[CLOSED] GetRowClass and Selection

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] GetRowClass and Selection

    I have a GridPanel with the following selection model and View:

      <ext:RowSelectionModel ID="TypeSelectionModel" runat="server" Mode="Multi">
          <SelectionChange Fn="TypeSelector.SelectionChange" />
      <ext:GridView runat="server" LoadingText="Loading type data" StripeRows="true" TrackOver="true">
        <GetRowClass Fn="getRowClass" />
    TypeSelector.SelectionChange does not change the CSS class of the row.

    Before I added the "GetRowClass" item to the GridView, all selected rows changed color.

    getRowClass changes the background color of a row to yellow if it hasn't been updated (if it is marked "not updated").

    var getRowClass = function(record) {
      var notUpdated = record.get('NotUpdated");
      if (notUpdated) {return "not-updated";}
    Now, those rows that have a background color of yellow are not highlighted in any way if they are selected. Is there something I can add to the GridView to ensure that selected rows are highlighted a different shade of yellow from unhighlighted rows?


    Looking at it carefully, I get that it has something to do with the CSS .x- class selectors, e.g.,

    So, assuming that I am adding a class name

    in my getRowClass function if the NotUpdated field value is true, and that I have added the class

    .not-updated .x-grid-cell, .not-updated .x-grid-rowwrap-div 
       background-color: #FFFDD8 !important;
    to my style sheet, what class selectors would I need to add background-color styling information to for selected rows and hovered rows in a gridpanel?


    Last edited by ptrourke; Oct 09, 2013 at 6:14 PM.
  2. #2

    Got it

    With some guidance from Chris (including a pointer to one of his Ext.NET 1.0 forum postings), a little work with the "Inspect Element" feature in the Chrome debugger, and a little remedial reading on CSS class selectors, I figured this out:

    .not-updated .x-grid-cell, .is-updated .x-grid-rowwrap.div
    { background-color: #FFFDD8 !important;} 
    .not-updated.x-grid-row-selected .x-grid-cell
    { background-color: #FFFDD8 !important;} 
    .not-updated.x-grid-row-over .x-grid-cell
    { background-color: #D8FFFD !important;}
    The key is to make sure that two classes that are assigned to the same element do NOT have a space between them -
    , NOT
    .not-updated .x-grid-row-selected
    . Need to update my CSS skills some more.

    Thanks, please mark CLOSED.
    Last edited by ptrourke; Oct 09, 2013 at 5:56 PM.

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