Showing a value on a grid that doesn't belong to the associated store

  1. #1

    Showing a value on a grid that doesn't belong to the associated store

    Hi everyone,

    i have a problem using a grid. Maybe is a bit odd, but here it goes.

        public class Person
            public int ID { get; set; }
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public int IDCountry {get; set;}
        public class Country
            public int IDCountry { get; set; }
            public string CountryName { get; set; }

    Let's assume i have this 2 classes. On my aspx, i have a store that receives a datasource, List<Person>.
    In the grid that uses that store, how can i show the countryName instead of the countryID that is associated with that person?

    In trying to use <Renderer> to call an Ajax function that receives the ID and return either de countryName or the whole Country obj. Like in the example, i can make a Ext.Ms appear afer de responser from the server, but i can write the country name on the column.

    Any ideas?

    Nuno Santos

  2. #2

    RE: Showing a value on a grid that doesn't belong to the associated store

  3. #3

    RE: Showing a value on a grid that doesn't belong to the associated store

    Hi Vladimir,

    fast reply. :)

    I miss that example completely.

    I try to reproduce that making the changes for my case, but i get an error in javascript, saying that the StoreCombo is not defined ( on the Fn function).

    Can you help me?

    Nuno Santos
  4. #4

    RE: Showing a value on a grid that doesn't belong to the associated store

    You need define own *store which contains Countries*
  5. #5

    RE: Showing a value on a grid that doesn't belong to the associated store


    I did and the error occurs when the javascript try to get the country by id.

  6. #6

    RE: Showing a value on a grid that doesn't belong to the associated store


    I solved this problem.

    Instead of having a function, i wrote all the code in the handler itself, taking advantage of the #{} syntax.

    So, may handler look like this:

    <Renderer Handler="var r = #{StoreCountry}.getById(value); return Ext.isEmpty(r) ? '':;" />

    If someone have the same problem, this solution is working for me.

    Nevertheless thanks very much Vladimir for putting me on the right track.

    Nuno Santos

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