[CLOSED] Chart - set axes min and max values dynamically and redraw chart

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Chart - set axes min and max values dynamically and redraw chart


    In a chart, if i dont declare minimum and maximum values for the Y-axis ( any axis for that matter...)
    , does it take the minimum value and maximum value of the y axis data that is bound from the Database ???

    If not, how can i set minimum and maximum values dynamically in c# ? also let me know how i can do that in Javascript ? Also, if i set those values again ,
    do i need to recreate / redraw the chart ? also let me know what else I should do once i set min and max values dynamically ?

    fyi, I am using ajax proxy to bind data to axes in the chart...so, once it is bound to the chart store, how can i take the minimum and maximum values ?

    aspx code for graph :
      <ext:Chart ID="MonthlyChart" Frame="true" runat="server" Width="900" Animate="true" Theme="ChartTheme"
        Height="300" InsetPadding="30"  >
           <LegendConfig Position="Bottom" />
        <Loader ID="Loader1" runat="server">
            <LoadMask ShowMask="true"></LoadMask>
                 <ext:Store ID="MonthlyChartStore" runat="server" AutoLoad="true">
                        <ext:AjaxProxy Json="true" Url='<%#MChartURL%>' AutoDataBind="true" >
                            <ActionMethods Read="POST" Create="POST" />
                                <ext:Parameter Name="Accept" Value="application/json" />
                                <ext:Parameter Name="Content-Type" Value="application/json" />
                                <ext:JsonReader Root="" />
                                <ext:JsonWriter Root="" Encode="true" />
                                <ext:StoreParameter Name="InstanceID" Value="-1"/>  
                                <ext:StoreParameter Name="ISMONTH" Value="month"/> 
                                <ext:StoreParameter Name="GrowthValue" Value="0"/>
                                <ext:StoreParameter Name="MonthsBack" Value="0" />                             
                        <ext:Model ID="MChartStoreModel" runat="server">
                                <ext:ModelField Name="PROJECTED_DATE" Type="String">
                              <%--  <Convert Fn="TrimText" />--%>
                                <ext:ModelField Name="PROJECTED_USAGE_MONTH" Type="Float" >
                               <%-- <Convert Fn="percentageConvert" />--%>
                            <ext:ModelField Name="MAX_LINE" Type="Float" />
                            <ext:ModelField Name="PERCENT_GROWTH" Type="Float" />
                            <ext:ModelField Name="PROJECTED_TREND" Type="Float" />
                            <ext:ModelField Name="PERC_GROWTH_TREND" Type="Float" />
                    <Load OnEvent="MonChartStoreLoad">
                    <ext:Parameter Name="MonthChartData" Value="App.MonthlyChartStore.getRecordsValues()" Mode="Raw" Encode="true" />
                    <ext:Parameter Name="jsonRecord1" Value="Ext.encode(#{MainTable}.getRowsValues({selectedOnly:true}))"
                                                Mode="Raw" />
            <ext:NumericAxis Fields="PROJECTED_USAGE_MONTH" Position="Left" Title="Projected Usage(Mon)" AxisID="Axis1" MajorTickSteps="5">
              <%--  <GridConfig>
                    <Odd Opacity="1" Fill="#ddd" Stroke="#bbb" StrokeWidth="0.5" />
                                Title="Percent Growth"
                                Fields="PERCENT_GROWTH" MajorTickSteps="5"
                                <LabelTitle Fill="#94ae0a" />
                                <Label Fill="#94ae0a" />
               <ext:CategoryAxis Fields="PROJECTED_DATE" Position="Bottom" Title="Months Out(date)" />
         <%--   <ext:TimeAxis Fields="PROJECTED_DATE" Position="Bottom" Title="12 Months Out(date)" DateFormat="MMM dd"
                                Constrain="false" />
            <ext:LineSeries SeriesID="Series1" Axis="Left" XField="PROJECTED_DATE" YField="PROJECTED_USAGE_MONTH">
                <HighlightConfig Size="7" Radius="7" />
                <MarkerConfig Type="Cross" Size="3" Radius="3" StrokeWidth="0" />
                <Tips ID="Tips1" runat="server" TrackMouse="true" Width="140" Height="35">
                    <Renderer Handler="this.setTitle(storeItem.get('PROJECTED_DATE') + '<br />' + storeItem.get('PROJECTED_USAGE_MONTH'));"></Renderer>
              <ext:LineSeries SeriesID="Series11" Axis="Left" XField="PROJECTED_DATE" YField="MAX_LINE" Smooth="3">
                <HighlightConfig Size="7" Radius="7" />
                <MarkerConfig Type="Circle" Size="3" Radius="3" StrokeWidth="0" />
                <Tips ID="Tips2" runat="server" TrackMouse="true" Width="75" Height="35">
                    <Renderer Handler="this.setTitle(storeItem.get('PROJECTED_DATE') + '<br />' + storeItem.get('MAX_LINE'));"></Renderer>
             <ext:LineSeries SeriesID="Series21" Axis="Right" XField="PROJECTED_DATE" YField="PERCENT_GROWTH" Smooth="3">
                <HighlightConfig Size="7" Radius="7" />
                <MarkerConfig Type="Circle" Size="3" Radius="3" StrokeWidth="0" />
                <Tips ID="Tips3" runat="server" TrackMouse="true" Width="140" Height="35">
                    <Renderer Handler="this.setTitle(storeItem.get('PROJECTED_DATE') + '<br />' + storeItem.get('PERCENT_GROWTH'));"></Renderer>
             <ext:LineSeries SeriesID="Series31" Axis="Right" XField="PROJECTED_DATE" YField="PERC_GROWTH_TREND" Smooth="3">
                <HighlightConfig Size="7" Radius="7" />
                <MarkerConfig Type="Circle" Size="3" Radius="3" StrokeWidth="0" />
                <Tips ID="Tips4" runat="server" TrackMouse="true" Width="140" Height="35">
                    <Renderer Handler="this.setTitle(storeItem.get('PROJECTED_DATE') + '<br />' + storeItem.get('PERC_GROWTH_TREND'));"></Renderer>
             <ext:LineSeries SeriesID="Series41" Axis="Left" XField="PROJECTED_DATE" YField="PROJECTED_TREND" Smooth="3">
                <HighlightConfig Size="7" Radius="7" />
                <MarkerConfig Type="Circle" Size="3" Radius="3" StrokeWidth="0" />
                <Tips ID="Tips5" runat="server" TrackMouse="true" Width="140" Height="35">
                    <Renderer Handler="this.setTitle(storeItem.get('PROJECTED_DATE') + '<br />' + storeItem.get('PROJECTED_TREND'));"></Renderer>
                            <ext:VerticalMarker ID="VerticalMarker2" runat="server">
                                <XLabelRenderer Handler="return value;" />
    Last edited by Daniil; Nov 12, 2013 at 9:19 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    By default, Chart identifies minimum and maximum values on data load, so it's not necessary to set them explicitly. However, you can change them on server and client sides.

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register assembly="Ext.Net" namespace="Ext.Net" tagprefix="ext" %>
    <script runat="server">
        protected void ButtonClick(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
        public List<object> GenerateData()
            List<object> lst = new List<object>
                    Name = "January",
                    Count = 10
                    Name = "February",
                    Count = 50
                    Name = "March",
                    Count = 40
                    Name = "April",
                    Count = 25
                    Name = "May",
                    Count = 35
            return lst;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Line Chart - Ext.NET Examples</title>
        <form runat="server">
            <ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />
                Title="Line Chart"
                    <ext:Toolbar runat="server">
                                Text="Set Minimum" 
                                Handler="#{Chart1}.axes.getAt(0).minimum = 10; 
                                    #{Chart1}.redraw();" />
                                Text="Set Maximum" 
                                Handler="#{Chart1}.axes.getAt(0).maximum = 100; 
                                    #{Chart1}.redraw();" />
                                Text="Set Minimum and Maximum (Server)" >
                                    <Click OnEvent="ButtonClick" />
                        <LegendConfig Position="Right" />
                                Data="<%# GenerateData() %>" 
                                    <ext:Model runat="server">
                                            <ext:ModelField Name="Name" />
                                            <ext:ModelField Name="Count" />
                                Title="Number of Hits"
                                    <Odd Opacity="1" Fill="#ddd" Stroke="#bbb" StrokeWidth="0.5" />
                                Title="Month of the Year"
                            <ext:LineSeries Axis="Left" XField="Name" YField="Count">
                                <HighlightConfig Size="7" Radius="7" />
                                <MarkerConfig Type="Cross" Size="4" Radius="4" StrokeWidth="0" />

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