turning off ControlsScripting

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  1. #11
    Is there some nightly build for Ext.net library?
    Latest source code is available in SVN for premium members only

    And when the new version will be available publically?
    I don't know exactly date but hope soon
  2. #12
    Hm, I've just realized that the amount of data sent to the client is pretty the same with old code in v1.x and new code rewritten to use of hidden in v2.2.
    It seems that you've changed the visibility rules in v2.x because switching back to tab1 and setting Visible to false of content on tab2 will render that content as hidden contrary to the v2.x where it is not rendered at all! So it looks like Visible property in v1.x behaves just like Hidden property... And it seems that I can just rewrite everything to use Hidden property safely (and since tab switching automatically hides the content - make the code simplier). Am I right?

    Also I hope that the new version of Ext.net will fix the strange problem with Visible property.

    BTW, I tried to rewrite viewPanel to be in the window and tried to reload grid with
    							<Close After="LoadGrid">
    								<EventMask Msg="Loading ..." ShowMask="true" CustomTarget="#{gridPanel5}" />
    but it is not fired upon closing the window by pressing the "X". What's wrong?
  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Hlodvig View Post
    And it seems that I can just rewrite everything to use Hidden property safely (and since tab switching automatically hides the content - make the code simplier).
    Ha, I can't use Hidden property on panel's children elements because they're user controls inside of tab panel which are hidden/shown and since they're inherited from Web.UI.UserControl, they do not have Hidden property - only Visible property. And I have to use UpdateContent because the content is not re-rendered without it. And it is not working.

    So having the tab panel with several user controls I want to toggle visibility of them. How such thing should be coded with Ext.net bugs-free granted? :-)

    control1.Visible = false;
    control2.Visible = true;
    control1.Visible = false;
    control2.Visible = true;
    X.ConstrolsScripting = false;
    X.ConstrolsScripting = true;
    or something else like wrapping each control into it's own container and controlling the container visibility or implementing the HideControl method which will make the panel inside of the control hidden?
  4. #14
    Ha, I can't use Hidden property on panel's children elements because they're user controls inside of tab panel which are hidden/shown and since they're inherited from Web.UI.UserControl, they do not have Hidden property - only Visible property.
    Just wrap user controls by Ext.Net container

    To use or not to use ControlScripting depends on what LoadData do
  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Vladimir View Post
    Just wrap user controls by Ext.Net container

    To use or not to use ControlScripting depends on what LoadData do
    Wrapping every user control used is somewhat ... well, it works, but it is not pretty solution.
    We decided to stick with v1.3.
    BTW, is older versions available? Maybe we can take some version not so different from v1.3 but with some improvements?
  6. #16
    Unfortunately, user control is sever side only paradigm. Therefore Hidden should be applied for one of parent container (or for each top level Ext.Net control of user control)

    Maybe we can take some version not so different from v1.3 but with some improvements?
    You can download the official Ext.NET Pro v1.7.0 release package from the following location:http://ext.net/archives/1-7-0/Ext.NET.Pro.1.7.0.zip

    Or, instal using NuGet
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