[CLOSED] Chart: Creating in behind code and listeners

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Chart: Creating in behind code and listeners

    Let me see if I can explain this one.

    I am creating my chart in behind code, removing any previous chart from the existing panel and adding the newly created chart. After adding certain features I add to the AfterRender handler to configure certain preferences that the user has previously selected via a ContextMenu.

    Chart byMonthChart = new Chart();
    // Create: Vertical Marker
    VerticalMarker vm = new VerticalMarker();
    vm.Enabled = false;
    vm.Snap = true;
    vm.ShowXLable = false;
    // Configure: Enable/Disable VerticalMarker based on Context Menu Option
    if (ShowVerticalMarkers.Checked == true)
       byMonthChart.Listeners.AfterRender.Handler += 'this.plugins[0].enable();";
       byMonthChart.Listeners.AfterRender.Handler += 'this.plugins[0].disable();";

    My problem occurs when I append an AfterRender handler for the CategoryAxis to hide/show the gridLines. During the AfterRender the axes.items[0] is not a fully created Axis object and thus gridLines have not been created yet. It is just an Object with {grid: true, position: "bottom", title: "Month", fields: Array[1], type: "Category" }.

    // Create: Category Axis
    CategoryAxis cAxis = new CategoryAxis();
    cAxis.Position = Position.Bottom;
    cAxis.Title = "Month";
    cAxis.Fields = new string[] { "Name" };
    cAxis.Grid = true;  // Assign to true, so the user can show/hide
    // Configure: Show/Hide Category Grid Lines based on Context Menu Option
    if (CategoryAxisGrid.Checked == true)
       byMonthChart.Listeners.AfterRender.Handler += "this.axes.items[0].gridLines.show(true)";
       byMonthChart.Listeners.AfterRender.Handler += "this.axes.items[0].gridLines.hide(true)";
    I have tried other listeners (beforeShow), but they are not fired. I assume because the chart is added to an existing panel? Any thought on how I can apply the Context Menu setting to the CategoryAxis before it is shown.
    Last edited by Daniil; Nov 29, 2013 at 2:22 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    It's difficult to say how to solve this problem. At first I'd try to add a small delay to the handler. Another way I would create a loop task that checks if axes.items[0] are initialized.
  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by cwolcott View Post
    I have tried other listeners (beforeShow), but they are not fired. I assume because the chart is added to an existing panel
    Yes, the BeforeShow and Show events fire when calling the show method.

    It is not called for initial appearing.

    As for the main issue. Yes, a small Delay for the AfterRender listener might work.
  4. #4
    The delay solved the problem.

    byMonthChart.Listeners.AfterRender.Handler += 
         "var cGrid = App.CategoryAxisGridBtn; 
                      Ext.defer(toggleCategoryAxisGrid, 1, this, [cGrid, cGrid.checked]);";
    There is a blink where you can see the grids for a second before they are hidden, but I can live with that.

    I also had to add a listener on the charts resize so I could apply the show/hide to the gridLines (Category) and gridOdd (Numeric) whenever the window is resized.

    To solve the blink and having to add the resize listener I could just clearout the category and numeric grid objects altogether and recreate on any show, but for now it is good enough.

    Still one more thing I just noticed, if I select a series in the legend the chart redraws and the grids show up again. I need to determine if there is an event that I can capture or just implement my own suggestion above off clearing out the objects and recreate when needed (if possible).
    Last edited by cwolcott; Nov 26, 2013 at 11:13 AM.
  5. #5
    To avoid re-appearing, you, probably, have to set up respective config options like ".grid = false;" along with calling the hide method.

    If you can provide a simple test case to reproduce both the issues - blink and re-appearing on legend click - I could play with that a bit trying to find the best solution.

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