[CLOSED] ComponentColumn with PartialViewResult, Replace Mode

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] ComponentColumn with PartialViewResult, Replace Mode


    I have a GridPanel with ComponentColumn, and I need to replace this GridPanel each times I click the button.
    But the problem is: the ComponentColumn disappears in the first click and all GridPanel disappears in the second click.

    The test code:

    public class TestController : Controller
            public ActionResult Index()
                var model = new TimeSpan(14, 14, 14);
                return View(model);
            public ActionResult ReLoad()
                return new PartialViewResult
                    ContainerId = "MyPanel",
                    RenderMode = RenderMode.Replace
    @model dynamic
        Layout = null;
        var datasource = new object[]
                        new { Column1 = "Text 1", Column2 = true },
                        new { Column1 = "Text 2", Column2 = false },
                        new { Column1 = "Text 3", Column2 = true },
                        new { Column1 = "Text 4", Column2 = false },
                        new { Column1 = "Text 5", Column2 = true },
                        new { Column1 = "Text 6", Column2 = false },
                        new { Column1 = "Text 7", Column2 = true },
                        new { Column1 = "Text 8", Column2 = false },
                        new { Column1 = "Text 9", Column2 = true }
          .DirectEvents(d =>
                  d.Click.Url = Url.Action("ReLoad");
                     .ColumnModel(c =>
    @model dynamic
        Layout = null;
        var datasource = new object[]
                        new { Column1 = "Text 1", Column2 = true },
                        new { Column1 = "Text 2", Column2 = false },
                        new { Column1 = "Text 3", Column2 = true },
                        new { Column1 = "Text 4", Column2 = false },
                        new { Column1 = "Text 5", Column2 = true },
                        new { Column1 = "Text 6", Column2 = false },
                        new { Column1 = "Text 7", Column2 = true },
                        new { Column1 = "Text 8", Column2 = false },
                        new { Column1 = "Text 9", Column2 = true }
                     .ColumnModel(c =>
    Do you have any idea to resolve this problem?
    Thank you in advance.
    Last edited by Daniil; Oct 24, 2013 at 12:58 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    Try to add the following overriding to Index.cshtml

        Ext.override(Ext.grid.column.ComponentColumn, {
            destroy: function () {
                var view = this.grid.getView(),
                    me = this;
                if (this.overComponent) {
                    delete this.overComponent;
                if (me.overOnly) {
                    me.view.un("beforerefresh", me.onBeforeRefresh, me);
                    me.view.un("beforeitemupdate", me.moveComponent, me);
                    me.view.un("beforeitemremove", me.moveComponent, me);
                    me.view.un("itemmouseenter", me.onItemMouseEnter, me);
                    me.view.un("itemmouseleave", me.onItemMouseLeave, me);
                } else {
                    me.view.un("beforerefresh", me.removeComponents, me);
                    me.view.un("refresh", me.insertComponents, me);
                    me.view.un("beforeitemupdate", me.removeComponent, me);
                    me.view.un("beforeitemremove", me.removeComponent, me);
                    me.view.un("itemadd", me.itemAdded, me);
                    me.view.un("itemupdate", me.itemUpdated, me);
                if (me.grid.isTree || me.grid.ownerLockable && me.grid.ownerLockable.isTree) {
                    me.grid.un("beforeitemcollapse", me.removeNodeComponents, me._cnrScope);
                    me.grid.un("beforeitemmove", me.removeNodeComponents, me._crScope);
                me.view.un("cellfocus", this.onFocusCell, this);
        Ext.net._renderTo = function (cfg, cmp) {
            if (cfg.mode == "item") {
                cfg.ct.insert(cfg.index, cmp);
            } else if (cfg.mode == "el") {
                if (Ext.isArray(cmp)) {
                    Ext.each(cmp, function (c) {
                        Ext.net._renderTo(cfg, c);
                cmp = Ext.ComponentManager.create(cmp);
                cmp.render(cfg.ct, cfg.position);
    We are investigating this issue.
    Last edited by Baidaly; Oct 11, 2013 at 10:21 PM.
  3. #3
    Thank you for your help. It works now
  4. #4
    Here is a slightly corrected fix.
    Ext.net._renderTo = function (cfg, cmp) {
        if (cfg.mode == "item") {
            cfg.ct.insert(cfg.index, cmp);
        } else if (cfg.mode == "el") {
            if (Ext.isArray(cmp)) {
                Ext.each(cmp, function (c) {
                    Ext.net._renderTo(cfg, c);
            } else {
                cmp = Ext.ComponentManager.create(cmp);
                cmp.render(cfg.ct, cfg.position);
    Committed to the trunk.

    Here I am demonstrating a bit different approaches. With this approaches you can avoid copying stuff in the main and partial views.

    1. ItemsFromPartial

    Main View
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Ext.Net.MVC v2 Example</title>
    Partial View
        var datasource = new object[]
                new { Column1 = "Text 1 " + DateTime.Now.Second, Column2 = true },
                new { Column1 = "Text 2", Column2 = false },
                new { Column1 = "Text 3", Column2 = true },
                new { Column1 = "Text 4", Column2 = false },
                new { Column1 = "Text 5", Column2 = true },
                new { Column1 = "Text 6", Column2 = false },
                new { Column1 = "Text 7", Column2 = true },
                new { Column1 = "Text 8", Column2 = false },
                new { Column1 = "Text 9", Column2 = true }
                .Fields(new string[] { "Column1", "Column2" })
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();
    public ActionResult ReLoad(string containerId)
        return new Ext.Net.MVC.PartialViewResult
            ContainerId = "MyPanel",
            RenderMode = RenderMode.AddTo,
            ClearContainer = true
    2. Using Loader

    Main View
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Ext.Net.MVC v2 Example</title>
                .Params(new Parameter() 
                    Name = "containerId",
                    Value = "this.id",
                    Mode = ParameterMode.Raw
    Partial View
        var datasource = new object[]
                new { Column1 = "Text 1 " + DateTime.Now.Second, Column2 = true },
                new { Column1 = "Text 2", Column2 = false },
                new { Column1 = "Text 3", Column2 = true },
                new { Column1 = "Text 4", Column2 = false },
                new { Column1 = "Text 5", Column2 = true },
                new { Column1 = "Text 6", Column2 = false },
                new { Column1 = "Text 7", Column2 = true },
                new { Column1 = "Text 8", Column2 = false },
                new { Column1 = "Text 9", Column2 = true }
                .Fields(new string[] { "Column1", "Column2" })
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();
    public ActionResult ReLoad(string containerId)
        return new Ext.Net.MVC.PartialViewResult
            ContainerId = containerId,
            RenderMode = RenderMode.AddTo,
            ClearContainer = true,
            WrapByScriptTag = false
  5. #5
    Thank you for your suggestion. You can close this thread.

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