[CLOSED] Mask configuration

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Mask configuration

    I have a page that does a long running process and updates the user visually using a progress bar. There are quite a few buttons on the page, as well as controls that kick off events if changed. I have to disable all of those during the long running process, and then re-enable them afterwards.

    I'm contemplating using the ext mask, but I would want the background color to be completely transparent and no loading message displayed so that the user focuses on the progress bar.

    I was able to override the classes used (such as .x-mask { background-color : red; }) by implementing them in a style tag on the page, but then it applies to every mask the page generates, and I do NOT want that. I just want to affect the mask when one particular button is clicked.

    I tried using:
    • Ext.net.Mask.show({ useMsg: false }) - but it did not hide the inner message (loading) box.
    • Ext.net.Mask.show({ cls: 'x-mask-alt' }) where that class would override the background color - but it did not work.
    • Ext.net.Mask.show({ maskCls: 'x-mask-alt' }) where that class would override the background color - but it did not work.
    • Ext.net.Mask.show({ baseCls: 'x-mask-alt' }) where that class would override the background color - but it did not work.
    • Ext.net.Mask.show({ style: 'background-color: red' }) - did not work.

    I'm not actually trying to change the background to red, but it was an easy test to see if it was working.

    I am able to change the message by using Ext.net.Mask.show({ msg: 'THIS IS A TEST' }), so I know the configs are loading. Anyone see where I might be making a mistake, or could use some other method of accomplishing my overall goal?
    Last edited by Daniil; Jan 14, 2014 at 7:37 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    what about

    where .hidden{display:none;}

    or maybe even simplier - on a root container call
  3. #3

    Both of those options produced positive results. The first hid the message box, the second puts a modal cover over the parent form panel, which could work if I position the progress bar outside of the panel. Gives me some stuff to play around with.


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