The problem is about TextFieldFor and subclass of System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute

  1. #1

    TextFieldFor generated C# Attribute code in view, How do I hide it

    Hello, my English is poor, but I will try to description the problem, Thank you for your patience.

    I have a problem about Html.X().TextFieldFor.

    there is the code which generated by mvc:

    "TypeId":"Bit.Web.Framework.BitResourceDisplayNameAttribute, Bit.Web.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"

    In this code, you can see a bitResourceDisplayName property - which is defined as a C# attribute.

    Now, i want hide the bitResourceDisplayName property in json, how can i do it?

    There is the C# code:

        public interface IModelAttribute
            string Name { get; }
        public class BitResourceDisplayNameAttribute : System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute, IModelAttribute
            private string _resourceValue = string.Empty;
            //private bool _resourceValueRetrived;
            public BitResourceDisplayNameAttribute(string resourceKey)
                : base(resourceKey)
                ResourceKey = resourceKey;
            public string ResourceKey { get; set; }
            public override string DisplayName
                    return "Name";
            public string Name
                get { return "BitResourceDisplayName"; }

    and, I write a viewmodel ,it have lots of property and the property has a attribute of BitResourceDisplayNameAttribute, like this

    public class TestModel
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Id { get; set; }
    this is the view

        @model TestModel 
        .Title("Check/Radio Groups Example")
                X.HiddenFor(p => p.Id),
                X.TextFieldFor(p => p.Name)
            .FieldDefaults(fd =>
                fd.LabelSeparator = ":";
                fd.LabelWidth = 140;
                fd.LabelStyle = "padding-left:4px;";
                fd.MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side;
    Last edited by macroe; Dec 24, 2013 at 4:14 PM.

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