Fire Off Coolite Button from Javascript

  1. #1

    Fire Off Coolite Button from Javascript

    This one could be easy. *I have a button statically named on my main grid. *I want to be able to invoke its Handlers and Fn's from other windows. *Using Firefox and Firebug i can confirm that I can get the Button but I don't know the javascript to fire ti off. *Any help? *Thanks.

    *function RefreshTimesheet() {
    ** * * *var btn = document.getElementById('btnRefresh_TimeCardGrid');
    ** * * *console.log(dumper(btn));
    ** * * *if (btn != undefined) {
    ** * * * * *;
    ** * * *}
    ** *}


  2. #2

    RE: Fire Off Coolite Button from Javascript


    All Coolite controls can be referenced by ClientID. If Controls doesn't placed to the NamingContainer (master page, user control) then ID=ClientID. Also you can set IDMode=Static for generate ClientID as ID
    To fire click you need execute the following js code


  3. #3

    RE: Fire Off Coolite Button from Javascript

    Hi Vladimir,

    That suggestion looks very promising. *Would be a perfect way to fire off events in javascript i have already wired to buttons, ie. the refresh of the gridview. *

    When i wire this up, it gives me an error.

    function RefreshTimesheet() {
    ** * * *var btn = document.getElementById('btnRefresh_TimeCardGrid');
    ** * * *console.log(dumper(btn));
    ** * * *if (btn != undefined) {
    ** * * * * *btn.fireEvent('click');
    ** * * *}
    ** *}

    <div class="errorTitle">btn.fireEvent is not a function
    <div class="errorTrace"><div class="objectBox objectBox-stackFrame"><a class="objectLink">RefreshTimesheet</a>()UITest.aspx (line 170)
    <div class="objectBox objectBox-stackFrame"><a class="objectLink">EventManager()</a>()coolite.axd?9936 (line 12)
    <div class="errorSourceBox errorSource-exec">{script:"CheckboxSelectionModel1.header=...ry1_TCOptionWindow1_TCEditThis.hide();"}
    <div class="errorSourceBox errorSource-exec">
    <div class="errorSourceBox errorSource-exec">

    <div class="errorSourceBox errorSource-exec">A dump of 'btn' looks like:
    <div class="errorSourceBox errorSource-exec">
    <div class="errorSourceBox errorSource-exec">this.addEventListener is a function->function addEventListener() {
        [native code]
    this.tagName is a string->TABLE is a string->btnRefresh_TimeCardGrid
    this.getElementsByTagName is a function->function getElementsByTagName() {
        [native code]
    this.className is a string->x-btn-wrap x-btn x-btn-text-icon is a object->[object CSSStyleDeclaration]
    this.offsetWidth is a number->64
    this.compareDocumentPosition is a function->function compareDocumentPosition() {
        [native code]
    this.nodeType is a number->1
    this.parentNode is a object->[object HTMLTableCellElement]
    this.getAttributeNS is a function->function getAttributeNS() {
        [native code]
    this.getAttribute is a function->function getAttribute() {
        [native code]
    this.nodeName is a string->TABLE
    this.nodeValue is a object->null
    this.childNodes is a object->[object NodeList]
    this.firstChild is a object->[object HTMLTableSectionElement]
    this.lastChild is a object->[object HTMLTableSectionElement]
    this.previousSibling is a object->null
    this.nextSibling is a object->null
    this.attributes is a object->[object NamedNodeMap]
    this.ownerDocument is a object->[object HTMLDocument]
    this.insertBefore is a function->function insertBefore() {
        [native code]
    this.replaceChild is a function->function replaceChild() {
        [native code]
    this.removeChild is a function->function removeChild() {
        [native code]
    this.appendChild is a function->function appendChild() {
        [native code]
    this.hasChildNodes is a function->function hasChildNodes() {
        [native code]
    this.cloneNode is a function->function cloneNode() {
        [native code]
    this.normalize is a function->function normalize() {
        [native code]
    this.isSupported is a function->function isSupported() {
        [native code]
    this.namespaceURI is a object->null
    this.prefix is a object->null
    this.localName is a string->TABLE
    this.hasAttributes is a function->function hasAttributes() {
        [native code]
    this.ELEMENT_NODE is a number->1
    this.ATTRIBUTE_NODE is a number->2
    this.TEXT_NODE is a number->3
    this.CDATA_SECTION_NODE is a number->4
    this.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE is a number->5
    this.ENTITY_NODE is a number->6
    this.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE is a number->7
    this.COMMENT_NODE is a number->8
    this.DOCUMENT_NODE is a number->9
    this.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE is a number->10
    this.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE is a number->11
    this.NOTATION_NODE is a number->12
    this.setAttribute is a function->function setAttribute() {
        [native code]
    this.removeAttribute is a function->function removeAttribute() {
        [native code]
    this.getAttributeNode is a function->function getAttributeNode() {
        [native code]
    this.setAttributeNode is a function->function setAttributeNode() {
        [native code]
    this.removeAttributeNode is a function->function removeAttributeNode() {
        [native code]
    this.setAttributeNS is a function->function setAttributeNS() {
        [native code]
    this.removeAttributeNS is a function->function removeAttributeNS() {
        [native code]
    this.getAttributeNodeNS is a function->function getAttributeNodeNS() {
        [native code]
    this.setAttributeNodeNS is a function->function setAttributeNodeNS() {
        [native code]
    this.getElementsByTagNameNS is a function->function getElementsByTagNameNS() {
        [native code]
    this.hasAttribute is a function->function hasAttribute() {
        [native code]
    this.hasAttributeNS is a function->function hasAttributeNS() {
        [native code]
    this.title is a string->
    this.lang is a string->
    this.dir is a string->
    this.caption is a object->null
    this.tHead is a object->null
    this.tFoot is a object->null
    this.rows is a object->[object HTMLCollection]
    this.tBodies is a object->[object HTMLCollection]
    this.align is a string->
    this.bgColor is a string->
    this.border is a string->0
    this.cellPadding is a string->0
    this.cellSpacing is a string->0
    this.frame is a string->
    this.rules is a string->
    this.summary is a string->
    this.width is a string->
    this.createTHead is a function->function createTHead() {
        [native code]
    this.deleteTHead is a function->function deleteTHead()
    { [native code]
    this.createTFoot is a function->function createTFoot() { [native
    this.deleteTFoot is a function->function deleteTFoot() { [native
    this.createCaption is a function->function createCaption() { [native
    this.deleteCaption is a function->function deleteCaption() { [native
    this.insertRow is a function->function insertRow() { [native code]
    this.deleteRow is a function->function deleteRow() { [native code]
    this.offsetTop is a number->0
    this.offsetLeft is a number->0
    this.offsetHeight is a number->21
    this.offsetParent is a object->[object HTMLTableCellElement]
    this.innerHTML is a string-><tbody><tr><td
    class="x-btn-center"><em unselectable="on"><button
    id="ext-gen371" class="x-btn-text icon-reload"
    is a number->0
    this.scrollLeft is a number->0
    this.scrollHeight is a number->21
    this.scrollWidth is a number->64
    this.clientTop is a number->0
    this.clientLeft is a number->0
    this.clientHeight is a number->21
    this.clientWidth is a number->64
    this.tabIndex is a number->-1
    this.contentEditable is a string->inherit
    this.blur is a function->function blur() { [native code]
    this.focus is a function->function focus() { [native code]
    this.spellcheck is a boolean->false
    this.removeEventListener is a function->function
    removeEventListener() { [native code]
    this.dispatchEvent is a function->function dispatchEvent() { [native
    this.baseURI is a string->http://localhost:3540/UITest.aspx
    this.textContent is a string->*Reresh*
    this.isSameNode is a function->function isSameNode() { [native code]
    this.lookupPrefix is a function->function lookupPrefix() { [native
    this.isDefaultNamespace is a function->function isDefaultNamespace()
    { [native code]
    this.lookupNamespaceURI is a function->function lookupNamespaceURI()
    { [native code]
    this.isEqualNode is a function->function isEqualNode() { [native
    this.getFeature is a function->function getFeature() { [native code]
    this.setUserData is a function->function setUserData() { [native
    this.getUserData is a function->function getUserData() { [native
    this.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING is a number->2
    this.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING is a number->4
    this.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS is a number->8
    this.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY is a number->16
    this.getElementsByClassName is a function->function
    getElementsByClassName() { [native code]
    this.getClientRects is a function->function getClientRects() {
    [native code]
    this.getBoundingClientRect is a function->function
    getBoundingClientRect() { [native code]
    <div class="errorSourceBox errorSource-exec">

  4. #4

    RE: Fire Off Coolite Button from Javascript

    *I should just note this as well. *I am using IDMode="static" and trying to fire off a button in another UserControl. *I dont think that should be a problem with the static ID. *Basically, I am trying to get a client side refresh of the Gridpanel because I know the store has now been changed.

    Trying to fire this off in Javascript.
    *<ext:Button ID="btnRefresh_TimeCardGrid" IDMode="Static" runat="server" Icon="Reload" Text="Reresh">
    ** * * * * * * * * * <AjaxEvents>
    ** * * * * * * * * * * *<Click OnEvent="Refresh_GridView" />
    ** * * * * * * * * * </AjaxEvents>
  5. #5

    RE: Fire Off Coolite Button from Javascript

    *this button lives in a topbar. *Not sure if that matters.

  6. #6

    RE: Fire Off Coolite Button from Javascript


    You don't need to use*&#100;ocument.getElementById. It gives pure dom element
    Just use ClientID directly. All Coolite controls define own variable which eqaul own ClientID. So, just try

  7. #7

    RE: Fire Off Coolite Button from Javascript


    Thanks again!

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