[CLOSED] ext chart store reload, seeting min and max values after store reload

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] ext chart store reload, seeting min and max values after store reload


    in a chart, Initially, I am binding empty data to chart store....but in an application event ( slider movement..) I have a direct method where i reload chart store based on this slider value...

    pls let me know how I can get the X axis and Y axis values in code behind after reloading store ?

    Actually, I am usng store load direct event....so I am able to get the chart data as json...but still wondering if there is any other way that avods lot of postbacks to server (that makes app really slow...) ????????

    aspx code for graph :
      <ext:Chart ID="MonthlyChart" Frame="true" runat="server" Width="900" Animate="true" Theme="ChartTheme"
        Height="300" InsetPadding="30"  >
           <LegendConfig Position="Bottom" />
        <Loader ID="Loader1" runat="server">
            <LoadMask ShowMask="true"></LoadMask>
                 <ext:Store ID="MonthlyChartStore" runat="server" AutoLoad="true">
                        <ext:AjaxProxy Json="true" Url='<%#MChartURL%>' AutoDataBind="true" >
                            <ActionMethods Read="POST" Create="POST" />
                                <ext:Parameter Name="Accept" Value="application/json" />
                                <ext:Parameter Name="Content-Type" Value="application/json" />
                                <ext:JsonReader Root="" />
                                <ext:JsonWriter Root="" Encode="true" />
                                <ext:StoreParameter Name="InstanceID" Value="-1"/>  
                                <ext:StoreParameter Name="ISMONTH" Value="month"/> 
                                <ext:StoreParameter Name="GrowthValue" Value="0"/>
                                <ext:StoreParameter Name="MonthsBack" Value="0" />                             
                        <ext:Model ID="MChartStoreModel" runat="server">
                                <ext:ModelField Name="PROJECTED_DATE" Type="String">
                              <%--  <Convert Fn="TrimText" />--%>
                                <ext:ModelField Name="PROJECTED_USAGE_MONTH" Type="Float" >
                               <%-- <Convert Fn="percentageConvert" />--%>
                            <ext:ModelField Name="MAX_LINE" Type="Float" />
                            <ext:ModelField Name="PERCENT_GROWTH" Type="Float" />
                            <ext:ModelField Name="PROJECTED_TREND" Type="Float" />
                            <ext:ModelField Name="PERC_GROWTH_TREND" Type="Float" />
                    <Load OnEvent="MonChartStoreLoad">
                    <ext:Parameter Name="MonthChartData" Value="App.MonthlyChartStore.getRecordsValues()" Mode="Raw" Encode="true" />
                    <ext:Parameter Name="jsonRecord1" Value="Ext.encode(#{MainTable}.getRowsValues({selectedOnly:true}))"
                                                Mode="Raw" />
            <ext:NumericAxis Fields="PROJECTED_USAGE_MONTH" Position="Left" Title="Projected Usage(Mon)" AxisID="Axis1" MajorTickSteps="5">
              <%--  <GridConfig>
                    <Odd Opacity="1" Fill="#ddd" Stroke="#bbb" StrokeWidth="0.5" />
                                Title="Percent Growth"
                                Fields="PERCENT_GROWTH" MajorTickSteps="5"
                                <LabelTitle Fill="#94ae0a" />
                                <Label Fill="#94ae0a" />
               <ext:CategoryAxis Fields="PROJECTED_DATE" Position="Bottom" Title="Months Out(date)" />
         <%--   <ext:TimeAxis Fields="PROJECTED_DATE" Position="Bottom" Title="12 Months Out(date)" DateFormat="MMM dd"
                                Constrain="false" />
            <ext:LineSeries SeriesID="Series1" Axis="Left" XField="PROJECTED_DATE" YField="PROJECTED_USAGE_MONTH">
                <HighlightConfig Size="7" Radius="7" />
                <MarkerConfig Type="Cross" Size="3" Radius="3" StrokeWidth="0" />
                <Tips ID="Tips1" runat="server" TrackMouse="true" Width="140" Height="35">
                    <Renderer Handler="this.setTitle(storeItem.get('PROJECTED_DATE') + '<br />' + storeItem.get('PROJECTED_USAGE_MONTH'));"></Renderer>
              <ext:LineSeries SeriesID="Series11" Axis="Left" XField="PROJECTED_DATE" YField="MAX_LINE" Smooth="3">
                <HighlightConfig Size="7" Radius="7" />
                <MarkerConfig Type="Circle" Size="3" Radius="3" StrokeWidth="0" />
                <Tips ID="Tips2" runat="server" TrackMouse="true" Width="75" Height="35">
                    <Renderer Handler="this.setTitle(storeItem.get('PROJECTED_DATE') + '<br />' + storeItem.get('MAX_LINE'));"></Renderer>
             <ext:LineSeries SeriesID="Series21" Axis="Right" XField="PROJECTED_DATE" YField="PERCENT_GROWTH" Smooth="3">
                <HighlightConfig Size="7" Radius="7" />
                <MarkerConfig Type="Circle" Size="3" Radius="3" StrokeWidth="0" />
                <Tips ID="Tips3" runat="server" TrackMouse="true" Width="140" Height="35">
                    <Renderer Handler="this.setTitle(storeItem.get('PROJECTED_DATE') + '<br />' + storeItem.get('PERCENT_GROWTH'));"></Renderer>
             <ext:LineSeries SeriesID="Series31" Axis="Right" XField="PROJECTED_DATE" YField="PERC_GROWTH_TREND" Smooth="3">
                <HighlightConfig Size="7" Radius="7" />
                <MarkerConfig Type="Circle" Size="3" Radius="3" StrokeWidth="0" />
                <Tips ID="Tips4" runat="server" TrackMouse="true" Width="140" Height="35">
                    <Renderer Handler="this.setTitle(storeItem.get('PROJECTED_DATE') + '<br />' + storeItem.get('PERC_GROWTH_TREND'));"></Renderer>
             <ext:LineSeries SeriesID="Series41" Axis="Left" XField="PROJECTED_DATE" YField="PROJECTED_TREND" Smooth="3">
                <HighlightConfig Size="7" Radius="7" />
                <MarkerConfig Type="Circle" Size="3" Radius="3" StrokeWidth="0" />
                <Tips ID="Tips5" runat="server" TrackMouse="true" Width="140" Height="35">
                    <Renderer Handler="this.setTitle(storeItem.get('PROJECTED_DATE') + '<br />' + storeItem.get('PROJECTED_TREND'));"></Renderer>
                            <ext:VerticalMarker ID="VerticalMarker2" runat="server">
                                <XLabelRenderer Handler="return value;" />
    Last edited by Daniil; Nov 12, 2013 at 9:22 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    Quote Originally Posted by Sowjanya View Post
    pls let me know how I can get the X axis and Y axis values in code behind after reloading store ?
    Sorry, I don't quite understand your question. Values for X and Y axes comes from your Store, so you should be able to get them from the Store directly. You can use ExtraParameters to send them to the server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sowjanya View Post
    Actually, I am usng store load direct event....so I am able to get the chart data as json...but still wondering if there is any other way that avods lot of postbacks to server (that makes app really slow...) ????????
    Yes, DirectEvent can decrease the performance of application drastically. I'd prefer to use Generic Handlers (ashx), an example you can see below, the example is designed for Grid's Store but the logic should be same:


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