInit(sender As Observable) Handles Me.BeforeClientInit
          If Not Page.IsPostBack And Not ExtNet.IsAjaxRequest Then
            Dim tempData As List(Of CodeAndDescriptionDTO) = New DemoData().data
            ValueField = "CodeValue"
            tempData = PrepareDisplay(tempData)
            _store = New Store()
            _store.ID = "store_" + ID
            _model = GetModel()
            _store.DataSource = tempData
          End If
        End Sub
        Private Function PrepareDisplay(tempData As IEnumerable(Of CodeAndDescriptionDTO)) As List(Of CodeAndDescriptionDTO)
          Dim ret As New List(Of CodeAndDescriptionDTO)
          For Each dto As CodeAndDescriptionDTO In tempData
            Dim newDTO As New CodeAndDescriptionDTO
            newDTO.Id = dto.Id
            newDTO.CodeId = dto.CodeId
            newDTO.Description = dto.Description
            newDTO.CodeValue = dto.CodeValue
            Select Case _displayType
              Case DisplayTypes.ValueOnly
                newDTO.text = dto.CodeValue
              Case DisplayTypes.DescriptionOnly
                newDTO.text = dto.Description
              Case DisplayTypes.ValueAndDescription
                newDTO.text = String.Format(_displayFormatString, dto.CodeValue, dto.Description)
              Case DisplayTypes.DescriptionAndValue
                newDTO.text = String.Format(_displayFormatString, dto.Description, dto.CodeValue)
            End Select
          Return ret
        End Function
        Private Sub PrepareDisplayTemplate()
          'the Template to show the Data as two Column ComboBox
          Tpl = New XTemplate()
          Tpl.Html = "<tpl for="".""><tpl if=""[xindex] == 1""><table class=""cbStates-list""><tr><th>Value</th><th>Description</th></tr></tpl><tr class=""x-boundlist-item""><td>{Value}</td><td>{Description}</td></tr><tpl if=""[xcount-xindex]==0""></table></tpl></tpl></Html>"
        End Sub
        Private Function GetModel() As Model
          Dim modl As New Model
          modl.Fields.Add(New ModelField("CodeId"))
          modl.Fields.Add(New ModelField("Value"))
          modl.Fields.Add(New ModelField("Description"))
          modl.Fields.Add(New ModelField("CodeValue"))
          modl.Fields.Add(New ModelField("text"))
          modl.IDProperty = "CodeId"
          Return modl
        End Function
      End Class
      Public Class ComboBoxBase
        Inherits ComboBox
        Public Enum DisplayTypes
        End Enum
        Friend _displayType As DisplayTypes
        Public WriteOnly Property DisplayType As DisplayTypes
          Set(value As DisplayTypes)
            _displayType = value
          End Set
        End Property
        Friend _displayFormatString As String = "{0} - {1}"
        Public WriteOnly Property DisplayFormatString As String
          Set(value As String)
            _displayFormatString = value
          End Set
        End Property
        Friend _pageSize As Int32 = 0
        Friend _sessionStorageProxy As SessionStorageProxy
        Protected Sub New()
          'Some standart Settings. Remember, the Values are Case Sensitive !
          MatchFieldWidth = False
          'Define the look and feel
          ListConfig = New BoundList()
          ListConfig.Width = 320
          ListConfig.Height = 300
          ListConfig.ItemSelector = ".x-boundlist-item"
        End Sub
      End Class
      Public Class DemoData
        Private Const demoData As String = "[ { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""0"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""0 - eng_200"" }, { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""201"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""201 - eng_200"" }, { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""202"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""202 - eng_200"" }, { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""203"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""203 - eng_200"" }, { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""204"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""204 - eng_200"" }, { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""207"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""207 - eng_200"" }, { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""208"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""208 - eng_200"" }, { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""209"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""209 - eng_200"" }, { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""210"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""210 - eng_200"" } ]"
        Public ReadOnly Property data As List(Of CodeAndDescriptionDTO)
            Dim temp = JSON.Deserialize(Of List(Of CodeAndDescriptionDTO))(demoData)
            Return temp
          End Get
        End Property
      End Class
      Public Class CodeAndDescriptionDTO
        Public Property Id As Guid
        Public Property CodeValue As String
        Public Property Description As String
        Public Property CodeId As Guid
        Public Property text As String
        Public Property CodeAndDescription As String
        Public Sub New()
          CodeValue = String.Empty
          Description = String.Empty
          CodeId = Guid.Empty
          text = String.Empty
          CodeAndDescription = String.Empty
        End Sub
      End Class
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head runat="server">
        <ext:ResourceManager ID="ResourceManager1" runat="server" ScriptMode="Debug" DisableViewState="true" StateProvider="Cookie"/>
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <CodeComboBox ID="cboStatus" runat="server" DomainName="STATUS" SortType="Numeric" DisplayType="ValueAndDescription" />
  7. #7
    You can do the same what I did in my example. I modified your sample to get it runnable, but it doesn't reproduce the problem for me.

    <%@ Page Language="vb" %>
    <%@ Import Namespace="Ext.Net" %>
    <script runat="server" type="text/VB">
        Public Class CodeComboBox
            Inherits ComboBoxBase
            Public Enum CodeDomain
            End Enum
            Public Enum SortTypes
            End Enum
            Friend _sortType As SortTypes
            Public WriteOnly Property SortType As SortTypes
                Set(value As SortTypes)
                    _sortType = value
                End Set
            End Property
            Private _domainName As CodeDomain
            Public WriteOnly Property DomainName As CodeDomain
                Set(value As CodeDomain)
                    _domainName = value
                End Set
            End Property
            Private _store As Store
            Private _model As Model
            Public Sub New()
                QueryMode = DataLoadMode.Local
                Listeners.Blur.Handler = "if (this.store.find(this.valueField, this.getValue()) < 0) {this.setValue(null, true);}"
                'Prevent the user from writing non codes into the ComboBox
                ForceSelection = True
                QueryMode = QueryMode
            End Sub
            Private Sub CodeComboBoxAfterClientInit(sender As Observable) Handles Me.AfterClientInit
            End Sub
            Private Sub CodeComboBoxBeforeClientInit(sender As Observable) Handles Me.BeforeClientInit
                If Not Page.IsPostBack And Not ExtNet.IsAjaxRequest Then
                    Dim tempData As List(Of CodeAndDescriptionDTO) = New DemoData().data
                    ValueField = "CodeValue"
                    tempData = PrepareDisplay(tempData)
                    _store = New Store()
                    _store.ID = "store_" + ID
                    _model = GetModel()
                    _store.DataSource = tempData
                End If
            End Sub
            Private Function PrepareDisplay(tempData As IEnumerable(Of CodeAndDescriptionDTO)) As List(Of CodeAndDescriptionDTO)
                Dim ret As New List(Of CodeAndDescriptionDTO)
                For Each dto As CodeAndDescriptionDTO In tempData
                    Dim newDTO As New CodeAndDescriptionDTO
                    newDTO.Id = dto.Id
                    newDTO.CodeId = dto.CodeId
                    newDTO.Description = dto.Description
                    newDTO.CodeValue = dto.CodeValue
                    Select Case _displayType
                        Case DisplayTypes.ValueOnly
                            newDTO.text = dto.CodeValue
                        Case DisplayTypes.DescriptionOnly
                            newDTO.text = dto.Description
                        Case DisplayTypes.ValueAndDescription
                            newDTO.text = String.Format(_displayFormatString, dto.CodeValue, dto.Description)
                        Case DisplayTypes.DescriptionAndValue
                            newDTO.text = String.Format(_displayFormatString, dto.Description, dto.CodeValue)
                    End Select
                Return ret
            End Function
            Private Sub PrepareDisplayTemplate()
                'the Template to show the Data as two Column ComboBox
                Tpl = New XTemplate()
                Tpl.Html = "<tpl for="".""><tpl if=""[xindex] == 1""><table class=""cbStates-list""><tr><th>Value</th><th>Description</th></tr></tpl><tr class=""x-boundlist-item""><td>{Value}</td><td>{Description}</td></tr><tpl if=""[xcount-xindex]==0""></table></tpl></tpl></Html>"
            End Sub
            Private Function GetModel() As Model
                Dim modl As New Model
                modl.Fields.Add(New ModelField("CodeId"))
                modl.Fields.Add(New ModelField("Value"))
                modl.Fields.Add(New ModelField("Description"))
                modl.Fields.Add(New ModelField("CodeValue"))
                modl.Fields.Add(New ModelField("text"))
                modl.IDProperty = "CodeId"
                Return modl
            End Function
        End Class
        Public Class ComboBoxBase
            Inherits ComboBox
            Public Enum DisplayTypes
            End Enum
            Friend _displayType As DisplayTypes
            Public WriteOnly Property DisplayType As DisplayTypes
                Set(value As DisplayTypes)
                    _displayType = value
                End Set
            End Property
            Friend _displayFormatString As String = "{0} - {1}"
            Public WriteOnly Property DisplayFormatString As String
                Set(value As String)
                    _displayFormatString = value
                End Set
            End Property
            Friend _pageSize As Int32 = 0
            Friend _sessionStorageProxy As SessionStorageProxy
            Protected Sub New()
                'Some standart Settings. Remember, the Values are Case Sensitive !
                MatchFieldWidth = False
                'Define the look and feel
                ListConfig = New BoundList()
                ListConfig.Width = 320
                ListConfig.Height = 300
                ListConfig.ItemSelector = ".x-boundlist-item"
            End Sub
        End Class
        Public Class DemoData
            Private Const demoData As String = "[ { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""0"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""0 - eng_200"" }, { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""201"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""201 - eng_200"" }, { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""202"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""202 - eng_200"" }, { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""203"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""203 - eng_200"" }, { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""204"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""204 - eng_200"" }, { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""207"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""207 - eng_200"" }, { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""208"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""208 - eng_200"" }, { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""209"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""209 - eng_200"" }, { ""CodeId"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"", ""CodeValue"": ""210"", ""Description"": ""eng_200"", ""text"": ""210 - eng_200"" } ]"
            Public ReadOnly Property data As List(Of CodeAndDescriptionDTO)
                    Dim temp = JSON.Deserialize(Of List(Of CodeAndDescriptionDTO))(demoData)
                    Return temp
                End Get
            End Property
        End Class
        Public Class CodeAndDescriptionDTO
            Public Property Id As Guid
            Public Property CodeValue As String
            Public Property Description As String
            Public Property CodeId As Guid
            Public Property text As String
            Public Property CodeAndDescription As String
            Public Sub New()
                CodeValue = String.Empty
                Description = String.Empty
                CodeId = Guid.Empty
                text = String.Empty
                CodeAndDescription = String.Empty
            End Sub
        End Class
        Sub Page_Load(ByVal Sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            Dim combo As CodeComboBox = New CodeComboBox()
            combo.ID = "cboStatus"
            combo.DomainName = CodeComboBox.CodeDomain.STATUS
            combo.SortType = CodeComboBox.SortTypes.Numeric
            combo.DisplayType = ComboBoxBase.DisplayTypes.ValueAndDescription
        End Sub
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Ext.NET v2 Example</title>
        <ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />
        <form runat="server">
  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post
    You can do the same what I did in my example. I modified your sample to get it runnable, but it doesn't reproduce the problem for me.
    We use this Ext.Net Version :

  9. #9
    Ok, it is the v2.2 public release.

    I cannot reproduce with that release as well.
  10. #10
    Sorry Daniil, my fault !
    We use (I guess this is the 2.4 public release)

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