[CLOSED] DataGrid - selecting first record does not set SelectedIndex

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] DataGrid - selecting first record does not set SelectedIndex


    We are having a DataGrid problem:
    When user selects first displayed item in the grid, the SelectedIndex value is not set correctly.
    When user selects any other item in the grid, the SelectedIndex value is set correctly.

    Please note that we have not been able to recreate this problem with test data.

    Here is the Page Source listing, created by running the page with the problem datagrid in Firefox and pressing CTL-U:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/stage/vaExt/extjs/resources/ext_theme_gray/ext-theme-gray-all-embedded-css/ext.axd?v=40838" id="ext-theme" />
        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/stage/vaExt/extnet/resources/css/extnet-all-embedded-css/ext.axd?v=40838" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/stage/vaExt/extjs/ext-all-js/ext.axd?v=40838"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/stage/vaExt/extnet/extnet-all-js/ext.axd?v=40838"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="VAStyle.css" />
        <script type="text/javascript">
            Ext.net.ResourceMgr.init({id:"rmModuleOpen",aspForm:"formModuleOpen",theme:"gray",appName:"stage/vaExt"});Ext.onReady(function(){Ext.create("Ext.net.Viewport",{id:"viewportVA",renderTo:Ext.get("formModuleOpen"),items:[],layout:"border"});Ext.net.Notification.show({"title":"ModuleOpen:Subscription Valid","html":" : NingID=3fl8yypivl6rh : ModuleID=AssignmentsSummary : UserName=jharris : Role=student","header":true});Ext.net.ResourceMgr.destroyCmp("App.panelExtNet");App.viewportVA.add({"id":"panelExtNet","baseCls":"ExtDetailPage","loader":{"id":"loaderPanelExtNet","loadMask":{"showMask":true},"renderer":"frame","url":"AssignmentsSummary.aspx"},"anchor":"true true","region":"center","layout":"fit"});});
        <form method="post" action="ModuleOpen.aspx?m=AssignmentsSummary" id="formModuleOpen">
    <div class="aspNetHidden">
    Here is the markup of the datagrid definition:

                    <ext:GridPanel ID="_grdAssignments" runat="server" 
                        Visible="true" Hidden="false" >
                            <ext:Store ID="_storeAssignments" runat="server" >
                                    <ext:Model ID="modelAssignments" runat="server" 
                                                    <ext:ModelField Name="AssignmentID" Type="Int" />
                                                    <ext:ModelField Name="TeacherStudentName" />
                                                    <ext:ModelField Name="Category" />
                                                    <ext:ModelField Name="Description" />
                                                    <ext:ModelField Name="DateAssigned" Type="Date" DateFormat= "c" />
                                                    <ext:ModelField Name="DateDue" Type="Date" DateFormat="c"/>
                                                    <ext:ModelField Name="Status" />
                                                    <ext:ModelField Name="CurrentUserName" />
                                                    <ext:ModelField Name="TeachersNotes" />
                                                    <ext:ModelField Name="StudentsNotes" />
                                                    <ext:ModelField Name="Student_People_id" Type="Int" />
                                                    <ext:ModelField Name="Teacher_People_id" Type="Int"/>
                                        <ext:Column ID="_colTeacherStudentName" runat="server" Text="TeacherStudentName" 
                                  DataIndex = "TeacherStudentName" Flex="90" />
                                        <ext:Column ID="_colCategory" runat="server" Text="Category" 
                                  DataIndex = "Category"  Flex="76" />
                                        <ext:Column ID="_colDescription" runat="server" Text="Description" 
                                  DataIndex = "Description" Flex="200" />
                      <ext:DateColumn ID="_colDateAssigned" runat="server" Text="Assigned"
                                  DataIndex = "DateAssigned"  Flex="65" Format="MM/dd/yyyy" />
                                        <ext:DateColumn ID="_colDateDue" runat="server" Text="Due" 
                                  DataIndex = "DateDue" Flex="65" Format="MM/dd/yyyy" />
                                        <ext:Column ID="_colStatus" runat="server" Text="Status" 
                                  DataIndex = "Status" Flex="70"  />
                                        <ext:Column ID="_colTeachersNotes" runat="server" Text="TeacherNotes" 
                                                        DataIndex = "TeachersNotes" Flex="5" Hidden="true" />
                                        <ext:Column ID="_colStudentsNotes" runat="server" Text="StudentNotes" 
                                                        DataIndex = "StudentsNotes" Flex="5" Hidden="true" />
                      <ext:Column ID="_colStudentPeopleID" runat="server" Text="Student ID" 
                                                        DataIndex = "Student_People_id" Flex="5" Hidden="true" />
                      <ext:Column ID="colTeacherPeopleID" runat="server" Text="Teacher ID" 
                                                        DataIndex = "Teacher_People_id" Flex="5" Hidden="true" />
                    <ext:RowSelectionModel ID="rsmAssignments" runat="server" Mode="Single">
                                <ext:GridView ID="GridView1" 
                                        EmptyText="No data to Display" />
    And here is the cs code that sets the grid properties, and the event function called when the user pressed the "Modify" button:
          // _grdAssignments
          this._grdAssignments.X = 16;
          this._grdAssignments.Y = 192;
          this._grdAssignments.ColumnLines = true;
          this._grdAssignments.AutoScroll = true;
          this._grdAssignments.Height = 400;
        protected void _btnModify_DirectClick(object sender, Ext.Net.DirectEventArgs e)
          //Make sure user has selected a record, then open detail page and populate with selection
          ext.MessageBoxConfig oMsg = new ext.MessageBoxConfig();
          oMsg.Cls = "ExtMessageBox";
          oMsg.Modal = true;
          oMsg.Closable = true;
          oMsg.Buttons = ext.MessageBox.Button.OK;
          ext.RowSelectionModel sm = this._grdAssignments.GetSelectionModel() as ext.RowSelectionModel;
          if (sm.SelectedIndex > 0)
            string json = e.ExtraParams["Values"];
            Dictionary<string, string>[] dicSelectedAssignment =
              JSON.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, string>[]>(json);
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (Dictionary<string, string> row in dicSelectedAssignment)
            oMsg.Icon = ext.MessageBox.Icon.WARNING;
            oMsg.Message = "Please select an assignment to MODIFY";
    When the above function is called after the user has selected the FIRST ROW, they get the warning message box
    When the above function is called after the user selects ANY OTHER ROW, they get the detailed screen

    Please note that this bug always applies to the FIRST DISPLAYED ROW, regardless of the sort.
    If the records are in order A, B, C then selecting the "A" record and trying to modify it gives the warning message
    If the records are in order C, B, A then the user can successfully select and modify record "A", but gets a warning message on record "C"
    Last edited by Daniil; Oct 18, 2013 at 4:38 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @VirtualArtists,

    Quote Originally Posted by VirtualArtists View Post
    When user selects first displayed item in the grid, the SelectedIndex value is not set correctly.
    What is the value there?
  3. #3
    The value is 0 (zero).
  4. #4

    Try to use getCurrentPosition method: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.1/#...urrentPosition

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by VirtualArtists View Post
    The value is 0 (zero).
    It is expected. Just zero-based indexing. "0" means that the first row is selected.

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